Assassinate Ad Block Blockers

You know those annoying content blockers that demand you remove your AdBlock so you can read the content? This script removes them by force. Please note, this is not automatically universal like AdBlock Plus. It operates on a per-site basis that the author must add.

Filter: Last 30 days Last 365 days All time

Daily installs

Weekly installs

Daily update checks

Raw data

Date Installs Update checks
2024-06-13 17 1,847
2024-06-14 14 1,817
2024-06-15 24 1,645
2024-06-16 12 1,654
2024-06-17 12 1,847
2024-06-18 11 1,837
2024-06-19 11 1,817
2024-06-20 23 1,818
2024-06-21 18 1,767
2024-06-22 12 1,679
2024-06-23 11 1,669
2024-06-24 19 1,845
2024-06-25 11 1,822
2024-06-26 11 1,790
2024-06-27 22 1,819
2024-06-28 18 1,698
2024-06-29 8 1,610
2024-06-30 17 1,669
2024-07-01 10 1,777
2024-07-02 15 1,803
2024-07-03 15 1,816
2024-07-04 8 1,739
2024-07-05 11 1,729
2024-07-06 16 1,598
2024-07-07 18 1,643
2024-07-08 9 1,809
2024-07-09 12 1,824
2024-07-10 19 1,810
2024-07-11 12 1,783
2024-07-12 3 264
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