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https includes not recognized for "all by site" page

Posted: 2014-06-23

https includes not recognized for "all by site" page

It looks like the code that detects included sites for the web page does not recognize https addresses.

I am guessing this, because the script "wikEd" (https://greasyfork.org/scripts/1700-wiked/code) has the following include but is not listed under wikipedia.org (https://greasyfork.org/scripts/by-site/wikipedia.org):

// @include https://*.wikipedia.org/*

Posted: 2014-06-24

I see. Thanks.

Posted: 2014-06-24

Actually, I think you should honor all includes, i.e. put wikEd under wikipedia.org as well as under "All sites".

The reason in this case is that the script is made for all MediaWiki installations and has to check all sites for the presence of a MediaWiki wiki in order to be able to activate.

However, its by far most important target is Wikipedia and people should be able to find this script when searching for wikipedia.org.

Deleted user 2469
Posted: 2014-06-25

This may be a n00b question, but what really is the point of including other urls if you have already included all sites??

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