Reddit - auto pause NeverEndingReddit every X pages

Pauses NER every X pages for you to reload Reddit at the new position and unpauses it after the reload. Helps stopping the ressources-guzzling which slows down the browser.

// ==UserScript==
// @name           Reddit - auto pause NeverEndingReddit every X pages
// @namespace
// @author         jesuis-parapluie
// @version        0.0.1
// @description    Pauses NER every X pages for you to reload Reddit at the new position and unpauses it after the reload. Helps stopping the ressources-guzzling which slows down the browser.
// @require
// @grant          none
// @include        /^https?:\/\/(.+\.)?reddit\.com\/?.*$/
// @exclude        /^https?:\/\/(.+\.)?reddit\.com\/.+\/comments\/.*$/
// ==/UserScript==

(function ($) {
    'use strict';
    /*jslint browser: true */
    /*global jQuery */


    var options = {
            pauseAtPage: 5,
            restartNER: true

        restarter = function () {
            if ($('div#NREPause').size()) {
            } else {
                setTimeout(restarter, 300);

    if (options.restartNER && $('div#NREPause').hasClass('paused') &&"after=") > 0) { restarter(); }

    $(document).bind('DOMNodeInserted', function (e) {
        if ( === 'DIV' &&'class') &&'class') === 'NERPageMarker') {
            if (!$('div#NREPause').hasClass('paused') && parseInt($(' ').pop(), 10) >= options.pauseAtPage) {
