

var app = (function () {
    'use strict';

    function noop() { }
    const identity = x => x;
    function run(fn) {
        return fn();
    function blank_object() {
        return Object.create(null);
    function run_all(fns) {
    function is_function(thing) {
        return typeof thing === 'function';
    function safe_not_equal(a, b) {
        return a != a ? b == b : a !== b || ((a && typeof a === 'object') || typeof a === 'function');
    function is_empty(obj) {
        return Object.keys(obj).length === 0;
    function subscribe(store, ...callbacks) {
        if (store == null) {
            return noop;
        const unsub = store.subscribe(...callbacks);
        return unsub.unsubscribe ? () => unsub.unsubscribe() : unsub;
    function get_store_value(store) {
        let value;
        subscribe(store, _ => value = _)();
        return value;
    function component_subscribe(component, store, callback) {
        component.$$.on_destroy.push(subscribe(store, callback));

    const is_client = typeof window !== 'undefined';
    let now = is_client
        ? () => window.performance.now()
        : () => Date.now();
    let raf = is_client ? cb => requestAnimationFrame(cb) : noop;

    const tasks = new Set();
    function run_tasks(now) {
        tasks.forEach(task => {
            if (!task.c(now)) {
        if (tasks.size !== 0)
     * Creates a new task that runs on each raf frame
     * until it returns a falsy value or is aborted
    function loop(callback) {
        let task;
        if (tasks.size === 0)
        return {
            promise: new Promise(fulfill => {
                tasks.add(task = { c: callback, f: fulfill });
            abort() {

    // Track which nodes are claimed during hydration. Unclaimed nodes can then be removed from the DOM
    // at the end of hydration without touching the remaining nodes.
    let is_hydrating = false;
    function start_hydrating() {
        is_hydrating = true;
    function end_hydrating() {
        is_hydrating = false;
    function upper_bound(low, high, key, value) {
        // Return first index of value larger than input value in the range [low, high)
        while (low < high) {
            const mid = low + ((high - low) >> 1);
            if (key(mid) <= value) {
                low = mid + 1;
            else {
                high = mid;
        return low;
    function init_hydrate(target) {
        if (target.hydrate_init)
        target.hydrate_init = true;
        // We know that all children have claim_order values since the unclaimed have been detached
        const children = target.childNodes;
        * Reorder claimed children optimally.
        * We can reorder claimed children optimally by finding the longest subsequence of
        * nodes that are already claimed in order and only moving the rest. The longest
        * subsequence subsequence of nodes that are claimed in order can be found by
        * computing the longest increasing subsequence of .claim_order values.
        * This algorithm is optimal in generating the least amount of reorder operations
        * possible.
        * Proof:
        * We know that, given a set of reordering operations, the nodes that do not move
        * always form an increasing subsequence, since they do not move among each other
        * meaning that they must be already ordered among each other. Thus, the maximal
        * set of nodes that do not move form a longest increasing subsequence.
        // Compute longest increasing subsequence
        // m: subsequence length j => index k of smallest value that ends an increasing subsequence of length j
        const m = new Int32Array(children.length + 1);
        // Predecessor indices + 1
        const p = new Int32Array(children.length);
        m[0] = -1;
        let longest = 0;
        for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
            const current = children[i].claim_order;
            // Find the largest subsequence length such that it ends in a value less than our current value
            // upper_bound returns first greater value, so we subtract one
            const seqLen = upper_bound(1, longest + 1, idx => children[m[idx]].claim_order, current) - 1;
            p[i] = m[seqLen] + 1;
            const newLen = seqLen + 1;
            // We can guarantee that current is the smallest value. Otherwise, we would have generated a longer sequence.
            m[newLen] = i;
            longest = Math.max(newLen, longest);
        // The longest increasing subsequence of nodes (initially reversed)
        const lis = [];
        // The rest of the nodes, nodes that will be moved
        const toMove = [];
        let last = children.length - 1;
        for (let cur = m[longest] + 1; cur != 0; cur = p[cur - 1]) {
            lis.push(children[cur - 1]);
            for (; last >= cur; last--) {
        for (; last >= 0; last--) {
        // We sort the nodes being moved to guarantee that their insertion order matches the claim order
        toMove.sort((a, b) => a.claim_order - b.claim_order);
        // Finally, we move the nodes
        for (let i = 0, j = 0; i < toMove.length; i++) {
            while (j < lis.length && toMove[i].claim_order >= lis[j].claim_order) {
            const anchor = j < lis.length ? lis[j] : null;
            target.insertBefore(toMove[i], anchor);
    function append(target, node) {
        if (is_hydrating) {
            if ((target.actual_end_child === undefined) || ((target.actual_end_child !== null) && (target.actual_end_child.parentElement !== target))) {
                target.actual_end_child = target.firstChild;
            if (node !== target.actual_end_child) {
                target.insertBefore(node, target.actual_end_child);
            else {
                target.actual_end_child = node.nextSibling;
        else if (node.parentNode !== target) {
    function insert(target, node, anchor) {
        if (is_hydrating && !anchor) {
            append(target, node);
        else if (node.parentNode !== target || (anchor && node.nextSibling !== anchor)) {
            target.insertBefore(node, anchor || null);
    function detach(node) {
    function destroy_each(iterations, detaching) {
        for (let i = 0; i < iterations.length; i += 1) {
            if (iterations[i])
    function element(name) {
        return document.createElement(name);
    function text(data) {
        return document.createTextNode(data);
    function space() {
        return text(' ');
    function listen(node, event, handler, options) {
        node.addEventListener(event, handler, options);
        return () => node.removeEventListener(event, handler, options);
    function attr(node, attribute, value) {
        if (value == null)
        else if (node.getAttribute(attribute) !== value)
            node.setAttribute(attribute, value);
    function children(element) {
        return Array.from(element.childNodes);
    function set_data(text, data) {
        data = '' + data;
        if (text.wholeText !== data)
            text.data = data;
    function set_input_value(input, value) {
        input.value = value == null ? '' : value;
    function set_style(node, key, value, important) {
        node.style.setProperty(key, value, important ? 'important' : '');
    function custom_event(type, detail) {
        const e = document.createEvent('CustomEvent');
        e.initCustomEvent(type, false, false, detail);
        return e;
    class HtmlTag {
        constructor(claimed_nodes) {
            this.e = this.n = null;
            this.l = claimed_nodes;
        m(html, target, anchor = null) {
            if (!this.e) {
                this.e = element(target.nodeName);
                this.t = target;
                if (this.l) {
                    this.n = this.l;
                else {
        h(html) {
            this.e.innerHTML = html;
            this.n = Array.from(this.e.childNodes);
        i(anchor) {
            for (let i = 0; i < this.n.length; i += 1) {
                insert(this.t, this.n[i], anchor);
        p(html) {
        d() {

    const active_docs = new Set();
    let active = 0;
    // https://github.com/darkskyapp/string-hash/blob/master/index.js
    function hash(str) {
        let hash = 5381;
        let i = str.length;
        while (i--)
            hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) ^ str.charCodeAt(i);
        return hash >>> 0;
    function create_rule(node, a, b, duration, delay, ease, fn, uid = 0) {
        const step = 16.666 / duration;
        let keyframes = '{\n';
        for (let p = 0; p <= 1; p += step) {
            const t = a + (b - a) * ease(p);
            keyframes += p * 100 + `%{${fn(t, 1 - t)}}\n`;
        const rule = keyframes + `100% {${fn(b, 1 - b)}}\n}`;
        const name = `__svelte_${hash(rule)}_${uid}`;
        const doc = node.ownerDocument;
        const stylesheet = doc.__svelte_stylesheet || (doc.__svelte_stylesheet = doc.head.appendChild(element('style')).sheet);
        const current_rules = doc.__svelte_rules || (doc.__svelte_rules = {});
        if (!current_rules[name]) {
            current_rules[name] = true;
            stylesheet.insertRule(`@keyframes ${name} ${rule}`, stylesheet.cssRules.length);
        const animation = node.style.animation || '';
        node.style.animation = `${animation ? `${animation}, ` : ''}${name} ${duration}ms linear ${delay}ms 1 both`;
        active += 1;
        return name;
    function delete_rule(node, name) {
        const previous = (node.style.animation || '').split(', ');
        const next = previous.filter(name
            ? anim => anim.indexOf(name) < 0 // remove specific animation
            : anim => anim.indexOf('__svelte') === -1 // remove all Svelte animations
        const deleted = previous.length - next.length;
        if (deleted) {
            node.style.animation = next.join(', ');
            active -= deleted;
            if (!active)
    function clear_rules() {
        raf(() => {
            if (active)
            active_docs.forEach(doc => {
                const stylesheet = doc.__svelte_stylesheet;
                let i = stylesheet.cssRules.length;
                while (i--)
                doc.__svelte_rules = {};

    function create_animation(node, from, fn, params) {
        if (!from)
            return noop;
        const to = node.getBoundingClientRect();
        if (from.left === to.left && from.right === to.right && from.top === to.top && from.bottom === to.bottom)
            return noop;
        const { delay = 0, duration = 300, easing = identity, 
        // @ts-ignore todo: should this be separated from destructuring? Or start/end added to public api and documentation?
        start: start_time = now() + delay, 
        // @ts-ignore todo:
        end = start_time + duration, tick = noop, css } = fn(node, { from, to }, params);
        let running = true;
        let started = false;
        let name;
        function start() {
            if (css) {
                name = create_rule(node, 0, 1, duration, delay, easing, css);
            if (!delay) {
                started = true;
        function stop() {
            if (css)
                delete_rule(node, name);
            running = false;
        loop(now => {
            if (!started && now >= start_time) {
                started = true;
            if (started && now >= end) {
                tick(1, 0);
            if (!running) {
                return false;
            if (started) {
                const p = now - start_time;
                const t = 0 + 1 * easing(p / duration);
                tick(t, 1 - t);
            return true;
        tick(0, 1);
        return stop;
    function fix_position(node) {
        const style = getComputedStyle(node);
        if (style.position !== 'absolute' && style.position !== 'fixed') {
            const { width, height } = style;
            const a = node.getBoundingClientRect();
            node.style.position = 'absolute';
            node.style.width = width;
            node.style.height = height;
            add_transform(node, a);
    function add_transform(node, a) {
        const b = node.getBoundingClientRect();
        if (a.left !== b.left || a.top !== b.top) {
            const style = getComputedStyle(node);
            const transform = style.transform === 'none' ? '' : style.transform;
            node.style.transform = `${transform} translate(${a.left - b.left}px, ${a.top - b.top}px)`;

    let current_component;
    function set_current_component(component) {
        current_component = component;
    function get_current_component() {
        if (!current_component)
            throw new Error('Function called outside component initialization');
        return current_component;
    function createEventDispatcher() {
        const component = get_current_component();
        return (type, detail) => {
            const callbacks = component.$$.callbacks[type];
            if (callbacks) {
                // TODO are there situations where events could be dispatched
                // in a server (non-DOM) environment?
                const event = custom_event(type, detail);
                callbacks.slice().forEach(fn => {
                    fn.call(component, event);

    const dirty_components = [];
    const binding_callbacks = [];
    const render_callbacks = [];
    const flush_callbacks = [];
    const resolved_promise = Promise.resolve();
    let update_scheduled = false;
    function schedule_update() {
        if (!update_scheduled) {
            update_scheduled = true;
    function add_render_callback(fn) {
    function add_flush_callback(fn) {
    let flushing = false;
    const seen_callbacks = new Set();
    function flush() {
        if (flushing)
        flushing = true;
        do {
            // first, call beforeUpdate functions
            // and update components
            for (let i = 0; i < dirty_components.length; i += 1) {
                const component = dirty_components[i];
            dirty_components.length = 0;
            while (binding_callbacks.length)
            // then, once components are updated, call
            // afterUpdate functions. This may cause
            // subsequent updates...
            for (let i = 0; i < render_callbacks.length; i += 1) {
                const callback = render_callbacks[i];
                if (!seen_callbacks.has(callback)) {
                    // ...so guard against infinite loops
            render_callbacks.length = 0;
        } while (dirty_components.length);
        while (flush_callbacks.length) {
        update_scheduled = false;
        flushing = false;
    function update($$) {
        if ($$.fragment !== null) {
            const dirty = $$.dirty;
            $$.dirty = [-1];
            $$.fragment && $$.fragment.p($$.ctx, dirty);

    let promise;
    function wait() {
        if (!promise) {
            promise = Promise.resolve();
            promise.then(() => {
                promise = null;
        return promise;
    function dispatch(node, direction, kind) {
        node.dispatchEvent(custom_event(`${direction ? 'intro' : 'outro'}${kind}`));
    const outroing = new Set();
    let outros;
    function group_outros() {
        outros = {
            r: 0,
            c: [],
            p: outros // parent group
    function check_outros() {
        if (!outros.r) {
        outros = outros.p;
    function transition_in(block, local) {
        if (block && block.i) {
    function transition_out(block, local, detach, callback) {
        if (block && block.o) {
            if (outroing.has(block))
            outros.c.push(() => {
                if (callback) {
                    if (detach)
    const null_transition = { duration: 0 };
    function create_bidirectional_transition(node, fn, params, intro) {
        let config = fn(node, params);
        let t = intro ? 0 : 1;
        let running_program = null;
        let pending_program = null;
        let animation_name = null;
        function clear_animation() {
            if (animation_name)
                delete_rule(node, animation_name);
        function init(program, duration) {
            const d = program.b - t;
            duration *= Math.abs(d);
            return {
                a: t,
                b: program.b,
                start: program.start,
                end: program.start + duration,
                group: program.group
        function go(b) {
            const { delay = 0, duration = 300, easing = identity, tick = noop, css } = config || null_transition;
            const program = {
                start: now() + delay,
            if (!b) {
                // @ts-ignore todo: improve typings
                program.group = outros;
                outros.r += 1;
            if (running_program || pending_program) {
                pending_program = program;
            else {
                // if this is an intro, and there's a delay, we need to do
                // an initial tick and/or apply CSS animation immediately
                if (css) {
                    animation_name = create_rule(node, t, b, duration, delay, easing, css);
                if (b)
                    tick(0, 1);
                running_program = init(program, duration);
                add_render_callback(() => dispatch(node, b, 'start'));
                loop(now => {
                    if (pending_program && now > pending_program.start) {
                        running_program = init(pending_program, duration);
                        pending_program = null;
                        dispatch(node, running_program.b, 'start');
                        if (css) {
                            animation_name = create_rule(node, t, running_program.b, running_program.duration, 0, easing, config.css);
                    if (running_program) {
                        if (now >= running_program.end) {
                            tick(t = running_program.b, 1 - t);
                            dispatch(node, running_program.b, 'end');
                            if (!pending_program) {
                                // we're done
                                if (running_program.b) {
                                    // intro — we can tidy up immediately
                                else {
                                    // outro — needs to be coordinated
                                    if (!--running_program.group.r)
                            running_program = null;
                        else if (now >= running_program.start) {
                            const p = now - running_program.start;
                            t = running_program.a + running_program.d * easing(p / running_program.duration);
                            tick(t, 1 - t);
                    return !!(running_program || pending_program);
        return {
            run(b) {
                if (is_function(config)) {
                    wait().then(() => {
                        // @ts-ignore
                        config = config();
                else {
            end() {
                running_program = pending_program = null;

