Gives you more control over Twitter and adds missing features and UI improvements
These are versions of this script where the code was updated. Show all versions.
• Added more contrast/branding colour tweaks for the new layout• Fixed the Grok Profile Summary button in user hovercards not being hidden if "Premium blue checks" is set to "Do nothing"• Fixed double primary column left border when navigation is expanded in the new layout• Fixed Japanese "What's happening?" translation
• Fixed the Grok drawer animation sometimes being visible when hiding Grok• Fixed premium upsells sometimes being visible in your own profile page on mobile• Fixed hiding the new Radar premium upsell in Search results• Fixed the new Radar premium upsell breaking display of Search filters when hiding sidebar contents• Enabled use of the experimental "Tweak new layout" option on mobile, as the new layout affects mobile too• Added some initial tweaks for the new layout on mobile• Removed restoring the notification count on desktop from new layout tweaks, as Twitter fixed this
• Added an experimental "Tweak new layout" option for people who have the new Twitter layout on desktop to try• Added support for hiding items in the new layout's More dialog• Fixed styling of the separated Retweets/Quote Tweets tab with the new layout• Fixed styling of hidden tabs with the new layout• Added restoring the "What's happening?" placeholder in the desktop timeline Tweet box• Hide the Grok summary at the top of search results
• Hide another new Grok button in user profiles
• Hide the new Grok drawer on desktop• Hide the new "Radar" Premium upsell in Search on desktop
Fix layout issue in the Home timeline when hiding the For you timeline, but not hiding Grok suggestions in Tweets
• Hide suggested Grok prompts in Tweets• Changed how Tweets are hidden to also hide the new separator between them
Replace daruma version of X logo (Japan-only)
Hide Grok "Profile Summary" button in user hovercards on desktop
Hide the Grok "Generate image" button which was added to the Tweet editor
Hide the Grok Actions button in focused Tweets
Fixed the high contrast magenta dark mode theme colour
Improvements when restoring the theme colour for Tweet buttons
Restore the theme color for Tweet buttons as part of the "Replace X branding changes" option
Hide new Analytics menu item, which is a Premium upsell
Fixed hiding Tweets from muted/blocked users in threads when using Twitter
Options changes
Hide new Jobs nav item on mobile
Fixed always attempting to sort replies in the media modal timeline on desktop
Hid a new Premium upsell in the mobile timeline header
Added an option to set your preferred default for sorting replies
- Hiding upsells now hides the new "Get verified" button in your own profile
• Fixed hiding "Subscriber" indicators in replies from subscribers• Fixed handling the Subscribers tab in a user's followers/following page• Fixed fallback font for custom content when the main font rule isn't found• Fixed hiding the "Yeah! for Twitter" button on desktop when using that extension
• Fixed switching between tabs on the Home timeline, after Twitter changed the timeline structure• Fixed redirecting away from the Home timeline when you've disabled it
• Added a new option: Unblur sensitive content• Added a workaround for a current Twitter bug which causes the page title to "stick" after you view a user profile, breaking our page change detection
• The Communities bottom nav item can now be hidden on mobile• Fixed themed Follow/Follwing buttons, which were always yellow after the migration to• Fixed an error handling user profile pages, whose initial content is now rendered asynchronously• Fixed Twitter terminology being used in a few places when "Replace X branding changes" is off
• Added permissions for URLs• Fixed hiding the Highlight upsell button when pinning a Tweet
• Added an option to hide the new Create your Space nav item on desktop• Hide a Premium upsell on the Likes tab in your own profile• Don't hide the bookmark button on the Bookmarks page, so you can un-bookmark• Fixed restoring Quote Tweets and other interaction links under Tweets• Fixed hiding Reply, Like, Retweet and Bookmark metrics under Tweets• Fixed the "Post" button not being replaced with "Tweet" in the Tweet editor• Fixed the Remove button being hidden after adding Alt text to an image in the Tweet composer, when hiding the Bookmark button under Tweets
• Added an option to hide Jobs (enabled by default)• Added a "Show under focused tweets" sub-option to "Hide Bookmark button under tweets", which lets you show the bookmark button under focused tweets while hiding it elsewhere• Added a "Number of followers" sub-option to "Show people with over 1 million followers", which lets you show replies from people with 1K, 10K or 100K followers instead, as Premium is now being forced on certain users• Hide Premium upsells now hides the Highlights and Articles tabs in your own profile if you're not subscribed to Premium• Simplified the name of the option which hides sidebar contents to just "Hide sidebar contents"• Renamed a number of "Twitter Blue" options to "Premium"• Fixed getting Tweet and user info from React state - fixes restoring links under Tweets and showing/hiding blue check replies based on follower count
• Added an option to hide all inline prompts in the timeline (enabled by default)• Fixed the "Post" button not being replaced with "Tweet" in the Tweet editor• Changed the selectors for hiding Premium/Verified nav items to be less specific, as these URLs keep changing
Hide the Ads nav item
When restoring headlines, hide the "From" link Twitter added after link cards
Fixed replacing the Home icon after the new icon was changed
Fixed link headlines not being restored in Notifications
Added an option to restore headlines under external links with large media cards (enabled by default)
Fixed desktop modal timeline handling
Show all script versions