Greasy Fork is available in English.


Add the total eBay auction price including postage in the auction listing

// ==UserScript==
// @name         ebaytotalprice-userscript
// @namespace
// @version
// @description  Add the total eBay auction price including postage in the auction listing
// @author       SubZ390
// @license      MIT
// @run-at       document-idle
// @grant        none
// @noframes
// @include      /^https?://(ar|b[ory]|c[lor]|do|ec|gt|hn|il|kz|mx|ni|p[aerty]|ru|sv|uy|ve|www)\.ebay\.com/
// @include      /^https?://www\.ebay\.com\.au/
// @include      /^https?://www\.ebay\.co\.uk/
// @include      /^https?://www\.ebay\.(at|ca|de|es|fr|ie|it|nl|ph|pl)/
// @include      /^https?://www\.be(nl|fr)\.ebay\.be/
// ==/UserScript==

function waitForMini({tryFor = 3, every = 100, test = () => false, success = () => null, timeout = () => null} = {}) {
  function leadingEdge() {
    const testResult = test();
    if (testResult) {
      return true
    return false
  if (leadingEdge() === false) {
    const intervalReference = setInterval(() => {
      const testResult = test();
      if (testResult) {
    }, every);
    const setTimeoutReference = setTimeout(() => {
    }, tryFor * 1000);

function realTypeOf(object, lowerCase = true) {
  if (typeof object !== 'object') return typeof object
  if (object === null) return 'null'
  if (Array.isArray(object)) return 'array'
  const internalClass =, -1);
  return lowerCase === true ? internalClass.toLowerCase() : internalClass

function getNode(node = '', debug = undefined, scope = document) {
  try {
    scope = scope === null ? document : scope;
    const nodeType = realTypeOf(node);
    if (nodeType == 'string') {
      if (node == '') {return null}
      let scopeType = realTypeOf(scope);
      if (scopeType == 'text') {
        return null
      if (scopeType == 'string') {
        const tempScope = document.querySelector(scope);
        if (tempScope == null) {
          return null
        scope = tempScope;
      scopeType = realTypeOf(scope);
      if (|nodelist|svgsvgelement|html|document/i) !== -1) {
        const element = scope.querySelector(node);
        return element
      else {
        return null
    else if (|nodelist|svgsvgelement|html/i) !== -1) {
      return node
    else if ( !== -1) {
      return null
    else {
      return null
  catch (error) {

function appendStyle({style: styleString, className = undefined, whereAdjacent = 'afterend', whereTarget = 'body', tryFor = 5, failMessage = undefined}) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    const styleElement = document.createElement('style');
    if (className) {styleElement.className = className;}
    function appendTarget(targetNode, styleElement) {
      if (whereAdjacent !== undefined) {
        return targetNode.insertAdjacentElement(whereAdjacent, styleElement)
      else {
        return targetNode.appendChild(styleElement)
      tryFor: tryFor,
      every: 100,
      test: () => getNode(whereTarget),
      success: (targetNode) => {resolve(appendTarget(targetNode, styleElement));},
      timeout: () => reject(Error(failMessage || `appendStyle timed out whilst waiting for targetNode: ${whereTarget}`))

function findMatch(string, regex, index = 1) {
  if (string === null) return null
  const m = string.match(regex);
  return (m) ? (index=='all' ? m : (m[index] ? m[index] : m[0])) : null

function sprintf2({template = '', regex = /{([^{}]+)}/g, values} = {}) {
  if (template === '') {
    console.warn('template is an empty string');
    return null
  function templateReplace(replaceTemplate, replaceValues) {
    return replaceTemplate.replace(regex, (match, name) => {
      if (replaceValues[name]) {
        if (typeof replaceValues[name] === 'function') {
          return replaceValues[name]().toString()
        return replaceValues[name] || match
      if (replaceValues[name] === 0) {
        return replaceValues[name].toString()
      if (typeof replaceValues[name] === 'string' && replaceValues[name].length == 0) {
        return ''
      return match
  if (Array.isArray(values)) {
    values.forEach((object) => {template = templateReplace(template, object);});
    return template
  else {
    return templateReplace(template, values)