    function destroy_block(block, lookup) {
    function outro_and_destroy_block(block, lookup) {
        transition_out(block, 1, 1, () => {
    function fix_and_outro_and_destroy_block(block, lookup) {
        outro_and_destroy_block(block, lookup);
    function update_keyed_each(old_blocks, dirty, get_key, dynamic, ctx, list, lookup, node, destroy, create_each_block, next, get_context) {
        let o = old_blocks.length;
        let n = list.length;
        let i = o;
        const old_indexes = {};
        while (i--)
            old_indexes[old_blocks[i].key] = i;
        const new_blocks = [];
        const new_lookup = new Map();
        const deltas = new Map();
        i = n;
        while (i--) {
            const child_ctx = get_context(ctx, list, i);
            const key = get_key(child_ctx);
            let block = lookup.get(key);
            if (!block) {
                block = create_each_block(key, child_ctx);
            else if (dynamic) {
                block.p(child_ctx, dirty);
            new_lookup.set(key, new_blocks[i] = block);
            if (key in old_indexes)
                deltas.set(key, Math.abs(i - old_indexes[key]));
        const will_move = new Set();
        const did_move = new Set();
        function insert(block) {
            transition_in(block, 1);
            block.m(node, next);
            lookup.set(block.key, block);
            next = block.first;
        while (o && n) {
            const new_block = new_blocks[n - 1];
            const old_block = old_blocks[o - 1];
            const new_key = new_block.key;
            const old_key = old_block.key;
            if (new_block === old_block) {
                // do nothing
                next = new_block.first;
            else if (!new_lookup.has(old_key)) {
                // remove old block
                destroy(old_block, lookup);
            else if (!lookup.has(new_key) || will_move.has(new_key)) {
            else if (did_move.has(old_key)) {
            else if (deltas.get(new_key) > deltas.get(old_key)) {
            else {
        while (o--) {
            const old_block = old_blocks[o];
            if (!new_lookup.has(old_block.key))
                destroy(old_block, lookup);
        while (n)
            insert(new_blocks[n - 1]);
        return new_blocks;

    function bind(component, name, callback) {
        const index = component.$$.props[name];
        if (index !== undefined) {
            component.$$.bound[index] = callback;
    function create_component(block) {
        block && block.c();
    function mount_component(component, target, anchor, customElement) {
        const { fragment, on_mount, on_destroy, after_update } = component.$$;
        fragment && fragment.m(target, anchor);
        if (!customElement) {
            // onMount happens before the initial afterUpdate
            add_render_callback(() => {
                const new_on_destroy = on_mount.map(run).filter(is_function);
                if (on_destroy) {
                else {
                    // Edge case - component was destroyed immediately,
                    // most likely as a result of a binding initialising
                component.$$.on_mount = [];
    function destroy_component(component, detaching) {
        const $$ = component.$$;
        if ($$.fragment !== null) {
            $$.fragment && $$.fragment.d(detaching);
            // TODO null out other refs, including component.$$ (but need to
            // preserve final state?)
            $$.on_destroy = $$.fragment = null;
            $$.ctx = [];
    function make_dirty(component, i) {
        if (component.$$.dirty[0] === -1) {
        component.$$.dirty[(i / 31) | 0] |= (1 << (i % 31));
    function init(component, options, instance, create_fragment, not_equal, props, dirty = [-1]) {
        const parent_component = current_component;
        const $$ = component.$$ = {
            fragment: null,
            ctx: null,
            // state
            update: noop,
            bound: blank_object(),
            // lifecycle
            on_mount: [],
            on_destroy: [],
            on_disconnect: [],
            before_update: [],
            after_update: [],
            context: new Map(parent_component ? parent_component.$$.context : options.context || []),
            // everything else
            callbacks: blank_object(),
            skip_bound: false
        let ready = false;
        $$.ctx = instance
            ? instance(component, options.props || {}, (i, ret, ...rest) => {
                const value = rest.length ? rest[0] : ret;
                if ($$.ctx && not_equal($$.ctx[i], $$.ctx[i] = value)) {
                    if (!$$.skip_bound && $$.bound[i])
                    if (ready)
                        make_dirty(component, i);
                return ret;
            : [];
        ready = true;
        // `false` as a special case of no DOM component
        $$.fragment = create_fragment ? create_fragment($$.ctx) : false;
        if (options.target) {
            if (options.hydrate) {
                const nodes = children(options.target);
                // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
                $$.fragment && $$.fragment.l(nodes);
            else {
                // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
                $$.fragment && $$.fragment.c();
            if (options.intro)
            mount_component(component, options.target, options.anchor, options.customElement);
     * Base class for Svelte components. Used when dev=false.
    class SvelteComponent {
        $destroy() {
            destroy_component(this, 1);
            this.$destroy = noop;
        $on(type, callback) {
            const callbacks = (this.$$.callbacks[type] || (this.$$.callbacks[type] = []));
            return () => {
                const index = callbacks.indexOf(callback);
                if (index !== -1)
                    callbacks.splice(index, 1);
        $set($$props) {
            if (this.$$set && !is_empty($$props)) {
                this.$$.skip_bound = true;
                this.$$.skip_bound = false;

    const subscriber_queue = [];
     * Creates a `Readable` store that allows reading by subscription.
     * @param value initial value
     * @param {StartStopNotifier}start start and stop notifications for subscriptions
    function readable(value, start) {
        return {
            subscribe: writable(value, start).subscribe
     * Create a `Writable` store that allows both updating and reading by subscription.
     * @param {*=}value initial value
     * @param {StartStopNotifier=}start start and stop notifications for subscriptions
    function writable(value, start = noop) {
        let stop;
        const subscribers = [];
        function set(new_value) {
            if (safe_not_equal(value, new_value)) {
                value = new_value;
                if (stop) { // store is ready
                    const run_queue = !subscriber_queue.length;
                    for (let i = 0; i < subscribers.length; i += 1) {
                        const s = subscribers[i];
                        subscriber_queue.push(s, value);
                    if (run_queue) {
                        for (let i = 0; i < subscriber_queue.length; i += 2) {
                            subscriber_queue[i][0](subscriber_queue[i + 1]);
                        subscriber_queue.length = 0;
        function update(fn) {
        function subscribe(run, invalidate = noop) {
            const subscriber = [run, invalidate];
            if (subscribers.length === 1) {
                stop = start(set) || noop;
            return () => {
                const index = subscribers.indexOf(subscriber);
                if (index !== -1) {
                    subscribers.splice(index, 1);
                if (subscribers.length === 0) {
                    stop = null;
        return { set, update, subscribe };
    function derived(stores, fn, initial_value) {
        const single = !Array.isArray(stores);
        const stores_array = single
            ? [stores]
            : stores;
        const auto = fn.length < 2;
        return readable(initial_value, (set) => {
            let inited = false;
            const values = [];
            let pending = 0;
            let cleanup = noop;
            const sync = () => {
                if (pending) {
                const result = fn(single ? values[0] : values, set);
                if (auto) {
                else {
                    cleanup = is_function(result) ? result : noop;
            const unsubscribers = stores_array.map((store, i) => subscribe(store, (value) => {
                values[i] = value;
                pending &= ~(1 << i);
                if (inited) {
            }, () => {
                pending |= (1 << i);
            inited = true;
            return function stop() {

     * Make a map and return a function for checking if a key
     * is in that map.
     * IMPORTANT: all calls of this function must be prefixed with
     * \/\*#\_\_PURE\_\_\*\/
     * So that rollup can tree-shake them if necessary.
    function makeMap(str, expectsLowerCase) {
        const map = Object.create(null);
        const list = str.split(',');
        for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
            map[list[i]] = true;
        return expectsLowerCase ? val => !!map[val.toLowerCase()] : val => !!map[val];

    const GLOBALS_WHITE_LISTED = 'Infinity,undefined,NaN,isFinite,isNaN,parseFloat,parseInt,decodeURI,' +
        'decodeURIComponent,encodeURI,encodeURIComponent,Math,Number,Date,Array,' +
    const isGloballyWhitelisted = /*#__PURE__*/ makeMap(GLOBALS_WHITE_LISTED);
    const EMPTY_OBJ = {};
    const NOOP = () => { };
    const extend = Object.assign;
    const remove = (arr, el) => {
        const i = arr.indexOf(el);
        if (i > -1) {
            arr.splice(i, 1);
    const hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
    const hasOwn = (val, key) => hasOwnProperty.call(val, key);
    const isArray = Array.isArray;
    const isMap = (val) => toTypeString(val) === '[object Map]';
    const isSet = (val) => toTypeString(val) === '[object Set]';
    const isFunction = (val) => typeof val === 'function';
    const isString = (val) => typeof val === 'string';
    const isSymbol = (val) => typeof val === 'symbol';
    const isObject = (val) => val !== null && typeof val === 'object';
    const isPromise = (val) => {
        return isObject(val) && isFunction(val.then) && isFunction(val.catch);
    const objectToString = Object.prototype.toString;
    const toTypeString = (value) => objectToString.call(value);
    const toRawType = (value) => {
        // extract "RawType" from strings like "[object RawType]"
        return toTypeString(value).slice(8, -1);
    const isPlainObject = (val) => toTypeString(val) === '[object Object]';
    const isIntegerKey = (key) => isString(key) &&
        key !== 'NaN' &&
        key[0] !== '-' &&
        '' + parseInt(key, 10) === key;
    // compare whether a value has changed, accounting for NaN.
    const hasChanged = (value, oldValue) => value !== oldValue && (value === value || oldValue === oldValue);

    const targetMap = new WeakMap();
    const effectStack = [];
    let activeEffect;
    const ITERATE_KEY = Symbol('');
    const MAP_KEY_ITERATE_KEY = Symbol('');
    function isEffect(fn) {
        return fn && fn._isEffect === true;
    function effect(fn, options = EMPTY_OBJ) {
        if (isEffect(fn)) {
            fn = fn.raw;
        const effect = createReactiveEffect(fn, options);
        if (!options.lazy) {
        return effect;
    function stop(effect) {
        if (effect.active) {
            if (effect.options.onStop) {
            effect.active = false;
    let uid = 0;
    function createReactiveEffect(fn, options) {
        const effect = function reactiveEffect() {
            if (!effect.active) {
                return fn();
            if (!effectStack.includes(effect)) {
                try {
                    activeEffect = effect;
                    return fn();
                finally {
                    activeEffect = effectStack[effectStack.length - 1];
        effect.id = uid++;
        effect.allowRecurse = !!options.allowRecurse;
        effect._isEffect = true;
        effect.active = true;
        effect.raw = fn;
        effect.deps = [];
        effect.options = options;
        return effect;
    function cleanup(effect) {
        const { deps } = effect;
        if (deps.length) {
            for (let i = 0; i < deps.length; i++) {
            deps.length = 0;
    let shouldTrack = true;
    const trackStack = [];
    function pauseTracking() {
        shouldTrack = false;
    function enableTracking() {
        shouldTrack = true;
    function resetTracking() {
        const last = trackStack.pop();
        shouldTrack = last === undefined ? true : last;
    function track(target, type, key) {
        if (!shouldTrack || activeEffect === undefined) {
        let depsMap = targetMap.get(target);
        if (!depsMap) {
            targetMap.set(target, (depsMap = new Map()));
        let dep = depsMap.get(key);
        if (!dep) {
            depsMap.set(key, (dep = new Set()));
        if (!dep.has(activeEffect)) {
    function trigger(target, type, key, newValue, oldValue, oldTarget) {
        const depsMap = targetMap.get(target);
        if (!depsMap) {
            // never been tracked
        const effects = new Set();
        const add = (effectsToAdd) => {
            if (effectsToAdd) {
                effectsToAdd.forEach(effect => {
                    if (effect !== activeEffect || effect.allowRecurse) {
        if (type === "clear" /* CLEAR */) {
            // collection being cleared
            // trigger all effects for target
        else if (key === 'length' && isArray(target)) {
            depsMap.forEach((dep, key) => {
                if (key === 'length' || key >= newValue) {
        else {
            // schedule runs for SET | ADD | DELETE
            if (key !== void 0) {
            // also run for iteration key on ADD | DELETE | Map.SET
            switch (type) {
                case "add" /* ADD */:
                    if (!isArray(target)) {
                        if (isMap(target)) {
                    else if (isIntegerKey(key)) {
                        // new index added to array -> length changes
                case "delete" /* DELETE */:
                    if (!isArray(target)) {
                        if (isMap(target)) {
                case "set" /* SET */:
                    if (isMap(target)) {
        const run = (effect) => {
            if (effect.options.scheduler) {
            else {

    const isNonTrackableKeys = /*#__PURE__*/ makeMap(`__proto__,__v_isRef,__isVue`);
    const builtInSymbols = new Set(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Symbol)
        .map(key => Symbol[key])
    const get = /*#__PURE__*/ createGetter();
    const shallowGet = /*#__PURE__*/ createGetter(false, true);
    const readonlyGet = /*#__PURE__*/ createGetter(true);
    const shallowReadonlyGet = /*#__PURE__*/ createGetter(true, true);
    const arrayInstrumentations = {};
    ['includes', 'indexOf', 'lastIndexOf'].forEach(key => {
        const method = Array.prototype[key];
        arrayInstrumentations[key] = function (...args) {
            const arr = toRaw(this);
            for (let i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) {
                track(arr, "get" /* GET */, i + '');
            // we run the method using the original args first (which may be reactive)
            const res = method.apply(arr, args);
            if (res === -1 || res === false) {
                // if that didn't work, run it again using raw values.
                return method.apply(arr, args.map(toRaw));
            else {
                return res;
    ['push', 'pop', 'shift', 'unshift', 'splice'].forEach(key => {
        const method = Array.prototype[key];
        arrayInstrumentations[key] = function (...args) {
            const res = method.apply(this, args);
            return res;
    function createGetter(isReadonly = false, shallow = false) {
        return function get(target, key, receiver) {
            if (key === "__v_isReactive" /* IS_REACTIVE */) {
                return !isReadonly;
            else if (key === "__v_isReadonly" /* IS_READONLY */) {
                return isReadonly;
            else if (key === "__v_raw" /* RAW */ &&
                receiver ===
                        ? shallow
                            ? shallowReadonlyMap
                            : readonlyMap
                        : shallow
                            ? shallowReactiveMap
                            : reactiveMap).get(target)) {
                return target;
            const targetIsArray = isArray(target);
            if (!isReadonly && targetIsArray && hasOwn(arrayInstrumentations, key)) {
                return Reflect.get(arrayInstrumentations, key, receiver);
            const res = Reflect.get(target, key, receiver);
            if (isSymbol(key) ? builtInSymbols.has(key) : isNonTrackableKeys(key)) {
                return res;
            if (!isReadonly) {
                track(target, "get" /* GET */, key);
            if (shallow) {
                return res;
            if (isRef(res)) {
                // ref unwrapping - does not apply for Array + integer key.
                const shouldUnwrap = !targetIsArray || !isIntegerKey(key);
                return shouldUnwrap ? res.value : res;
            if (isObject(res)) {
                // Convert returned value into a proxy as well. we do the isObject check
                // here to avoid invalid value warning. Also need to lazy access readonly
                // and reactive here to avoid circular dependency.
                return isReadonly ? readonly(res) : reactive(res);
            return res;
    const set = /*#__PURE__*/ createSetter();
    const shallowSet = /*#__PURE__*/ createSetter(true);
    function createSetter(shallow = false) {
        return function set(target, key, value, receiver) {
            let oldValue = target[key];
            if (!shallow) {
                value = toRaw(value);
                oldValue = toRaw(oldValue);
                if (!isArray(target) && isRef(oldValue) && !isRef(value)) {
                    oldValue.value = value;
                    return true;
            const hadKey = isArray(target) && isIntegerKey(key)
                ? Number(key) < target.length
                : hasOwn(target, key);
            const result = Reflect.set(target, key, value, receiver);
            // don't trigger if target is something up in the prototype chain of original
            if (target === toRaw(receiver)) {
                if (!hadKey) {
                    trigger(target, "add" /* ADD */, key, value);
                else if (hasChanged(value, oldValue)) {
                    trigger(target, "set" /* SET */, key, value);
            return result;
    function deleteProperty(target, key) {
        const hadKey = hasOwn(target, key);
        const result = Reflect.deleteProperty(target, key);
        if (result && hadKey) {
            trigger(target, "delete" /* DELETE */, key, undefined);
        return result;
    function has(target, key) {
        const result = Reflect.has(target, key);
        if (!isSymbol(key) || !builtInSymbols.has(key)) {
            track(target, "has" /* HAS */, key);
        return result;
    function ownKeys(target) {
        track(target, "iterate" /* ITERATE */, isArray(target) ? 'length' : ITERATE_KEY);
        return Reflect.ownKeys(target);
    const mutableHandlers = {
    const readonlyHandlers = {
        get: readonlyGet,
        set(target, key) {
            return true;
        deleteProperty(target, key) {
            return true;
    extend({}, mutableHandlers, {
        get: shallowGet,
        set: shallowSet
    // Props handlers are special in the sense that it should not unwrap top-level
    // refs (in order to allow refs to be explicitly passed down), but should
    // retain the reactivity of the normal readonly object.
    extend({}, readonlyHandlers, {
        get: shallowReadonlyGet

