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The Amazon Review Tabulator - TART

Lists all of your reviews with vote and comment tallies, with updates highlighted

< Feedback on The Amazon Review Tabulator - TART

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 2017-07-10

Stopped working on Amazon UK

I have been using TART on Amazon UK for a while now and it's a great script, I have an issue since an apparent update to Amazon in the last few days resulting in the Tabulator button disappearing from my profile page, my friend who also uses TART has the same issue. Are you aware of the problem and is there a fix please.

Posted: 2017-07-10
Edited: 2017-07-10

I have the same issue - is there an update please? BTW, I use 'Chrome' and Tampermonkey. All worked fine until a couple of day ago.

Posted: 2017-07-10

I have found the solution to this, in the script it has:
// Amazon UK, CA, AU
findProfileLink = document.evaluate("//a[contains(.,'Customer Reviews')]", document, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);

They have changed Customer Reviews to Customer reviews in the update so if you change the capital R to a small r it will run again

Posted: 2017-07-10

Bald Bouncer, thank you! You made that easy.

Posted: 2017-07-10
Bald Bouncer, thank you! You made that easy.

No problem I was glad I could help, nice script and great work thank you

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