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AFK-command *OLD*

Adds an /afk-command

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Original Author: Ventero
Original Host:
Created: 06/04/13
Updated: 06/04/13
Total installs on original host as of 06/03/16: 4,551
Working Status: Obsolete

Dev notes:

Adds an /afk-command to Kongregate's chat, which will flag you as afk. When flagged as afk, you automatically send a notice to the user who whispered you.

Version: 1.9.11

Note: If you're using Firefox or Chrome, you need my framework-script in order to make this script work! So make sure it is installed when installing this one!

The default-text of this notice is "[AFK] I am currently AFK", but can be customized by using the /afkmessage-command. To turn off the flag, just type /afk again. By default, the flag gets removed whenever you send a message. To turn off that behaviour, just type /afktoggle.

Added an /autoafk-command: The script now automatically sets you away after a given amount of time without sending a chat-message (including whisper).
By default, this feature is enabled and set to 15 minutes.
You can change the time until it sets you AFK by sending a message like /autoafk X, where X is an integer representing the minutes until the script should set you AFK (e.g. "/autoafk 5" will set you AFK after 5 minutes without sending a message).
To disable it, just write /autoafk 0.
The script also saves the time, so you don't have to change it each time you load up the chat.

Verison 1.9.10: Fix call of overwritten function
Version 1.9.8: A chat update some time ago made the script reply with your afk message to whispers even when the received whisper was an AFK message itself
Version 1.9.7: Your AFK flag won't get removed on disconnect anymore
Version 1.9.6: Fixed a bug which didn't reset the auto-AFK-timer after sending a room-message.
Version 1.9.5: Fixed problems caused by the new messaging features of Kong's chat.
Version 1.9.2: Minor change for compatibility with latest Chrome.
Version 1.9.1: Fixed a bug which made it impossible to go un-AFK when typing /back
Version 1.9.0: Added auto-updater and fixed a bug which may have led to infinite recursion when having the script installed more than once
Version 1.8.4: Added Chrome 4-support, requires the new version of my framework-script
Version 1.8.3: Fixed a few other minor bugs. Script also now works in Chrome >3.0.195.*
Version 1.8.2: Fixed a bug where the script under certain circumstances wouldn't automatically set you AFK after reconnecting to a disconnected session.
Version 1.8.1: Fixed a bug where the script would sometimes still send out the AFK-message after typing /back. Thanks to MossyStump for reporting this bug!
Version 1.8: Added /autoafk-command
Version 1.7: Added integration of the built-in /afk- and /back-commands
Version 1.6: Added Chrome 3-support
Version 1.5: Script works now with Firefox, Opera and Chrome again
Version 1.3: Compatibility-fix. Make sure my framework-script is installed
Version 1.2: Changed some stuff so it's still compatible to the new versions of my scripts
Version 1.1: Fixed a bug which broke room-switching.
Version 1.0: Added compatibility to all of my other scripts.
Thanks to Jabor for the idea of adding a prefix!

Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Ventero, licensed under MIT/X11 license.