    const toReactive = (value) => isObject(value) ? reactive(value) : value;
    const toReadonly = (value) => isObject(value) ? readonly(value) : value;
    const toShallow = (value) => value;
    const getProto = (v) => Reflect.getPrototypeOf(v);
    function get$1(target, key, isReadonly = false, isShallow = false) {
        // #1772: readonly(reactive(Map)) should return readonly + reactive version
        // of the value
        target = target["__v_raw" /* RAW */];
        const rawTarget = toRaw(target);
        const rawKey = toRaw(key);
        if (key !== rawKey) {
            !isReadonly && track(rawTarget, "get" /* GET */, key);
        !isReadonly && track(rawTarget, "get" /* GET */, rawKey);
        const { has } = getProto(rawTarget);
        const wrap = isShallow ? toShallow : isReadonly ? toReadonly : toReactive;
        if (has.call(rawTarget, key)) {
            return wrap(target.get(key));
        else if (has.call(rawTarget, rawKey)) {
            return wrap(target.get(rawKey));
        else if (target !== rawTarget) {
            // #3602 readonly(reactive(Map))
            // ensure that the nested reactive `Map` can do tracking for itself
    function has$1(key, isReadonly = false) {
        const target = this["__v_raw" /* RAW */];
        const rawTarget = toRaw(target);
        const rawKey = toRaw(key);
        if (key !== rawKey) {
            !isReadonly && track(rawTarget, "has" /* HAS */, key);
        !isReadonly && track(rawTarget, "has" /* HAS */, rawKey);
        return key === rawKey
            ? target.has(key)
            : target.has(key) || target.has(rawKey);
    function size(target, isReadonly = false) {
        target = target["__v_raw" /* RAW */];
        !isReadonly && track(toRaw(target), "iterate" /* ITERATE */, ITERATE_KEY);
        return Reflect.get(target, 'size', target);
    function add(value) {
        value = toRaw(value);
        const target = toRaw(this);
        const proto = getProto(target);
        const hadKey = proto.has.call(target, value);
        if (!hadKey) {
            trigger(target, "add" /* ADD */, value, value);
        return this;
    function set$1(key, value) {
        value = toRaw(value);
        const target = toRaw(this);
        const { has, get } = getProto(target);
        let hadKey = has.call(target, key);
        if (!hadKey) {
            key = toRaw(key);
            hadKey = has.call(target, key);
        const oldValue = get.call(target, key);
        target.set(key, value);
        if (!hadKey) {
            trigger(target, "add" /* ADD */, key, value);
        else if (hasChanged(value, oldValue)) {
            trigger(target, "set" /* SET */, key, value);
        return this;
    function deleteEntry(key) {
        const target = toRaw(this);
        const { has, get } = getProto(target);
        let hadKey = has.call(target, key);
        if (!hadKey) {
            key = toRaw(key);
            hadKey = has.call(target, key);
        get ? get.call(target, key) : undefined;
        // forward the operation before queueing reactions
        const result = target.delete(key);
        if (hadKey) {
            trigger(target, "delete" /* DELETE */, key, undefined);
        return result;
    function clear() {
        const target = toRaw(this);
        const hadItems = target.size !== 0;
        // forward the operation before queueing reactions
        const result = target.clear();
        if (hadItems) {
            trigger(target, "clear" /* CLEAR */, undefined, undefined);
        return result;
    function createForEach(isReadonly, isShallow) {
        return function forEach(callback, thisArg) {
            const observed = this;
            const target = observed["__v_raw" /* RAW */];
            const rawTarget = toRaw(target);
            const wrap = isShallow ? toShallow : isReadonly ? toReadonly : toReactive;
            !isReadonly && track(rawTarget, "iterate" /* ITERATE */, ITERATE_KEY);
            return target.forEach((value, key) => {
                // important: make sure the callback is
                // 1. invoked with the reactive map as `this` and 3rd arg
                // 2. the value received should be a corresponding reactive/readonly.
                return callback.call(thisArg, wrap(value), wrap(key), observed);
    function createIterableMethod(method, isReadonly, isShallow) {
        return function (...args) {
            const target = this["__v_raw" /* RAW */];
            const rawTarget = toRaw(target);
            const targetIsMap = isMap(rawTarget);
            const isPair = method === 'entries' || (method === Symbol.iterator && targetIsMap);
            const isKeyOnly = method === 'keys' && targetIsMap;
            const innerIterator = target[method](...args);
            const wrap = isShallow ? toShallow : isReadonly ? toReadonly : toReactive;
            !isReadonly &&
                track(rawTarget, "iterate" /* ITERATE */, isKeyOnly ? MAP_KEY_ITERATE_KEY : ITERATE_KEY);
            // return a wrapped iterator which returns observed versions of the
            // values emitted from the real iterator
            return {
                // iterator protocol
                next() {
                    const { value, done } = innerIterator.next();
                    return done
                        ? { value, done }
                        : {
                            value: isPair ? [wrap(value[0]), wrap(value[1])] : wrap(value),
                // iterable protocol
                [Symbol.iterator]() {
                    return this;
    function createReadonlyMethod(type) {
        return function (...args) {
            return type === "delete" /* DELETE */ ? false : this;
    const mutableInstrumentations = {
        get(key) {
            return get$1(this, key);
        get size() {
            return size(this);
        has: has$1,
        set: set$1,
        delete: deleteEntry,
        forEach: createForEach(false, false)
    const shallowInstrumentations = {
        get(key) {
            return get$1(this, key, false, true);
        get size() {
            return size(this);
        has: has$1,
        set: set$1,
        delete: deleteEntry,
        forEach: createForEach(false, true)
    const readonlyInstrumentations = {
        get(key) {
            return get$1(this, key, true);
        get size() {
            return size(this, true);
        has(key) {
            return has$1.call(this, key, true);
        add: createReadonlyMethod("add" /* ADD */),
        set: createReadonlyMethod("set" /* SET */),
        delete: createReadonlyMethod("delete" /* DELETE */),
        clear: createReadonlyMethod("clear" /* CLEAR */),
        forEach: createForEach(true, false)
    const shallowReadonlyInstrumentations = {
        get(key) {
            return get$1(this, key, true, true);
        get size() {
            return size(this, true);
        has(key) {
            return has$1.call(this, key, true);
        add: createReadonlyMethod("add" /* ADD */),
        set: createReadonlyMethod("set" /* SET */),
        delete: createReadonlyMethod("delete" /* DELETE */),
        clear: createReadonlyMethod("clear" /* CLEAR */),
        forEach: createForEach(true, true)
    const iteratorMethods = ['keys', 'values', 'entries', Symbol.iterator];
    iteratorMethods.forEach(method => {
        mutableInstrumentations[method] = createIterableMethod(method, false, false);
        readonlyInstrumentations[method] = createIterableMethod(method, true, false);
        shallowInstrumentations[method] = createIterableMethod(method, false, true);
        shallowReadonlyInstrumentations[method] = createIterableMethod(method, true, true);
    function createInstrumentationGetter(isReadonly, shallow) {
        const instrumentations = shallow
            ? isReadonly
                ? shallowReadonlyInstrumentations
                : shallowInstrumentations
            : isReadonly
                ? readonlyInstrumentations
                : mutableInstrumentations;
        return (target, key, receiver) => {
            if (key === "__v_isReactive" /* IS_REACTIVE */) {
                return !isReadonly;
            else if (key === "__v_isReadonly" /* IS_READONLY */) {
                return isReadonly;
            else if (key === "__v_raw" /* RAW */) {
                return target;
            return Reflect.get(hasOwn(instrumentations, key) && key in target
                ? instrumentations
                : target, key, receiver);
    const mutableCollectionHandlers = {
        get: createInstrumentationGetter(false, false)
    const readonlyCollectionHandlers = {
        get: createInstrumentationGetter(true, false)

    const reactiveMap = new WeakMap();
    const shallowReactiveMap = new WeakMap();
    const readonlyMap = new WeakMap();
    const shallowReadonlyMap = new WeakMap();
    function targetTypeMap(rawType) {
        switch (rawType) {
            case 'Object':
            case 'Array':
                return 1 /* COMMON */;
            case 'Map':
            case 'Set':
            case 'WeakMap':
            case 'WeakSet':
                return 2 /* COLLECTION */;
                return 0 /* INVALID */;
    function getTargetType(value) {
        return value["__v_skip" /* SKIP */] || !Object.isExtensible(value)
            ? 0 /* INVALID */
            : targetTypeMap(toRawType(value));
    function reactive(target) {
        // if trying to observe a readonly proxy, return the readonly version.
        if (target && target["__v_isReadonly" /* IS_READONLY */]) {
            return target;
        return createReactiveObject(target, false, mutableHandlers, mutableCollectionHandlers, reactiveMap);
     * Creates a readonly copy of the original object. Note the returned copy is not
     * made reactive, but `readonly` can be called on an already reactive object.
    function readonly(target) {
        return createReactiveObject(target, true, readonlyHandlers, readonlyCollectionHandlers, readonlyMap);
    function createReactiveObject(target, isReadonly, baseHandlers, collectionHandlers, proxyMap) {
        if (!isObject(target)) {
            return target;
        // target is already a Proxy, return it.
        // exception: calling readonly() on a reactive object
        if (target["__v_raw" /* RAW */] &&
            !(isReadonly && target["__v_isReactive" /* IS_REACTIVE */])) {
            return target;
        // target already has corresponding Proxy
        const existingProxy = proxyMap.get(target);
        if (existingProxy) {
            return existingProxy;
        // only a whitelist of value types can be observed.
        const targetType = getTargetType(target);
        if (targetType === 0 /* INVALID */) {
            return target;
        const proxy = new Proxy(target, targetType === 2 /* COLLECTION */ ? collectionHandlers : baseHandlers);
        proxyMap.set(target, proxy);
        return proxy;
    function isReactive(value) {
        if (isReadonly(value)) {
            return isReactive(value["__v_raw" /* RAW */]);
        return !!(value && value["__v_isReactive" /* IS_REACTIVE */]);
    function isReadonly(value) {
        return !!(value && value["__v_isReadonly" /* IS_READONLY */]);
    function toRaw(observed) {
        return ((observed && toRaw(observed["__v_raw" /* RAW */])) || observed);
    function isRef(r) {
        return Boolean(r && r.__v_isRef === true);

    const stack = [];
    function warn(msg, ...args) {
        // avoid props formatting or warn handler tracking deps that might be mutated
        // during patch, leading to infinite recursion.
        const instance = stack.length ? stack[stack.length - 1].component : null;
        const appWarnHandler = instance && instance.appContext.config.warnHandler;
        const trace = getComponentTrace();
        if (appWarnHandler) {
            callWithErrorHandling(appWarnHandler, instance, 11 /* APP_WARN_HANDLER */, [
                msg + args.join(''),
                instance && instance.proxy,
                    .map(({ vnode }) => `at <${formatComponentName(instance, vnode.type)}>`)
        else {
            const warnArgs = [`[Vue warn]: ${msg}`, ...args];
            /* istanbul ignore if */
            if (trace.length &&
                // avoid spamming console during tests
                !false) {
                warnArgs.push(`\n`, ...formatTrace(trace));
    function getComponentTrace() {
        let currentVNode = stack[stack.length - 1];
        if (!currentVNode) {
            return [];
        // we can't just use the stack because it will be incomplete during updates
        // that did not start from the root. Re-construct the parent chain using
        // instance parent pointers.
        const normalizedStack = [];
        while (currentVNode) {
            const last = normalizedStack[0];
            if (last && last.vnode === currentVNode) {
            else {
                    vnode: currentVNode,
                    recurseCount: 0
            const parentInstance = currentVNode.component && currentVNode.component.parent;
            currentVNode = parentInstance && parentInstance.vnode;
        return normalizedStack;
    /* istanbul ignore next */
    function formatTrace(trace) {
        const logs = [];
        trace.forEach((entry, i) => {
            logs.push(...(i === 0 ? [] : [`\n`]), ...formatTraceEntry(entry));
        return logs;
    function formatTraceEntry({ vnode, recurseCount }) {
        const postfix = recurseCount > 0 ? `... (${recurseCount} recursive calls)` : ``;
        const isRoot = vnode.component ? vnode.component.parent == null : false;
        const open = ` at <${formatComponentName(vnode.component, vnode.type, isRoot)}`;
        const close = `>` + postfix;
        return vnode.props
            ? [open, ...formatProps(vnode.props), close]
            : [open + close];
    /* istanbul ignore next */
    function formatProps(props) {
        const res = [];
        const keys = Object.keys(props);
        keys.slice(0, 3).forEach(key => {
            res.push(...formatProp(key, props[key]));
        if (keys.length > 3) {
            res.push(` ...`);
        return res;
    /* istanbul ignore next */
    function formatProp(key, value, raw) {
        if (isString(value)) {
            value = JSON.stringify(value);
            return raw ? value : [`${key}=${value}`];
        else if (typeof value === 'number' ||
            typeof value === 'boolean' ||
            value == null) {
            return raw ? value : [`${key}=${value}`];
        else if (isRef(value)) {
            value = formatProp(key, toRaw(value.value), true);
            return raw ? value : [`${key}=Ref<`, value, `>`];
        else if (isFunction(value)) {
            return [`${key}=fn${value.name ? `<${value.name}>` : ``}`];
        else {
            value = toRaw(value);
            return raw ? value : [`${key}=`, value];
    function callWithErrorHandling(fn, instance, type, args) {
        let res;
        try {
            res = args ? fn(...args) : fn();
        catch (err) {
            handleError(err, instance, type);
        return res;
    function callWithAsyncErrorHandling(fn, instance, type, args) {
        if (isFunction(fn)) {
            const res = callWithErrorHandling(fn, instance, type, args);
            if (res && isPromise(res)) {
                res.catch(err => {
                    handleError(err, instance, type);
            return res;
        const values = [];
        for (let i = 0; i < fn.length; i++) {
            values.push(callWithAsyncErrorHandling(fn[i], instance, type, args));
        return values;
    function handleError(err, instance, type, throwInDev = true) {
        const contextVNode = instance ? instance.vnode : null;
        if (instance) {
            let cur = instance.parent;
            // the exposed instance is the render proxy to keep it consistent with 2.x
            const exposedInstance = instance.proxy;
            // in production the hook receives only the error code
            const errorInfo = type;
            while (cur) {
                const errorCapturedHooks = cur.ec;
                if (errorCapturedHooks) {
                    for (let i = 0; i < errorCapturedHooks.length; i++) {
                        if (errorCapturedHooks[i](err, exposedInstance, errorInfo) === false) {
                cur = cur.parent;
            // app-level handling
            const appErrorHandler = instance.appContext.config.errorHandler;
            if (appErrorHandler) {
                callWithErrorHandling(appErrorHandler, null, 10 /* APP_ERROR_HANDLER */, [err, exposedInstance, errorInfo]);
        logError(err, type, contextVNode, throwInDev);
    function logError(err, type, contextVNode, throwInDev = true) {
            // recover in prod to reduce the impact on end-user

    let isFlushing = false;
    let isFlushPending = false;
    const queue = [];
    let flushIndex = 0;
    const pendingPreFlushCbs = [];
    let activePreFlushCbs = null;
    let preFlushIndex = 0;
    const pendingPostFlushCbs = [];
    let activePostFlushCbs = null;
    let postFlushIndex = 0;
    const resolvedPromise = Promise.resolve();
    let currentFlushPromise = null;
    let currentPreFlushParentJob = null;
    const RECURSION_LIMIT = 100;
    function nextTick(fn) {
        const p = currentFlushPromise || resolvedPromise;
        return fn ? p.then(this ? fn.bind(this) : fn) : p;
    // #2768
    // Use binary-search to find a suitable position in the queue,
    // so that the queue maintains the increasing order of job's id,
    // which can prevent the job from being skipped and also can avoid repeated patching.
    function findInsertionIndex(job) {
        // the start index should be `flushIndex + 1`
        let start = flushIndex + 1;
        let end = queue.length;
        const jobId = getId(job);
        while (start < end) {
            const middle = (start + end) >>> 1;
            const middleJobId = getId(queue[middle]);
            middleJobId < jobId ? (start = middle + 1) : (end = middle);
        return start;
    function queueJob(job) {
        // the dedupe search uses the startIndex argument of Array.includes()
        // by default the search index includes the current job that is being run
        // so it cannot recursively trigger itself again.
        // if the job is a watch() callback, the search will start with a +1 index to
        // allow it recursively trigger itself - it is the user's responsibility to
        // ensure it doesn't end up in an infinite loop.
        if ((!queue.length ||
            !queue.includes(job, isFlushing && job.allowRecurse ? flushIndex + 1 : flushIndex)) &&
            job !== currentPreFlushParentJob) {
            const pos = findInsertionIndex(job);
            if (pos > -1) {
                queue.splice(pos, 0, job);
            else {
    function queueFlush() {
        if (!isFlushing && !isFlushPending) {
            isFlushPending = true;
            currentFlushPromise = resolvedPromise.then(flushJobs);
    function queueCb(cb, activeQueue, pendingQueue, index) {
        if (!isArray(cb)) {
            if (!activeQueue ||
                !activeQueue.includes(cb, cb.allowRecurse ? index + 1 : index)) {
        else {
            // if cb is an array, it is a component lifecycle hook which can only be
            // triggered by a job, which is already deduped in the main queue, so
            // we can skip duplicate check here to improve perf
    function queuePreFlushCb(cb) {
        queueCb(cb, activePreFlushCbs, pendingPreFlushCbs, preFlushIndex);
    function queuePostFlushCb(cb) {
        queueCb(cb, activePostFlushCbs, pendingPostFlushCbs, postFlushIndex);
    function flushPreFlushCbs(seen, parentJob = null) {
        if (pendingPreFlushCbs.length) {
            currentPreFlushParentJob = parentJob;
            activePreFlushCbs = [...new Set(pendingPreFlushCbs)];
            pendingPreFlushCbs.length = 0;
            for (preFlushIndex = 0; preFlushIndex < activePreFlushCbs.length; preFlushIndex++) {
            activePreFlushCbs = null;
            preFlushIndex = 0;
            currentPreFlushParentJob = null;
            // recursively flush until it drains
            flushPreFlushCbs(seen, parentJob);
    function flushPostFlushCbs(seen) {
        if (pendingPostFlushCbs.length) {
            const deduped = [...new Set(pendingPostFlushCbs)];
            pendingPostFlushCbs.length = 0;
            // #1947 already has active queue, nested flushPostFlushCbs call
            if (activePostFlushCbs) {
            activePostFlushCbs = deduped;
            activePostFlushCbs.sort((a, b) => getId(a) - getId(b));
            for (postFlushIndex = 0; postFlushIndex < activePostFlushCbs.length; postFlushIndex++) {
            activePostFlushCbs = null;
            postFlushIndex = 0;
    const getId = (job) => job.id == null ? Infinity : job.id;
    function flushJobs(seen) {
        isFlushPending = false;
        isFlushing = true;
        // Sort queue before flush.
        // This ensures that:
        // 1. Components are updated from parent to child. (because parent is always
        //    created before the child so its render effect will have smaller
        //    priority number)
        // 2. If a component is unmounted during a parent component's update,
        //    its update can be skipped.
        queue.sort((a, b) => getId(a) - getId(b));
        try {
            for (flushIndex = 0; flushIndex < queue.length; flushIndex++) {
                const job = queue[flushIndex];
                if (job && job.active !== false) {
                    if (("production" !== 'production') && checkRecursiveUpdates(seen, job)) ;
                    callWithErrorHandling(job, null, 14 /* SCHEDULER */);
        finally {
            flushIndex = 0;
            queue.length = 0;
            isFlushing = false;
            currentFlushPromise = null;
            // some postFlushCb queued jobs!
            // keep flushing until it drains.
            if (queue.length ||
                pendingPreFlushCbs.length ||
                pendingPostFlushCbs.length) {
    function checkRecursiveUpdates(seen, fn) {
        if (!seen.has(fn)) {
            seen.set(fn, 1);
        else {
            const count = seen.get(fn);
            if (count > RECURSION_LIMIT) {
                const instance = fn.ownerInstance;
                const componentName = instance && getComponentName(instance.type);
                warn(`Maximum recursive updates exceeded${componentName ? ` in component <${componentName}>` : ``}. ` +
                    `This means you have a reactive effect that is mutating its own ` +
                    `dependencies and thus recursively triggering itself. Possible sources ` +
                    `include component template, render function, updated hook or ` +
                    `watcher source function.`);
                return true;
            else {
                seen.set(fn, count + 1);
    function queueEffectWithSuspense(fn, suspense) {
        if (suspense && suspense.pendingBranch) {
            if (isArray(fn)) {
            else {
        else {

    // Simple effect.
    function watchEffect(effect, options) {
        return doWatch(effect, null, options);
    // initial value for watchers to trigger on undefined initial values
    function doWatch(source, cb, { immediate, deep, flush, onTrack, onTrigger } = EMPTY_OBJ, instance = currentInstance) {
        let getter;
        let forceTrigger = false;
        let isMultiSource = false;
        if (isRef(source)) {
            getter = () => source.value;
            forceTrigger = !!source._shallow;
        else if (isReactive(source)) {
            getter = () => source;
            deep = true;
        else if (isArray(source)) {
            isMultiSource = true;
            forceTrigger = source.some(isReactive);
            getter = () => source.map(s => {
                if (isRef(s)) {
                    return s.value;
                else if (isReactive(s)) {
                    return traverse(s);
                else if (isFunction(s)) {
                    return callWithErrorHandling(s, instance, 2 /* WATCH_GETTER */);
                else ;
        else if (isFunction(source)) {
            if (cb) {
                // getter with cb
                getter = () => callWithErrorHandling(source, instance, 2 /* WATCH_GETTER */);
            else {
                // no cb -> simple effect
                getter = () => {
                    if (instance && instance.isUnmounted) {
                    if (cleanup) {
                    return callWithAsyncErrorHandling(source, instance, 3 /* WATCH_CALLBACK */, [onInvalidate]);
        else {
            getter = NOOP;
        if (cb && deep) {
            const baseGetter = getter;
            getter = () => traverse(baseGetter());
        let cleanup;
        let onInvalidate = (fn) => {
            cleanup = runner.options.onStop = () => {
                callWithErrorHandling(fn, instance, 4 /* WATCH_CLEANUP */);
        let oldValue = isMultiSource ? [] : INITIAL_WATCHER_VALUE;
        const job = () => {
            if (!runner.active) {
            if (cb) {
                // watch(source, cb)
                const newValue = runner();
                if (deep ||
                    forceTrigger ||
                        ? newValue.some((v, i) => hasChanged(v, oldValue[i]))
                        : hasChanged(newValue, oldValue)) ||
                    (false  )) {
                    // cleanup before running cb again
                    if (cleanup) {
                    callWithAsyncErrorHandling(cb, instance, 3 /* WATCH_CALLBACK */, [
                        // pass undefined as the old value when it's changed for the first time
                        oldValue === INITIAL_WATCHER_VALUE ? undefined : oldValue,
                    oldValue = newValue;
            else {
                // watchEffect
        // important: mark the job as a watcher callback so that scheduler knows
        // it is allowed to self-trigger (#1727)
        job.allowRecurse = !!cb;
        let scheduler;
        if (flush === 'sync') {
            scheduler = job; // the scheduler function gets called directly
        else if (flush === 'post') {
            scheduler = () => queuePostRenderEffect(job, instance && instance.suspense);
        else {
            // default: 'pre'
            scheduler = () => {
                if (!instance || instance.isMounted) {
                else {
                    // with 'pre' option, the first call must happen before
                    // the component is mounted so it is called synchronously.
        const runner = effect(getter, {
            lazy: true,
        recordInstanceBoundEffect(runner, instance);
        // initial run
        if (cb) {
            if (immediate) {
            else {
                oldValue = runner();
        else if (flush === 'post') {
            queuePostRenderEffect(runner, instance && instance.suspense);
        else {
        return () => {
            if (instance) {
                remove(instance.effects, runner);
    // this.$watch
    function instanceWatch(source, value, options) {
        const publicThis = this.proxy;
        const getter = isString(source)
            ? source.includes('.')
                ? createPathGetter(publicThis, source)
                : () => publicThis[source]
            : source.bind(publicThis, publicThis);
        let cb;
        if (isFunction(value)) {
            cb = value;
        else {
            cb = value.handler;
            options = value;
        return doWatch(getter, cb.bind(publicThis), options, this);
    function createPathGetter(ctx, path) {
        const segments = path.split('.');
        return () => {
            let cur = ctx;
            for (let i = 0; i < segments.length && cur; i++) {
                cur = cur[segments[i]];
            return cur;
    function traverse(value, seen = new Set()) {
        if (!isObject(value) ||
            seen.has(value) ||
            value["__v_skip" /* SKIP */]) {
            return value;
        if (isRef(value)) {
            traverse(value.value, seen);
        else if (isArray(value)) {
            for (let i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
                traverse(value[i], seen);
        else if (isSet(value) || isMap(value)) {
            value.forEach((v) => {
                traverse(v, seen);
        else if (isPlainObject(value)) {
            for (const key in value) {
                traverse(value[key], seen);
        return value;
    let shouldCacheAccess = true;
     * Resolve merged options and cache it on the component.
     * This is done only once per-component since the merging does not involve
     * instances.
    function resolveMergedOptions(instance) {
        const base = instance.type;
        const { mixins, extends: extendsOptions } = base;
        const { mixins: globalMixins, optionsCache: cache, config: { optionMergeStrategies } } = instance.appContext;
        const cached = cache.get(base);
        let resolved;
        if (cached) {
            resolved = cached;
        else if (!globalMixins.length && !mixins && !extendsOptions) {
                resolved = base;
        else {
            resolved = {};
            if (globalMixins.length) {
                globalMixins.forEach(m => mergeOptions(resolved, m, optionMergeStrategies, true));
            mergeOptions(resolved, base, optionMergeStrategies);
        cache.set(base, resolved);
        return resolved;
    function mergeOptions(to, from, strats, asMixin = false) {
        const { mixins, extends: extendsOptions } = from;
        if (extendsOptions) {
            mergeOptions(to, extendsOptions, strats, true);
        if (mixins) {
            mixins.forEach((m) => mergeOptions(to, m, strats, true));
        for (const key in from) {
            if (asMixin && key === 'expose') ;
            else {
                const strat = internalOptionMergeStrats[key] || (strats && strats[key]);
                to[key] = strat ? strat(to[key], from[key]) : from[key];
        return to;
    const internalOptionMergeStrats = {
        data: mergeDataFn,
        props: mergeObjectOptions,
        emits: mergeObjectOptions,
        // objects
        methods: mergeObjectOptions,
        computed: mergeObjectOptions,
        // lifecycle
        beforeCreate: mergeAsArray,
        created: mergeAsArray,
        beforeMount: mergeAsArray,
        mounted: mergeAsArray,
        beforeUpdate: mergeAsArray,
        updated: mergeAsArray,
        beforeDestroy: mergeAsArray,
        destroyed: mergeAsArray,
        activated: mergeAsArray,
        deactivated: mergeAsArray,
        errorCaptured: mergeAsArray,
        serverPrefetch: mergeAsArray,
        // assets
        components: mergeObjectOptions,
        directives: mergeObjectOptions,
        // watch
        watch: mergeWatchOptions,
        // provide / inject
        provide: mergeDataFn,
        inject: mergeInject
    function mergeDataFn(to, from) {
        if (!from) {
            return to;
        if (!to) {
            return from;
        return function mergedDataFn() {
            return (extend)(isFunction(to) ? to.call(this, this) : to, isFunction(from) ? from.call(this, this) : from);
    function mergeInject(to, from) {
        return mergeObjectOptions(normalizeInject(to), normalizeInject(from));
    function normalizeInject(raw) {
        if (isArray(raw)) {
            const res = {};
            for (let i = 0; i < raw.length; i++) {
                res[raw[i]] = raw[i];
            return res;
        return raw;
    function mergeAsArray(to, from) {
        return to ? [...new Set([].concat(to, from))] : from;
    function mergeObjectOptions(to, from) {
        return to ? extend(extend(Object.create(null), to), from) : from;
    function mergeWatchOptions(to, from) {
        if (!to)
            return from;
        if (!from)
            return to;
        const merged = extend(Object.create(null), to);
        for (const key in from) {
            merged[key] = mergeAsArray(to[key], from[key]);
        return merged;
    const queuePostRenderEffect = queueEffectWithSuspense

     * #2437 In Vue 3, functional components do not have a public instance proxy but
     * they exist in the internal parent chain. For code that relies on traversing
     * public $parent chains, skip functional ones and go to the parent instead.
    const getPublicInstance = (i) => {
        if (!i)
            return null;
        if (isStatefulComponent(i))
            return i.exposed ? i.exposed : i.proxy;
        return getPublicInstance(i.parent);
    const publicPropertiesMap = extend(Object.create(null), {
        $: i => i,
        $el: i => i.vnode.el,
        $data: i => i.data,
        $props: i => (i.props),
        $attrs: i => (i.attrs),
        $slots: i => (i.slots),
        $refs: i => (i.refs),
        $parent: i => getPublicInstance(i.parent),
        $root: i => getPublicInstance(i.root),
        $emit: i => i.emit,
        $options: i => (__VUE_OPTIONS_API__ ? resolveMergedOptions(i) : i.type),
        $forceUpdate: i => () => queueJob(i.update),
        $nextTick: i => nextTick.bind(i.proxy),
        $watch: i => (__VUE_OPTIONS_API__ ? instanceWatch.bind(i) : NOOP)
    const PublicInstanceProxyHandlers = {
        get({ _: instance }, key) {
            const { ctx, setupState, data, props, accessCache, type, appContext } = instance;
            // data / props / ctx
            // This getter gets called for every property access on the render context
            // during render and is a major hotspot. The most expensive part of this
            // is the multiple hasOwn() calls. It's much faster to do a simple property
            // access on a plain object, so we use an accessCache object (with null
            // prototype) to memoize what access type a key corresponds to.
            let normalizedProps;
            if (key[0] !== '$') {
                const n = accessCache[key];
                if (n !== undefined) {
                    switch (n) {
                        case 0 /* SETUP */:
                            return setupState[key];
                        case 1 /* DATA */:
                            return data[key];
                        case 3 /* CONTEXT */:
                            return ctx[key];
                        case 2 /* PROPS */:
                            return props[key];
                        // default: just fallthrough
                else if (setupState !== EMPTY_OBJ && hasOwn(setupState, key)) {
                    accessCache[key] = 0 /* SETUP */;
                    return setupState[key];
                else if (data !== EMPTY_OBJ && hasOwn(data, key)) {
                    accessCache[key] = 1 /* DATA */;
                    return data[key];
                else if (
                // only cache other properties when instance has declared (thus stable)
                // props
                (normalizedProps = instance.propsOptions[0]) &&
                    hasOwn(normalizedProps, key)) {
                    accessCache[key] = 2 /* PROPS */;
                    return props[key];
                else if (ctx !== EMPTY_OBJ && hasOwn(ctx, key)) {
                    accessCache[key] = 3 /* CONTEXT */;
                    return ctx[key];
                else if (!__VUE_OPTIONS_API__ || shouldCacheAccess) {
                    accessCache[key] = 4 /* OTHER */;
            const publicGetter = publicPropertiesMap[key];
            let cssModule, globalProperties;
            // public $xxx properties
            if (publicGetter) {
                if (key === '$attrs') {
                    track(instance, "get" /* GET */, key);
                return publicGetter(instance);
            else if (
            // css module (injected by vue-loader)
            (cssModule = type.__cssModules) &&
                (cssModule = cssModule[key])) {
                return cssModule;
            else if (ctx !== EMPTY_OBJ && hasOwn(ctx, key)) {
                // user may set custom properties to `this` that start with `$`
                accessCache[key] = 3 /* CONTEXT */;
                return ctx[key];
            else if (
            // global properties
            ((globalProperties = appContext.config.globalProperties),
                hasOwn(globalProperties, key))) {
                    return globalProperties[key];
            else ;
        set({ _: instance }, key, value) {
            const { data, setupState, ctx } = instance;
            if (setupState !== EMPTY_OBJ && hasOwn(setupState, key)) {
                setupState[key] = value;
            else if (data !== EMPTY_OBJ && hasOwn(data, key)) {
                data[key] = value;
            else if (hasOwn(instance.props, key)) {
                return false;
            if (key[0] === '$' && key.slice(1) in instance) {
                return false;
            else {
                    ctx[key] = value;
            return true;
        has({ _: { data, setupState, accessCache, ctx, appContext, propsOptions } }, key) {
            let normalizedProps;
            return (accessCache[key] !== undefined ||
                (data !== EMPTY_OBJ && hasOwn(data, key)) ||
                (setupState !== EMPTY_OBJ && hasOwn(setupState, key)) ||
                ((normalizedProps = propsOptions[0]) && hasOwn(normalizedProps, key)) ||
                hasOwn(ctx, key) ||
                hasOwn(publicPropertiesMap, key) ||
                hasOwn(appContext.config.globalProperties, key));
    extend({}, PublicInstanceProxyHandlers, {
        get(target, key) {
            // fast path for unscopables when using `with` block
            if (key === Symbol.unscopables) {
            return PublicInstanceProxyHandlers.get(target, key, target);
        has(_, key) {
            const has = key[0] !== '_' && !isGloballyWhitelisted(key);
            return has;
    let currentInstance = null;
    function isStatefulComponent(instance) {
        return instance.vnode.shapeFlag & 4 /* STATEFUL_COMPONENT */;
    // record effects created during a component's setup() so that they can be
    // stopped when the component unmounts
    function recordInstanceBoundEffect(effect, instance = currentInstance) {
        if (instance) {
            (instance.effects || (instance.effects = [])).push(effect);
    const classifyRE = /(?:^|[-_])(\w)/g;
    const classify = (str) => str.replace(classifyRE, c => c.toUpperCase()).replace(/[-_]/g, '');
    function getComponentName(Component) {
        return isFunction(Component)
            ? Component.displayName || Component.name
            : Component.name;
    /* istanbul ignore next */
    function formatComponentName(instance, Component, isRoot = false) {
        let name = getComponentName(Component);
        if (!name && Component.__file) {
            const match = Component.__file.match(/([^/\\]+)\.\w+$/);
            if (match) {
                name = match[1];
        if (!name && instance && instance.parent) {
            // try to infer the name based on reverse resolution
            const inferFromRegistry = (registry) => {
                for (const key in registry) {
                    if (registry[key] === Component) {
                        return key;
            name =
                inferFromRegistry(instance.components ||
                    instance.parent.type.components) || inferFromRegistry(instance.appContext.components);
        return name ? classify(name) : isRoot ? `App` : `Anonymous`;

    /** 目前在呈现的消息列表 */
    const messageList = writable([]);
    /** 消息的基类 扩展类记得重写 thatMessage 以免公用出现bug */
    class Message {
        constructor(par) {
            this.par = par;
            /** 用来指向不同的类,以便扩展这个类的类的old_message不被公用 */
            this.autoHideTime = 1000 * 3;
        /** 展示el */
        show() {
            messageList.update((r) => [...r, this]);
            return this;
        /** 隐藏el */
        hide() {
            messageList.update((r) => r.filter((el) => this !== el));
            return this;
        /** 展示el  autoHideTime 毫秒后隐藏*/
        autoHide() {
            setTimeout(() => {
            }, this.autoHideTime);
            return this;
        /** 获取一个Message对象 */
        static getMessage(par) {
            return new Message(par);

    /** 是不是开发环境 */
    const isDev = window.__llej__userjs__dev__ === true;
    const config = reactive({
        state: 0,
        /** 是否开启编辑 */ elementEdit: isDev,
        /** 服务器地址 */
        serverIp: "https://shenzilong.cn/note/",
        /** 页面的url */
        locationUrl: decodeURIComponent(location.origin + location.pathname),
        /** 存储登录凭证的 */
        loginCredentials: "loginCredentials",
    const elementEdit = writable(config.elementEdit, (set) => {
        watchEffect(() => {
    elementEdit.subscribe((value) => {
        config.elementEdit = value;
    let t1 = Date.now();
    watchEffect(() => {
        if (Date.now() - t1 < 100) {
        console.log("[config.elementEdit]", config.elementEdit);
        new Message({
            msg: `${config.elementEdit ? "开启" : "关闭"}编辑模式`,
    /** 存储命令栈的地方 */
    const AllStoreName = "_storeName_llej_" + config.locationUrl;

    /** 当前被选中的元素 */
    let currentElement;
    /** 修改当前指向的元素和路径 */
    function setPath(elList) {
        currentElement = elList[0];
    /** 标记被修改后的元素(被污染了的元素),以便保存修改的内容 */
    const editElement = new Set();
    // const globalSettingRef = fireStore.doc("setting/global");
    // globalSettingRef.onSnapshot({
    //   next(r) {
    //     console.log("[    r]", r.data());
    //   },
    // });
    // globalSettingRef.update({
    //   test: 3,
    // });
    // globalSettingRef
    //   //   .doc("samples/sandwichData")
    //   .get()
    //   .then((r) => {});

    const DomFun = {
        ancestorShadowRoot(el) {
            let current = el;
            while (current) {
                if (current instanceof Element && !current.shadowRoot) {
                    return current;
                current = current.parentNode;
            return null;
        nodeNameInCorrectCase(el) {
            // If there is no local name, it's case sensitive
            if (!el.localName) {
                return el.nodeName;
            // If the names are different lengths, there is a prefix and it's case sensitive
            if (el.localName.length !== el.nodeName.length) {
                return el.nodeName;
            // Return the localname, which will be case insensitive if its an html node
            return el.localName;
    const cssPath = function (node, optimized) {
        if (node.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
            return '';
        const steps = [];
        let contextNode = node;
        while (contextNode) {
            const step = _cssPathStep(contextNode, Boolean(optimized), contextNode === node);
            if (!step) {
            } // Error - bail out early.
            if (step.optimized) {
            contextNode = contextNode.parentElement;
        return steps.join(' > ');
    // TODO(crbug.com/1172300) Ignored during the jsdoc to ts migration
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
    const _cssPathStep = function (node, optimized, isTargetNode) {
        if (node.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
            return null;
        const id = node.getAttribute('id');
        if (optimized) {
            if (id) {
                return new Step(idSelector(id), true);
            const nodeNameLower = node.nodeName.toLowerCase();
            if (nodeNameLower === 'body' || nodeNameLower === 'head' || nodeNameLower === 'html') {
                return new Step(DomFun.nodeNameInCorrectCase(node), true);
        const nodeName = DomFun.nodeNameInCorrectCase(node);
        if (id) {
            return new Step(nodeName + idSelector(id), true);
        const parent = node.parentElement;
        if (!parent || parent.nodeType === Node.DOCUMENT_NODE) {
            return new Step(nodeName, true);
        function prefixedElementClassNames(node) {
            const classAttribute = node.getAttribute('class');
            if (!classAttribute) {
                return [];
            return classAttribute.split(/\s+/g).filter(Boolean).map(function (name) {
                // The prefix is required to store "__proto__" in a object-based map.
                return '$' + name;
        function idSelector(id) {
            return '#' + CSS.escape(id);
        const prefixedOwnClassNamesArray = prefixedElementClassNames(node);
        let needsClassNames = false;
        let needsNthChild = false;
        let ownIndex = -1;
        let elementIndex = -1;
        const siblings = parent.children;
        for (let i = 0; siblings && (ownIndex === -1 || !needsNthChild) && i < siblings.length; ++i) {
            const sibling = siblings[i];
            if (sibling.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
            elementIndex += 1;
            if (sibling === node) {
                ownIndex = elementIndex;
            if (needsNthChild) {
            if (DomFun.nodeNameInCorrectCase(sibling) !== nodeName) {
            needsClassNames = true;
            const ownClassNames = new Set(prefixedOwnClassNamesArray);
            if (!ownClassNames.size) {
                needsNthChild = true;
            const siblingClassNamesArray = prefixedElementClassNames(sibling);
            for (let j = 0; j < siblingClassNamesArray.length; ++j) {
                const siblingClass = siblingClassNamesArray[j];
                if (!ownClassNames.has(siblingClass)) {
                if (!ownClassNames.size) {
                    needsNthChild = true;
        let result = nodeName;
        if (isTargetNode && nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'input' && node.getAttribute('type') && !node.getAttribute('id') &&
            !node.getAttribute('class')) {
            result += '[type=' + CSS.escape((node.getAttribute('type')) || '') + ']';
        if (needsNthChild) {
            result += ':nth-child(' + (ownIndex + 1) + ')';
        else if (needsClassNames) {
            for (const prefixedName of prefixedOwnClassNamesArray) {
                result += '.' + CSS.escape(prefixedName.slice(1));
        return new Step(result, false);
    class Step {
        constructor(value, optimized) {
            this.value = value;
            this.optimized = optimized || false;
        toString() {
            return this.value;

    /** 用于复制文本的input   */
    const input_copy = document.createElement("textarea");
    input_copy.id = "__";
    input_copy.style.display = "none"; //不能设置为none因为会导致没有可访问性
    input_copy.setAttribute("style", `
        position: absolute;
        top: -9999px;
        left: -9999px;`);
    /** 复制一个元素的titil 或者一段字符串到剪贴板 */
    function copyTitle(el) {
        let title = typeof el === "string" ? el : el.getAttribute("title") || "";
        input_copy.setAttribute("readonly", "readonly");
        input_copy.setAttribute("value", title);
        input_copy.value = title;
        input_copy.setSelectionRange(0, 9999);
    /** 工具类 */
    var $ = {
    /** 获取一个元素的选择器 */
    function getSelectors(el) {
        return cssPath(el, true);
    /** 获取一个元素的所有父节点到html为止  */
    function nodePath(...path) {
        while (path[path.length - 1].parentElement != null ||
            path[path.length - 1].tagName !== "HTML") {
            const p = path[path.length - 1].parentElement;
            if (p) {
        /** 只需要是HTMLElement的 */
        const HTMLElementPath = (path.filter((el) => el instanceof HTMLElement));
        return HTMLElementPath;
    async function getJSon(url, data) {
        const str = await ajax_get(url, data);
        const res = JSON.parse(str);
        console.log(url, data, res);
        return res;
    /** 油猴的ajaxget */
    function ajax_get(url, data) {
        if (data)
            url += "?" + jsonToURLpar(data);
        if (window.hasOwnProperty("GM") && window.hasOwnProperty("GM"))
            return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                    method: "GET",
                    onload: function (response) {
                    onerror: reject,
            return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
                xhr.addEventListener("load", function () {
                xhr.addEventListener("error", reject);
                xhr.open("get", url);
    /** json 转 urlpar 只能转一层 */
    function jsonToURLpar(json) {
        return Object.keys(json)
            .map(function (key) {
            return encodeURIComponent(key) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(json[key]);
    /** 开发时的调试log */
    function log(...arg) {
        if (isDev)
            console.log(`[dev] `, ...arg);
    /** 用户选中事件 */
    var SelectionEvent;
    (function (SelectionEvent) {
        /** 表示用户选中的对象,唯一的。不用每次去获取 */
        const s = window.getSelection();
        /** 是否处于 range 的选中状态 */
        SelectionEvent.isRange = writable(false);
        /** 选区开始位置的元素的 rect */
        SelectionEvent.anchorRect = derived(SelectionEvent.isRange, ($isRange) => {
            if (!$isRange)
            const node = s.anchorNode;
            const el = node instanceof Element ? node : node.parentElement;
            const rect = el.getBoundingClientRect();
            return rect;
        function 高亮(options = {}) {
            var _a, _b;
            const h = new Highlighted(options.style || "");
            const className = h.className;
            const tagName = "span";
            let 选中的所有节点 = [];
            if ( /** 跨元素了 */s.anchorNode !== s.focusNode) {
                const startRange = s.getRangeAt(0);
                const endRange = s.getRangeAt(s.rangeCount - 1);
                let startNode = startRange.startContainer;
                let endNode = endRange.endContainer;
                let cur = startNode;
                if (cur instanceof Text) {
                    const s = startRange;
                    const t2 = cur.splitText(s.startOffset);
                    const t3 = t2.nextSibling;
                    const wrap = document.createElement(tagName);
                    (_a = cur.parentNode) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.insertBefore(wrap, t3);
                cur = endNode;
                if (cur instanceof Text) {
                    const s = endRange;
                    const t2 = cur.splitText(s.endOffset);
                    const wrap = document.createElement(tagName);
                    (_b = t2.parentNode) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.insertBefore(wrap, t2);
                    endNode = t2;
                选中的所有节点 = getIntermediateNodes(startNode, endNode);
            else {
                /** 单元素类 */
                const cur = s.anchorNode;
                if (cur instanceof Text) {
                    const t2 = cur.splitText(s.anchorOffset);
                else {
            console.log("选中的所有节点", 选中的所有节点);
            选中的所有节点.forEach((node) => {
                let el;
                if (node instanceof Element) {
                    el = node;
                else {
                    /** 对纯文本节点进行包装,因为纯文本节点无法附加样式等属性 */
                    const wrap = document.createElement(tagName);
                    const t2 = node.nextSibling;
                    const parent = node.parentNode;
                    parent.insertBefore(wrap, t2);
                    el = wrap;
            /** 这些元素被添加了类名,甚至被包裹了一层。属于被污染的元素,直接标记他们的父亲 */
            const 共存层 = getIntermediateNodes.寻找共存层(...选中的所有节点);
            // console.log("[共存层]", 共存层);
            let parent = 共存层[0].parentElement;
            /** 避免标记的是不够大的元素,实际上也是因为寻找元素的方法不够好否则也用不着这个 */
            while (parent.className.includes("llej-page_notes-style")) {
                parent = parent.parentElement;
        SelectionEvent.高亮 = 高亮;
        document.addEventListener("selectionchange", () => {
            SelectionEvent.isRange.set(s.type === "Range");
    })(SelectionEvent || (SelectionEvent = {}));
    function getIntermediateNodes(a, b) {
        return getIntermediateNodes.获取两元素之间的元素(a, b);
    (function (getIntermediateNodes) {
        function 寻找共存层(...args) {
            if (args.length === 1) {
                return args;
            const parentList = args
                .map((el) => 获取父链路(el).reverse())
                .sort((a, b) => {
                return a.length - b.length;
            const 最短链路 = parentList[0];
            for (let i = 0; i < 最短链路.length; i++) {
                const element = 最短链路[i];
                const 此层是否全相似 = parentList
                    .map((el) => el[i])
                    .every((el) => el === element);
                if (此层是否全相似 === false) {
                    return Array.from(最短链路[i - 1].childNodes);
            return [];
        getIntermediateNodes.寻找共存层 = 寻找共存层;
        /** 越接近node的元素越在前面 */
        function 获取父链路(node) {
            const list = [];
            let cur = node;
            while (cur.parentNode) {
                cur = cur.parentNode;
            return list;
        getIntermediateNodes.获取父链路 = 获取父链路;
        function 后面的兄弟元素(node) {
            const list = [];
            let cur = node;
            while (cur.nextSibling) {
                cur = cur.nextSibling;
            return list;
        getIntermediateNodes.后面的兄弟元素 = 后面的兄弟元素;
        function 前面的兄弟元素(node) {
            const list = [];
            let cur = node;
            while (cur.previousSibling) {
                cur = cur.previousSibling;
            return list;
        getIntermediateNodes.前面的兄弟元素 = 前面的兄弟元素;
        function 获取两元素之间的元素(a, b) {
            const list = [];
            const aParentList = 获取父链路(a).reverse();
            const bParentList = 获取父链路(b).reverse();
            /** 找出 a 与 b 在共存层的父元素 */
            const 短链路 = aParentList.length > bParentList.length ? bParentList : aParentList;
            let n1 = 短链路[0];
            let n2 = 短链路[0];
            for (let i = 0; i < 短链路.length; i++) {
                n1 = aParentList[i];
                n2 = bParentList[i];
                if (n1 !== n2) {
            /** 获取共存层中间的元素 */
            let cur = n1.nextSibling;
            while (cur !== n2 && cur.nextSibling !== null) {
                cur = cur.nextSibling;
            /** 判断 a 是否在 b前面 */
            cur = n1;
            let n1在前 = false;
            while (cur.nextSibling) {
                if (n2 === cur) {
                    n1在前 = true;
                cur = cur.nextSibling;
            const [pre, next] = n1在前 ? [a, b] : [b, a];
            const 共存层 = 寻找共存层(a, b);
            cur = pre;
            while (!共存层.includes(cur)) {
                cur = cur.parentNode;
            cur = next;
            while (!共存层.includes(cur)) {
                cur = cur.parentNode;
            return list;
        getIntermediateNodes.获取两元素之间的元素 = 获取两元素之间的元素;
    })(getIntermediateNodes || (getIntermediateNodes = {}));

    /*! *****************************************************************************
    Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.

    Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
    purpose with or without fee is hereby granted.

    ***************************************************************************** */

    function __values(o) {
        var s = typeof Symbol === "function" && Symbol.iterator, m = s && o[s], i = 0;
        if (m) return m.call(o);
        if (o && typeof o.length === "number") return {
            next: function () {
                if (o && i >= o.length) o = void 0;
                return { value: o && o[i++], done: !o };
        throw new TypeError(s ? "Object is not iterable." : "Symbol.iterator is not defined.");

    function __asyncValues(o) {
        if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined.");
        var m = o[Symbol.asyncIterator], i;
        return m ? m.call(o) : (o = typeof __values === "function" ? __values(o) : o[Symbol.iterator](), i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw"), verb("return"), i[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function () { return this; }, i);
        function verb(n) { i[n] = o[n] && function (v) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { v = o[n](v), settle(resolve, reject, v.done, v.value); }); }; }
        function settle(resolve, reject, d, v) { Promise.resolve(v).then(function(v) { resolve({ value: v, done: d }); }, reject); }

    /** 用来识别身份的key */
    let key = '';
    /** 附带登录信息的ajax */
    async function au_getJSON(url, data) {
        if (data === undefined)
            data = {};
        data.key = key ? key : await getLocalItem(config.loginCredentials);
        return getJSon(url, data);
    /** 登录 */
    async function _login(par) {
        const res = await getJSon(config.serverIp + 'login', par);
        if (res.body && res.body.length > 0)
            key = res.body;
        setLocalItem(config.loginCredentials, key);
        return res;
    /** 注册 */
    async function remote_register(par) {
        return await getJSon(config.serverIp + 'register', par);
    /** 获取存储库 */
    async function remote_getStore(par) {
        return await au_getJSON(config.serverIp + 'getStore', par);
    /** 设置存储库 */
    async function remote_setStore(par) {
        return await au_getJSON(config.serverIp + 'setStore', par);

    class Style {
    Style.message = `
    border: 1px solid black;
    background-color: white;
    position: fixed;
    top: 20px;
    left: 30px;
    animation: llej_myfirst 5s;
    Style.warning = `
    border: 1px solid black;
    background-color: red;
    position: fixed;
    top: 20px;
    left: 30px;
    Style.note = `
    border: 1px solid black;
    background-color: #c6c5ba;
    position: sticky;
    top: 20px;
    left: 30px;
    width: auto;
    height: auto;
    /** 注入动画 */
    const keyframes = document.createElement('style');
    keyframes.innerHTML = `
@keyframes llej_myfirst
    from { background: red;color:white; }
    to { background: yellow;color:black; }

    class Warning extends Message {
        constructor({ msg }) {
            super({ msg, style: Style.warning });

    /** ════════════════════════🏳‍🌈 提供给用户使用的功能 🏳‍🌈════════════════════════
     ** ════════════════════════🚧 提供给用户使用的功能 🚧════════════════════════ */
    const fun = {
        /** 使元素可编辑 */
        editElement() {
            if (currentElement.innerHTML.length > 10 * 1000)
                return new Warning({ msg: "该元素内容过大,请选择更确定的文本元素。" }).autoHide();
            CommandControl.run(new editSelect(currentElement));
        /** 删除元素 */
        deleteElement() {
            CommandControl.run(new deleteSelect(currentElement));
        /** 复制title */
        copyTitle() {
        /** 关闭可编辑 */
        closeEdit() {
            CommandControl.run(new closeEditSelect(currentElement));
        /** 撤销 */
        backOut() {
        /** 重做 */
        undo() {
        /** 新增笔记 */
        addNote() {
            CommandControl.run(new addNote(currentElement));
        /** 保存所有的修改 */
        saveChanges() {
            new Message({ msg: "保存成功" }).autoHide();
        /** 将修改上传到云端 */
        async uploadThe() {
                url: config.locationUrl,
                store: await saveChanges(editElement),
            }).then((r) => {
                new Message({ msg: "云端存储:" + r.message }).autoHide();
        /** 从云端下载修改 */
        downloadThe() {
            new Message({ msg: "正在读取云端存储" }).autoHide();
                url: config.locationUrl,
            }).then((r) => {
                if (r.body === undefined || r.body.length === 0)
                    return new Message({ msg: "云端存储:" + r.message }).autoHide();
                const allStore = JSON.parse(r.body[0].store);
                new Message({ msg: "云端存储:" + r.message }).autoHide();
        /** 注册 */
        register() {
        /** 登录 */
        login() {
    /** 按键和函数的映射关系 */
    const KeyMap = {
        KeyQ: [fun.editElement],
        KeyD: [fun.deleteElement],
        KeyC: [fun.copyTitle],
        KeyW: [fun.closeEdit],
        KeyZ: [fun.backOut],
        KeyY: [fun.undo],
        KeyN: [fun.addNote],
        KeyS: [fun.saveChanges],
        KeyO: [fun.uploadThe],
        KeyP: [fun.downloadThe, fun.saveChanges],
        KeyK: [fun.register],
        KeyL: [fun.login],
        F2: [],
        KeyM: [],
    /** 保存修改 */
    async function saveChanges(editElement) {
        const data = {
            element_List: {},
            CommandStack: CommandControl.commandStack,
        /** 获取修改过的元素的html */
        editElement.forEach((el) => {
            const selectors = getSelectors(el);
            data.element_List[selectors] = el.innerHTML;
        const data_str = JSON.stringify(Object.assign(curStore, data));
        await setLocalItem(AllStoreName, JSON.stringify(data));
        return data_str;
    /** 加载修改 */
    async function loadChanges(allStore) {
        /** 将修改过的 html 写回去 */
        for (const selectors in allStore.element_List) {
            const html = allStore.element_List[selectors];
            const el = document.querySelector(selectors);
            if (el === null) {
                console.error(`${selectors} 的元素无法找到,无法重写`);
            else {
                el.innerHTML = html;
                log("-重写-", selectors, el);
        /** 重新执行命令栈 */
    function login() {
        const title = ">>>网页笔记<<<\n";
        const user = prompt(title + "请输入用户名");
        if (user === null)
        const secret_key = prompt(title + "请输入密钥。");
        if (secret_key === null)
        }).then((r) => {
            new Message({ msg: r.message }).autoHide();
    function register() {
        const title = ">>>网页笔记<<<\n";
        const user = prompt(title + "请输入用户名");
        if (user === null)
        const secret_key = prompt(title + "请输入密钥。要记住哦,没有提供找回功能");
        if (secret_key === null)
        }).then((r) => {
            new Message({ msg: r.message }).autoHide();
    /** 轮廓线,用以显示当前元素 */
    function outline(el) {
        setTimeout(reduction, 400);
        function reduction() {
            if (el == currentElement) {
                /** 鼠标还在这个元素上,再等会 */
    /** 监听鼠标移动 */
    function on_mouse(event) {
        if (event.target instanceof HTMLElement) {
            if (config.elementEdit) {
    /** 监测按键事件 */
    async function on_keydown(event) {
        var e_1, _a;
        const code = event.code;
        if (code in KeyMap) {
            if (isEditing()) {
                // return new Message({ msg: "有元素获得焦点,视为正在输入文本,不执行指令" }).autoHide();
            else {
                if (code === "F2" || code === "KeyM") {
                    /** 切换编辑模式 */
                    return switchState();
                else if (config.elementEdit === false) {
                else {
                    /** 执行按键绑定的函数 */
                    const func_list = KeyMap[code];
                    log(`[按下了] ${code},执行了: ${func_list.map((f) => f.name).join(" ")}`);
                    try {
                        for (var func_list_1 = __asyncValues(func_list), func_list_1_1; func_list_1_1 = await func_list_1.next(), !func_list_1_1.done;) {
                            const f = func_list_1_1.value;
                            await f();
                    catch (e_1_1) { e_1 = { error: e_1_1 }; }
                    finally {
                        try {
                            if (func_list_1_1 && !func_list_1_1.done && (_a = func_list_1.return)) await _a.call(func_list_1);
                        finally { if (e_1) throw e_1.error; }
        else {
            log("未注册该按键处理程序 " + code);
        function isEditing() {
            return (document.querySelector(":focus") ||
                /** 如果目标元素是自定义组件的话上面这个还检测不了,需要检测 shadow 中是否存在焦点 */
                (event.target.shadowRoot && event.target.shadowRoot.querySelector(":focus")));
    /** 编辑事件 */
    function on_input(event) {
        if (event.target instanceof HTMLElement) {
            const el = event.target;
            if (el.innerHTML.length > 10 * 1000)
                new Warning({
                    msg: "该元素html内容过大,将不会保存这里的修改,请选择更确定的文本元素。",
    /** 切换状态 */
    function switchState() {
        return (config.elementEdit = !config.elementEdit);

    /** 设置一条本地存储 */
    async function setLocalItem(name, value) {
        if (typeof unsafeWindow !== "undefined") {
            return await GM.setValue(name, value);
        else {
            return await localStorage.setItem(name, String(value));
    /** 读取一条本地存储 */
    async function getLocalItem(/** 键名 */ name, /** 没有的时候的默认值 */ defaultValue) {
        if (typeof unsafeWindow !== "undefined") {
            const res = await GM.getValue(name, defaultValue);
            return res;
        else {
            const value = localStorage.getItem(name);
            if (value === null)
                return await defaultValue;
            return await value;
    const curStore = reactive({
        CommandStack: [],
        element_List: {},
        /** 用于记录高亮 id 避免新高亮出现重复 */
        Highlighted_count: 0,
    getLocalItem(AllStoreName, "{}").then((s) => {
        try {
            if (s) {
                Object.assign(curStore, JSON.parse(s));
        catch (error) {
            log("本地存储序列化失败", s);
        /** 自动加载本地暂存更改 */
        (async () => {
            if (document.readyState === "complete") {
            else {
                window.addEventListener("load", function () {

    /** 用来显示笔记的地方 */
    const note_list_store = writable([]);
    const defaultSetting = {
        a: 3,
        swatches: {
            textColor: {
                default: "#333",
                list: [
            bgColor: {
                default: "#EB5757",
                list: [
            underlineColor: {
                default: "#EB5757",
                list: [
    class PageNotesStore {
        constructor(storePath) {
            this.storePath = storePath;
            this.store = {};
            this._writable = writable({});
            this.initializing = getLocalItem(storePath, JSON.stringify(defaultSetting)).then((r) => {
                if (r) {
                    this.store = JSON.parse(r);
                this._writable.subscribe((r) => {
                    this.store = r;
        async getStore() {
            await this.initializing;
            return this.store;
        save(r) {
            setLocalItem(this.storePath, JSON.stringify(r));
        getWritable() {
            return this._writable;
        async get(k) {
            return (await this.getStore())[k];
        async set(k, value) {
            const s = await this.getStore();
            s[k] = value;
    /** 设置相关的存储 */
    const settingStore = new PageNotesStore("__setting__");

    const styleList = writable([]);
    /** 根据 styleList 计算出来的 css 片段 */
    const styleText = derived(styleList, ($styleList) => {
        return `<style>

    /** 每一个命令都应该实现的东西 */
    class Command {
        constructor(/** 命令执行的元素 */ select) {
            if (select === undefined) {
                //TODO 这里
                this.selectEL = document.createElement("div");
            else {
                this.selectEL = select;
        /** 执行这个命令 */
        do() {
            return this;
        /** 撤销这个命令 */
        undo() {
            return this;
        /** 重新执行命令 */
        redo() {
            return this.do();
        /** 将命令变成可以转化为json字符串的对象 */
        toJSON() {
            return {
                selectEL: this.selectEL ? getSelectors(this.selectEL) : "",
                constructor: this.__proto__.constructor.name,
        /** 用于可以使用 toJSON 生成的数据重建功能效果 */
        static 重建(obj) {
            return new this(document.querySelector(obj.selectEL) || undefined);
        /** 加载commandJSON转变为命令,通过泛型来构造对象的方式 */
        static load(obj, CLASS) {
            return CLASS.重建(obj);
    /** 删除一个元素 */
    class deleteSelect extends Command {
        do() {
            this.selectEL_display = this.selectEL.style.display;
            this.selectEL.style.display = "none";
            return this;
        undo() {
            if (this.selectEL_display) {
                this.selectEL.style.display = this.selectEL_display;
            return this;
    /** 使元素可编辑 */
    class editSelect extends Command {
        constructor() {
            this.selectEL_contentEditable = "";
        do() {
            this.selectEL_contentEditable = this.selectEL.contentEditable;
            this.selectEL.contentEditable = "true";
            return this;
        undo() {
            this.selectEL.contentEditable = this.selectEL_contentEditable;
            return this;
    /** 使元素不可编辑 */
    class closeEditSelect extends Command {
        constructor() {
            this.selectEL_contentEditable = "";
        do() {
            this.selectEL_contentEditable = this.selectEL.contentEditable;
            this.selectEL.contentEditable = "false";
            return this;
        undo() {
            this.selectEL.contentEditable = this.selectEL_contentEditable;
            return this;
    /** 新增一个笔记 */
    class addNote extends Command {
        do() {
            note_list_store.update((list) => {
                    point: this.selectEL,
                    content: "6666666",
                return list;
            return this;
        undo() {
            return this;
        redo() {
            return this;
    /** 高亮功能 */
    class Highlighted extends Command {
        constructor(styleText) {
            this.styleText = styleText;
            /** css 类名 */
            this.className = `llej-page_notes-style-${curStore.Highlighted_count++}`;
        do() {
            styleList.update((r) => {
                return [...r, this.getRawStyleText()];
            return this;
        getRawStyleText() {
            return `
        undo() {
            styleList.update((r) => {
                return r.filter((el) => el !== this.getRawStyleText());
            return this;
        static 重建(obj) {
            const r = new this(obj.styleText);
            r.className = obj.className;
            return r;
        toJSON() {
            return {
                selectEL: "",
                className: this.className,
                styleText: this.styleText,
                constructor: this.__proto__.constructor.name,
    /** 命令控制器 */
    const CommandControl = {
        commandStack: [],
        backOutStack: [],
        pushCommand(command) {
            return this.commandStack.push(command);
        run(command) {
            try {
                this.backOutStack.splice(0, this.backOutStack.length);
                return this.pushCommand(command.do());
            catch (error) {
                console.error("命令执行失败", command);
            return -1;
        backOut() {
            if (this.commandStack.length === 0) {
                Message.getMessage({ msg: "命令栈已空,无法进行撤销" }).autoHide();
                return -1;
            const command = this.commandStack.pop();
            if (command) {
                return this.backOutStack.push(command.undo());
            return -1;
        reform() {
            if (this.backOutStack.length === 0) {
                Message.getMessage({ msg: "撤销栈已空,无法进行重做" }).autoHide();
                return -1;
            const command = this.backOutStack.pop();
            if (command) {
                return this.commandStack.push(command.redo());
            return -1;
        /** 从json重建命令栈 */
        loadCommandJSON(obj) {
            log("-执行命令-", obj.constructor);
            if (obj.constructor === "deleteSelect")
                return Command.load(obj, deleteSelect);
            if (obj.constructor === "editSelect")
                return Command.load(obj, editSelect);
            if (obj.constructor === "closeEditSelect")
                return Command.load(obj, closeEditSelect);
            if (obj.constructor === "addNote")
                return Command.load(obj, addNote);
            if (obj.constructor === "Highlighted")
                return Command.load(obj, Highlighted);
        getCommandStackJSON() {
            return JSON.stringify(this.commandStack);
        loadCommandJsonAndRun(commandJSON) {
            commandJSON.map(this.loadCommandJSON).forEach((command) => {
                if (command) {
            return true;

    /* src/svelte/global_style.svelte generated by Svelte v3.38.3 */

    function add_css$5() {
    	var style = element("style");
    	style.id = "svelte-1g4ohrx-style";
    	style.textContent = ".user_js_llej_outline{outline:2px solid red !important}";
    	append(document.head, style);

    class Global_style extends SvelteComponent {
    	constructor(options) {
    		if (!document.getElementById("svelte-1g4ohrx-style")) add_css$5();
    		init(this, options, null, null, safe_not_equal, {});

    function cubicOut(t) {
        const f = t - 1.0;
        return f * f * f + 1.0;

    function fly(node, { delay = 0, duration = 400, easing = cubicOut, x = 0, y = 0, opacity = 0 } = {}) {
        const style = getComputedStyle(node);
        const target_opacity = +style.opacity;
        const transform = style.transform === 'none' ? '' : style.transform;
        const od = target_opacity * (1 - opacity);
        return {
            css: (t, u) => `
			transform: ${transform} translate(${(1 - t) * x}px, ${(1 - t) * y}px);
			opacity: ${target_opacity - (od * u)}`

    function flip(node, animation, params = {}) {
        const style = getComputedStyle(node);
        const transform = style.transform === 'none' ? '' : style.transform;
        const scaleX = animation.from.width / node.clientWidth;
        const scaleY = animation.from.height / node.clientHeight;
        const dx = (animation.from.left - animation.to.left) / scaleX;
        const dy = (animation.from.top - animation.to.top) / scaleY;
        const d = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
        const { delay = 0, duration = (d) => Math.sqrt(d) * 120, easing = cubicOut } = params;
        return {
            duration: is_function(duration) ? duration(d) : duration,
            css: (_t, u) => `transform: ${transform} translate(${u * dx}px, ${u * dy}px);`

    /* src/svelte/msg.svelte generated by Svelte v3.38.3 */

    function add_css$4() {
    	var style = element("style");
    	style.id = "svelte-nrh36t-style";
    	style.textContent = ".llej-msg_list.svelte-nrh36t{position:fixed;top:20px;left:20px;z-index:9998}.llej-msg_list-item.svelte-nrh36t{background:#fff;box-shadow:0 4px 10px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);margin:6px 12px;padding:3px 7px;display:flex;align-items:center;z-index:900}.llej-msg_list-item-point.svelte-nrh36t{--s:4px;width:var(--s);height:var(--s);background-color:#367dd9;margin:var(--s);border-radius:999px}";
    	append(document.head, style);

    function get_each_context$2(ctx, list, i) {
    	const child_ctx = ctx.slice();
    	child_ctx[1] = list[i];
    	child_ctx[3] = i;
    	return child_ctx;

    // (34:2) {#each $messageList as item, index (index)}
    function create_each_block$2(key_1, ctx) {
    	let div1;
    	let div0;
    	let t0;
    	let t1_value = /*item*/ ctx[1].par.msg + "";
    	let t1;
    	let t2;
    	let div1_style_value;
    	let div1_transition;
    	let rect;
    	let stop_animation = noop;
    	let current;

    	return {
    		key: key_1,
    		first: null,
    		c() {
    			div1 = element("div");
    			div0 = element("div");
    			t0 = space();
    			t1 = text(t1_value);
    			t2 = space();
    			attr(div0, "class", "llej-msg_list-item-point svelte-nrh36t");
    			attr(div1, "class", "llej-msg_list-item svelte-nrh36t");
    			attr(div1, "style", div1_style_value = /*item*/ ctx[1].par.style);
    			this.first = div1;
    		m(target, anchor) {
    			insert(target, div1, anchor);
    			append(div1, div0);
    			append(div1, t0);
    			append(div1, t1);
    			append(div1, t2);
    			current = true;
    		p(new_ctx, dirty) {
    			ctx = new_ctx;
    			if ((!current || dirty & /*$messageList*/ 1) && t1_value !== (t1_value = /*item*/ ctx[1].par.msg + "")) set_data(t1, t1_value);

    			if (!current || dirty & /*$messageList*/ 1 && div1_style_value !== (div1_style_value = /*item*/ ctx[1].par.style)) {
    				attr(div1, "style", div1_style_value);
    		r() {
    			rect = div1.getBoundingClientRect();
    		f() {
    			add_transform(div1, rect);
    		a() {
    			stop_animation = create_animation(div1, rect, flip, {});
    		i(local) {
    			if (current) return;

    			add_render_callback(() => {
    				if (!div1_transition) div1_transition = create_bidirectional_transition(div1, fly, { x: -200, duration: 1000 }, true);

    			current = true;
    		o(local) {
    			if (!div1_transition) div1_transition = create_bidirectional_transition(div1, fly, { x: -200, duration: 1000 }, false);
    			current = false;
    		d(detaching) {
    			if (detaching) detach(div1);
    			if (detaching && div1_transition) div1_transition.end();

    function create_fragment$5(ctx) {
    	let div;
    	let each_blocks = [];
    	let each_1_lookup = new Map();
    	let current;
    	let each_value = /*$messageList*/ ctx[0];
    	const get_key = ctx => /*index*/ ctx[3];

    	for (let i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) {
    		let child_ctx = get_each_context$2(ctx, each_value, i);
    		let key = get_key(child_ctx);
    		each_1_lookup.set(key, each_blocks[i] = create_each_block$2(key, child_ctx));

    	return {
    		c() {
    			div = element("div");

    			for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {

    			attr(div, "class", "llej-msg_list svelte-nrh36t");
    		m(target, anchor) {
    			insert(target, div, anchor);

    			for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
    				each_blocks[i].m(div, null);

    			current = true;
    		p(ctx, [dirty]) {
    			if (dirty & /*$messageList*/ 1) {
    				each_value = /*$messageList*/ ctx[0];
    				for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) each_blocks[i].r();
    				each_blocks = update_keyed_each(each_blocks, dirty, get_key, 1, ctx, each_value, each_1_lookup, div, fix_and_outro_and_destroy_block, create_each_block$2, null, get_each_context$2);
    				for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) each_blocks[i].a();
    		i(local) {
    			if (current) return;

    			for (let i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) {

    			current = true;
    		o(local) {
    			for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {

    			current = false;
    		d(detaching) {
    			if (detaching) detach(div);

    			for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {

    function instance$4($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) {
    	let $messageList;
    	component_subscribe($$self, messageList, $$value => $$invalidate(0, $messageList = $$value));
    	return [$messageList];

    class Msg extends SvelteComponent {
    	constructor(options) {
    		if (!document.getElementById("svelte-nrh36t-style")) add_css$4();
    		init(this, options, instance$4, create_fragment$5, safe_not_equal, {});

    /* src/svelte/Note.svelte generated by Svelte v3.38.3 */

    function add_css$3() {
    	var style = element("style");
    	style.id = "svelte-dn4h7-style";
    	style.textContent = ".c-note.svelte-dn4h7{outline:rgb(187, 181, 181) 2px solid;background:rgba(red, green, blue, 0.6);padding:0.3rem 0.4rem;position:absolute;z-index:60}";
    	append(document.head, style);

    function create_fragment$4(ctx) {
    	let div;
    	let t_value = /*note*/ ctx[0].content + "";
    	let t;

    	return {
    		c() {
    			div = element("div");
    			t = text(t_value);
    			attr(div, "class", "c-note svelte-dn4h7");
    			set_style(div, "top", p(/*note*/ ctx[0]).top + p(/*note*/ ctx[0]).height / 2 + "px");
    			set_style(div, "left", p(/*note*/ ctx[0]).left + p(/*note*/ ctx[0]).width + "px");
    		m(target, anchor) {
    			insert(target, div, anchor);
    			append(div, t);
    		p(ctx, [dirty]) {
    			if (dirty & /*note*/ 1 && t_value !== (t_value = /*note*/ ctx[0].content + "")) set_data(t, t_value);

    			if (dirty & /*note*/ 1) {
    				set_style(div, "top", p(/*note*/ ctx[0]).top + p(/*note*/ ctx[0]).height / 2 + "px");

    			if (dirty & /*note*/ 1) {
    				set_style(div, "left", p(/*note*/ ctx[0]).left + p(/*note*/ ctx[0]).width + "px");
    		i: noop,
    		o: noop,
    		d(detaching) {
    			if (detaching) detach(div);

    function p(note) {
    	return note.point.getBoundingClientRect();

    function instance$3($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) {
    	let { note } = $$props;

    	//   document.querySelector(note.point)

    	console.log(111, note);

    	$$self.$$set = $$props => {
    		if ("note" in $$props) $$invalidate(0, note = $$props.note);

    	return [note];

    class Note extends SvelteComponent {
    	constructor(options) {
    		if (!document.getElementById("svelte-dn4h7-style")) add_css$3();
    		init(this, options, instance$3, create_fragment$4, safe_not_equal, { note: 0 });

    /* src/svelte/component/ColorBlock.svelte generated by Svelte v3.38.3 */

    function add_css$2() {
    	var style = element("style");
    	style.id = "svelte-j44t3k-style";
    	style.textContent = ".c.svelte-j44t3k.svelte-j44t3k{position:relative}.c-color_block.svelte-j44t3k.svelte-j44t3k{width:22px;height:22px;background:var(--color);border-radius:6px}.c.svelte-j44t3k:hover .c-swatches.svelte-j44t3k{display:flex}.c.svelte-j44t3k .c-swatches.svelte-j44t3k{display:none}.c-swatches.svelte-j44t3k.svelte-j44t3k{position:absolute;background:#f8f8f8;box-shadow:0px 4px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25);border-radius:12px;width:218px;display:flex;flex-wrap:wrap}.c-swatches-item.svelte-j44t3k.svelte-j44t3k{margin:4px}";
    	append(document.head, style);

    function get_each_context$1(ctx, list, i) {
    	const child_ctx = ctx.slice();
    	child_ctx[7] = list[i];
    	child_ctx[9] = i;
    	return child_ctx;

    // (72:4) {#each defaultColorList as c, i (i)}
    function create_each_block$1(key_1, ctx) {
    	let div;
    	let mounted;
    	let dispose;

    	function click_handler() {
    		return /*click_handler*/ ctx[5](/*c*/ ctx[7]);

    	return {
    		key: key_1,
    		first: null,
    		c() {
    			div = element("div");
    			attr(div, "class", "c-swatches-item c-color_block svelte-j44t3k");
    			set_style(div, "--color", /*c*/ ctx[7]);
    			this.first = div;
    		m(target, anchor) {
    			insert(target, div, anchor);

    			if (!mounted) {
    				dispose = listen(div, "click", click_handler);
    				mounted = true;
    		p(new_ctx, dirty) {
    			ctx = new_ctx;

    			if (dirty & /*defaultColorList*/ 2) {
    				set_style(div, "--color", /*c*/ ctx[7]);
    		d(detaching) {
    			if (detaching) detach(div);
    			mounted = false;

    function create_fragment$3(ctx) {
    	let div1;
    	let label;
    	let input;
    	let t;
    	let div0;
    	let each_blocks = [];
    	let each_1_lookup = new Map();
    	let mounted;
    	let dispose;
    	let each_value = /*defaultColorList*/ ctx[1];
    	const get_key = ctx => /*i*/ ctx[9];

    	for (let i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) {
    		let child_ctx = get_each_context$1(ctx, each_value, i);
    		let key = get_key(child_ctx);
    		each_1_lookup.set(key, each_blocks[i] = create_each_block$1(key, child_ctx));

    	return {
    		c() {
    			div1 = element("div");
    			label = element("label");
    			input = element("input");
    			t = space();
    			div0 = element("div");

    			for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {

    			attr(input, "type", "color");
    			set_style(input, "display", "none");
    			attr(label, "class", "c-color_block svelte-j44t3k");
    			set_style(label, "--color", /*defaultColor*/ ctx[0]);
    			set_style(label, "display", "flex");
    			attr(label, "title", "点击此处选择自定义颜色");
    			attr(div0, "class", "c-swatches svelte-j44t3k");
    			attr(div1, "class", "c svelte-j44t3k");
    		m(target, anchor) {
    			insert(target, div1, anchor);
    			append(div1, label);
    			append(label, input);
    			set_input_value(input, /*defaultColor*/ ctx[0]);
    			append(div1, t);
    			append(div1, div0);

    			for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
    				each_blocks[i].m(div0, null);

    			if (!mounted) {
    				dispose = [
    					listen(input, "input", /*input_input_handler*/ ctx[3]),
    					listen(input, "change", /*change_handler*/ ctx[4])

    				mounted = true;
    		p(ctx, [dirty]) {
    			if (dirty & /*defaultColor*/ 1) {
    				set_input_value(input, /*defaultColor*/ ctx[0]);

    			if (dirty & /*defaultColor*/ 1) {
    				set_style(label, "--color", /*defaultColor*/ ctx[0]);

    			if (dirty & /*defaultColorList, changeColor*/ 6) {
    				each_value = /*defaultColorList*/ ctx[1];
    				each_blocks = update_keyed_each(each_blocks, dirty, get_key, 1, ctx, each_value, each_1_lookup, div0, destroy_block, create_each_block$1, null, get_each_context$1);
    		i: noop,
    		o: noop,
    		d(detaching) {
    			if (detaching) detach(div1);

    			for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {

    			mounted = false;

    function instance$2($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) {
    	const dispatch = createEventDispatcher();
    	let { defaultColor = "#EB5757" } = $$props;

    	let { defaultColorList = [
    	] } = $$props;

    	function changeColor(c) {
    		$$invalidate(0, defaultColor = c);
    		dispatch("change", c);

    	function input_input_handler() {
    		defaultColor = this.value;
    		$$invalidate(0, defaultColor);

    	const change_handler = () => changeColor(defaultColor);
    	const click_handler = c => changeColor(c);

    	$$self.$$set = $$props => {
    		if ("defaultColor" in $$props) $$invalidate(0, defaultColor = $$props.defaultColor);
    		if ("defaultColorList" in $$props) $$invalidate(1, defaultColorList = $$props.defaultColorList);

    	return [

    class ColorBlock extends SvelteComponent {
    	constructor(options) {
    		if (!document.getElementById("svelte-j44t3k-style")) add_css$2();
    		init(this, options, instance$2, create_fragment$3, safe_not_equal, { defaultColor: 0, defaultColorList: 1 });

    /* src/svelte/Toolbar.svelte generated by Svelte v3.38.3 */

    function add_css$1() {
    	var style = element("style");
    	style.id = "svelte-17scrbx-style";
    	style.textContent = ".llej-toolbar.svelte-17scrbx{z-index:1000;height:36px;border-radius:4px;font-size:14px;display:flex;align-items:center;padding:0px 6px;user-select:none;font-size:18px;background:#f8f8f8;box-shadow:0px 4px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25);border-radius:12px}.llej-toolbar-btn.svelte-17scrbx{transition:0.3s all;padding:2px 5px;display:flex;align-items:center}.llej-toolbar-btn.svelte-17scrbx:hover{background:rgb(231, 231, 231)}";
    	append(document.head, style);

    function create_fragment$2(ctx) {
    	let div9;
    	let div2;
    	let div0;
    	let t1;
    	let div1;
    	let colorblock0;
    	let t2;
    	let div5;
    	let div3;
    	let t4;
    	let div4;
    	let colorblock1;
    	let t5;
    	let div8;
    	let div6;
    	let t7;
    	let div7;
    	let colorblock2;
    	let current;
    	let mounted;
    	let dispose;

    	colorblock0 = new ColorBlock({
    			props: {
    				defaultColor: /*$s*/ ctx[0].swatches.textColor.default

    	colorblock0.$on("change", /*change_handler*/ ctx[6]);

    	colorblock1 = new ColorBlock({
    			props: {
    				defaultColor: /*$s*/ ctx[0].swatches.bgColor.default

    	colorblock1.$on("change", /*change_handler_1*/ ctx[8]);

    	colorblock2 = new ColorBlock({
    			props: {
    				defaultColor: /*$s*/ ctx[0].swatches.underlineColor.default

    	colorblock2.$on("change", /*change_handler_2*/ ctx[10]);

    	return {
    		c() {
    			div9 = element("div");
    			div2 = element("div");
    			div0 = element("div");
    			div0.textContent = "文字颜色";
    			t1 = space();
    			div1 = element("div");
    			t2 = space();
    			div5 = element("div");
    			div3 = element("div");
    			div3.textContent = "背景颜色";
    			t4 = space();
    			div4 = element("div");
    			t5 = space();
    			div8 = element("div");
    			div6 = element("div");
    			div6.textContent = "下划线";
    			t7 = space();
    			div7 = element("div");
    			set_style(div1, "margin", "0 8px");
    			attr(div2, "class", "llej-toolbar-btn svelte-17scrbx");
    			set_style(div4, "margin", "0 8px");
    			attr(div5, "class", "llej-toolbar-btn svelte-17scrbx");
    			set_style(div7, "margin", "0 8px");
    			attr(div8, "class", "llej-toolbar-btn svelte-17scrbx");
    			attr(div9, "class", "llej-toolbar svelte-17scrbx");
    		m(target, anchor) {
    			insert(target, div9, anchor);
    			append(div9, div2);
    			append(div2, div0);
    			append(div2, t1);
    			append(div2, div1);
    			mount_component(colorblock0, div1, null);
    			append(div9, t2);
    			append(div9, div5);
    			append(div5, div3);
    			append(div5, t4);
    			append(div5, div4);
    			mount_component(colorblock1, div4, null);
    			append(div9, t5);
    			append(div9, div8);
    			append(div8, div6);
    			append(div8, t7);
    			append(div8, div7);
    			mount_component(colorblock2, div7, null);
    			current = true;

    			if (!mounted) {
    				dispose = [
    					listen(div2, "click", /*click_handler*/ ctx[7]),
    					listen(div5, "click", /*click_handler_1*/ ctx[9]),
    					listen(div8, "click", /*click_handler_2*/ ctx[11])

    				mounted = true;
    		p(ctx, [dirty]) {
    			const colorblock0_changes = {};
    			if (dirty & /*$s*/ 1) colorblock0_changes.defaultColor = /*$s*/ ctx[0].swatches.textColor.default;
    			const colorblock1_changes = {};
    			if (dirty & /*$s*/ 1) colorblock1_changes.defaultColor = /*$s*/ ctx[0].swatches.bgColor.default;
    			const colorblock2_changes = {};
    			if (dirty & /*$s*/ 1) colorblock2_changes.defaultColor = /*$s*/ ctx[0].swatches.underlineColor.default;
    		i(local) {
    			if (current) return;
    			transition_in(colorblock0.$$.fragment, local);
    			transition_in(colorblock1.$$.fragment, local);
    			transition_in(colorblock2.$$.fragment, local);
    			current = true;
    		o(local) {
    			transition_out(colorblock0.$$.fragment, local);
    			transition_out(colorblock1.$$.fragment, local);
    			transition_out(colorblock2.$$.fragment, local);
    			current = false;
    		d(detaching) {
    			if (detaching) detach(div9);
    			mounted = false;

    function instance$1($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) {
    	let $s;

    	let { highlighted = () => {
    	} } = $$props;

    	const s = settingStore.getWritable();
    	component_subscribe($$self, s, value => $$invalidate(0, $s = value));

    	function textHighlight(c) {
    		if (c) {
    			s.update(r => {
    				r.swatches.textColor.default = c;
    				return r;

    			style: `color:${$s.swatches.textColor.default};`

    	function bgHighlight(c) {
    		if (c) {
    			s.update(r => {
    				r.swatches.bgColor.default = c;
    				return r;

    			style: `background-color:${$s.swatches.bgColor.default};`

    	function underlineHighlight(c) {
    		if (c) {
    			s.update(r => {
    				r.swatches.underlineColor.default = c;
    				return r;

    			style: `text-decoration: underline;text-decoration-color:${$s.swatches.underlineColor.default};`

    	const change_handler = e => textHighlight(e.detail);
    	const click_handler = () => textHighlight();
    	const change_handler_1 = e => bgHighlight(e.detail);
    	const click_handler_1 = () => bgHighlight();
    	const change_handler_2 = e => underlineHighlight(e.detail);
    	const click_handler_2 = () => underlineHighlight();

    	$$self.$$set = $$props => {
    		if ("highlighted" in $$props) $$invalidate(5, highlighted = $$props.highlighted);

    	return [

    class Toolbar extends SvelteComponent {
    	constructor(options) {
    		if (!document.getElementById("svelte-17scrbx-style")) add_css$1();
    		init(this, options, instance$1, create_fragment$2, safe_not_equal, { highlighted: 5 });

    /* src/layout_div.svelte generated by Svelte v3.38.3 */

    function add_css() {
    	var style = element("style");
    	style.id = "svelte-1phlxcz-style";
    	style.textContent = ".root.svelte-1phlxcz{z-index:60;position:absolute;top:3rem}";
    	append(document.head, style);

    function get_each_context(ctx, list, i) {
    	const child_ctx = ctx.slice();
    	child_ctx[10] = list[i];
    	child_ctx[11] = list;
    	child_ctx[12] = i;
    	return child_ctx;

    // (38:0) {#if $isRange}
    function create_if_block(ctx) {
    	let div;
    	let toolbar;
    	let updating_highlighted;
    	let current;

    	function toolbar_highlighted_binding(value) {
    		/*toolbar_highlighted_binding*/ ctx[8](value);

    	let toolbar_props = {};

    	if (/*SelectionEvent*/ ctx[0].高亮 !== void 0) {
    		toolbar_props.highlighted = /*SelectionEvent*/ ctx[0].高亮;

    	toolbar = new Toolbar({ props: toolbar_props });
    	binding_callbacks.push(() => bind(toolbar, "highlighted", toolbar_highlighted_binding));

    	return {
    		c() {
    			div = element("div");
    			set_style(div, "position", "fixed");
    			set_style(div, "top", /*$anchorRect*/ ctx[4].top + "px");
    			set_style(div, "left", /*$anchorRect*/ ctx[4].left + "px");
    			set_style(div, "transform", "translateY(-100%)");
    			set_style(div, "user-select", "none");
    			set_style(div, "z-index", "900");
    		m(target, anchor) {
    			insert(target, div, anchor);
    			mount_component(toolbar, div, null);
    			current = true;
    		p(ctx, dirty) {
    			const toolbar_changes = {};

    			if (!updating_highlighted && dirty & /*SelectionEvent*/ 1) {
    				updating_highlighted = true;
    				toolbar_changes.highlighted = /*SelectionEvent*/ ctx[0].高亮;
    				add_flush_callback(() => updating_highlighted = false);


    			if (!current || dirty & /*$anchorRect*/ 16) {
    				set_style(div, "top", /*$anchorRect*/ ctx[4].top + "px");

    			if (!current || dirty & /*$anchorRect*/ 16) {
    				set_style(div, "left", /*$anchorRect*/ ctx[4].left + "px");
    		i(local) {
    			if (current) return;
    			transition_in(toolbar.$$.fragment, local);
    			current = true;
    		o(local) {
    			transition_out(toolbar.$$.fragment, local);
    			current = false;
    		d(detaching) {
    			if (detaching) detach(div);

    // (45:0) {#each note_list as note}
    function create_each_block(ctx) {
    	let note;
    	let updating_note;
    	let current;

    	function note_note_binding(value) {
    		/*note_note_binding*/ ctx[9](value, /*note*/ ctx[10], /*each_value*/ ctx[11], /*note_index*/ ctx[12]);

    	let note_props = {};

    	if (/*note*/ ctx[10] !== void 0) {
    		note_props.note = /*note*/ ctx[10];

    	note = new Note({ props: note_props });
    	binding_callbacks.push(() => bind(note, "note", note_note_binding));

    	return {
    		c() {
    		m(target, anchor) {
    			mount_component(note, target, anchor);
    			current = true;
    		p(new_ctx, dirty) {
    			ctx = new_ctx;
    			const note_changes = {};

    			if (!updating_note && dirty & /*note_list*/ 2) {
    				updating_note = true;
    				note_changes.note = /*note*/ ctx[10];
    				add_flush_callback(() => updating_note = false);

    		i(local) {
    			if (current) return;
    			transition_in(note.$$.fragment, local);
    			current = true;
    		o(local) {
    			transition_out(note.$$.fragment, local);
    			current = false;
    		d(detaching) {
    			destroy_component(note, detaching);

    function create_fragment$1(ctx) {
    	let div;
    	let html_tag;
    	let t0;
    	let msg;
    	let t1;
    	let t2;
    	let t3;
    	let globalstyle;
    	let current;
    	let mounted;
    	let dispose;
    	msg = new Msg({});
    	let if_block = /*$isRange*/ ctx[3] && create_if_block(ctx);
    	let each_value = /*note_list*/ ctx[1];
    	let each_blocks = [];

    	for (let i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) {
    		each_blocks[i] = create_each_block(get_each_context(ctx, each_value, i));

    	const out = i => transition_out(each_blocks[i], 1, 1, () => {
    		each_blocks[i] = null;

    	globalstyle = new Global_style({});

    	return {
    		c() {
    			div = element("div");
    			html_tag = new HtmlTag();
    			t0 = space();
    			t1 = space();
    			if (if_block) if_block.c();
    			t2 = space();

    			for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {

    			t3 = space();
    			html_tag.a = t0;
    			attr(div, "class", "root svelte-1phlxcz");
    		m(target, anchor) {
    			insert(target, div, anchor);
    			html_tag.m(/*$styleText*/ ctx[2], div);
    			append(div, t0);
    			mount_component(msg, div, null);
    			insert(target, t1, anchor);
    			if (if_block) if_block.m(target, anchor);
    			insert(target, t2, anchor);

    			for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
    				each_blocks[i].m(target, anchor);

    			insert(target, t3, anchor);
    			mount_component(globalstyle, target, anchor);
    			current = true;

    			if (!mounted) {
    				dispose = [
    					listen(window, "keydown", on_keydown),
    					listen(window, "input", on_input),
    					listen(window, "mouseover", on_mouse)

    				mounted = true;
    		p(ctx, [dirty]) {
    			if (!current || dirty & /*$styleText*/ 4) html_tag.p(/*$styleText*/ ctx[2]);

    			if (/*$isRange*/ ctx[3]) {
    				if (if_block) {
    					if_block.p(ctx, dirty);

    					if (dirty & /*$isRange*/ 8) {
    						transition_in(if_block, 1);
    				} else {
    					if_block = create_if_block(ctx);
    					transition_in(if_block, 1);
    					if_block.m(t2.parentNode, t2);
    			} else if (if_block) {

    				transition_out(if_block, 1, 1, () => {
    					if_block = null;


    			if (dirty & /*note_list*/ 2) {
    				each_value = /*note_list*/ ctx[1];
    				let i;

    				for (i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) {
    					const child_ctx = get_each_context(ctx, each_value, i);

    					if (each_blocks[i]) {
    						each_blocks[i].p(child_ctx, dirty);
    						transition_in(each_blocks[i], 1);
    					} else {
    						each_blocks[i] = create_each_block(child_ctx);
    						transition_in(each_blocks[i], 1);
    						each_blocks[i].m(t3.parentNode, t3);


    				for (i = each_value.length; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {

    		i(local) {
    			if (current) return;
    			transition_in(msg.$$.fragment, local);

    			for (let i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) {

    			transition_in(globalstyle.$$.fragment, local);
    			current = true;
    		o(local) {
    			transition_out(msg.$$.fragment, local);
    			each_blocks = each_blocks.filter(Boolean);

    			for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {

    			transition_out(globalstyle.$$.fragment, local);
    			current = false;
    		d(detaching) {
    			if (detaching) detach(div);
    			if (detaching) detach(t1);
    			if (if_block) if_block.d(detaching);
    			if (detaching) detach(t2);
    			destroy_each(each_blocks, detaching);
    			if (detaching) detach(t3);
    			destroy_component(globalstyle, detaching);
    			mounted = false;

    function instance($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) {
    	let $elementEdit;
    	let $styleText;
    	let $isRange;
    	let $anchorRect;
    	component_subscribe($$self, elementEdit, $$value => $$invalidate(7, $elementEdit = $$value));
    	component_subscribe($$self, styleText, $$value => $$invalidate(2, $styleText = $$value));
    	let note_list = [];

    	note_list_store.subscribe(list => {
    		$$invalidate(1, note_list = list);

    	const { isRange, anchorRect } = SelectionEvent;
    	component_subscribe($$self, isRange, value => $$invalidate(3, $isRange = value));
    	component_subscribe($$self, anchorRect, value => $$invalidate(4, $anchorRect = value));

    	function toolbar_highlighted_binding(value) {
    		if ($$self.$$.not_equal(SelectionEvent.高亮, value)) {
    			SelectionEvent.高亮 = value;
    			$$invalidate(0, SelectionEvent);

    	function note_note_binding(value, note, each_value, note_index) {
    		each_value[note_index] = value;
    		$$invalidate(1, note_list);

    	$$self.$$.update = () => {
    		if ($$self.$$.dirty & /*$elementEdit*/ 128) {

    	return [

    class Layout_div extends SvelteComponent {
    	constructor(options) {
    		if (!document.getElementById("svelte-1phlxcz-style")) add_css();
    		init(this, options, instance, create_fragment$1, safe_not_equal, {});

    // ==UserScript==
    // @name         网页文本编辑,做笔记的好选择
    // @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/
    // @version      1.45
    // @description  所见即所得!
    // @author       崮生 2234839456@qq.com
    // @match        *
    // @include      *
    // @connect      shenzilong.cn
    // @grant        GM.setValue
    // @grant        GM.getValue
    // @grant        GM.deleteValue
    // @grant        unsafeWindow
    // @grant        GM.xmlHttpRequest
    // ==/UserScript==
    (async function () {
        let global = (typeof unsafeWindow === "undefined" ? window : unsafeWindow);
        /** 调试用 */
        global.CommandControl = CommandControl;
        /** 清除当前这个页面的修改 */
        global.llej_pageNotes_clearCurrentStore = () => {
            setLocalItem(AllStoreName, "");
        console.log("[global]", typeof unsafeWindow === "undefined", global);
        const app_div = document.createElement("div");
        new Layout_div({
            target: app_div,
        /** 自动保存修改后的html  */
         *  **一分钟保存一次**
        function () {
        }, 1000 * 60);

    /* src/App.svelte generated by Svelte v3.38.3 */

    function create_fragment(ctx) {
    	let div;

    	return {
    		c() {
    			div = element("div");
    			div.textContent = "33333";
    		m(target, anchor) {
    			insert(target, div, anchor);
    		p: noop,
    		i: noop,
    		o: noop,
    		d(detaching) {
    			if (detaching) detach(div);

    class App extends SvelteComponent {
    	constructor(options) {
    		init(this, options, null, create_fragment, safe_not_equal, {});

    return App;