function qs({selector = null, scope = document, array = false, all = false, contains = null, unittest = false, debugTag = ''} = {}) {
  const language = {
    en: {
      selectorUndefined: `${debugTag}selector is undefined`,
      scopeNotUseable: `${debugTag}scope is not useable`,
  if (unittest === 'language') {return language}
  try {
    if (selector === null) {
      return null
    if (scope !== document) {
      scope = getNode(scope);
      if (scope === null) {
        return null
    if (unittest === 'scope') {return scope}
    if (unittest === 'options') {
      return {
        selector: selector,
        scope: scope,
        array: array,
        all: all,
        contains: contains,
        unittest: unittest
    if (all === true) {
      const staticNodeList = scope.querySelectorAll(selector);
      if (staticNodeList.length === 0) {return null}
      if (array === true) {
        if (contains !== null) {
          const tempArray = [];
          staticNodeList.forEach((element) => {
            if ( !== -1) {
          if (tempArray.length === 0) {return null}
          else {return tempArray}
        return Array.from(staticNodeList)
      else {
        if (contains !== null) {
          for (let index = 0; index < staticNodeList.length; index++) {
            if (staticNodeList[index] !== -1) {
              return staticNodeList
          return null
        return staticNodeList
    else {
      const qsHTMLElement = scope.querySelector(selector);
      if (qsHTMLElement === null) {return null}
      if (typeof contains === 'string' || contains instanceof RegExp) {
        if ( === -1) {return null}
      if (array === true) {return [qsHTMLElement]}
      else {return qsHTMLElement}
  catch (error) {

const globals = {
  priceMatchRegExp: /((\d+[,\.])+\d+)/,
  currencySymbolsRegExp: /(\$|EUR|PHP|zł|£)/,
  itemPriceElementTemplate: '<span class="total-price">{currencySymbol}{totalPrice}</span>',
  itemPriceElementTemplateSelector: '',
  itemPriceElementInnerTextTemplate: '{currencySymbol}{totalPrice}',

function processMethod(options) {
  try {
    function getMethod() {
      for (const [type, method] of Object.entries(options)) {
        for (let index = 0; index < method.identifierSelector.length; index++) {
          const selector = method.identifierSelector[index];
          const identifierNode = getNode(selector);
          if (identifierNode !== null) {return method}
      return null
    const method = getMethod(options);
    if (method !== null) {method.process();}
  catch (error) {console.error(error);}

function getValue(element) {
  try {
    let value = findMatch(element.textContent.trim(), globals.priceMatchRegExp);
    value = value.replace(/[,\.]/g, '');
    value = parseFloat(value);
    return value
  catch (error) {
    return null

function findParent({child, contains = null}) {
  let parentNodeElement = child;
  for (let i = 1; parentNodeElement.isEqualNode(document) === false; i++) {
    if ( !== -1) {
      return parentNodeElement
    parentNodeElement = parentNodeElement.parentNode;
  return null

function processItemListing({listItemsSelector, itemPriceElementSelector, convertPriceElementSelector, itemPriceElementTemplate = null, itemShippingElementSelector, convertShippingElementSelector, itemShippingElementTemplate = null}) {
  const content = qs({selector: listItemsSelector});
  if (content) {
    const itemPriceElement = qs({selector: convertPriceElementSelector, scope: content, contains: /\d/}) || qs({selector: itemPriceElementSelector, scope: content, contains: /\d/});
    let itemShippingElement = qs({selector: convertShippingElementSelector, scope: content, contains: /\d/}) || qs({selector: itemShippingElementSelector, scope: content, contains: /\d/});
    if (itemShippingElement === null) {
      const postageSpan = qs({selector: 'span', scope: content, contains: 'Postage:', all: true, array: true});
      itemShippingElement = findParent({child: postageSpan[0], contains: /\d/});
    if (itemPriceElement && itemShippingElement) {
      const priceCurrencySymbol = findMatch(itemPriceElement.textContent.trim(), globals.currencySymbolsRegExp);
      const shippingCurrencySymbol = findMatch(itemShippingElement.textContent.trim(), globals.currencySymbolsRegExp);
      if (shippingCurrencySymbol && (shippingCurrencySymbol === priceCurrencySymbol)) {
        const totalPrice = ((getValue(itemPriceElement) + getValue(itemShippingElement)) / 100).toFixed(2);
        const HTML = sprintf2({
          template: itemShippingElementTemplate || itemPriceElementTemplate,
          values: {
            itemPrice: itemPriceElement.textContent.trim(),
            itemShippingAmount: itemShippingElement.textContent.trim(),
            currencySymbol: shippingCurrencySymbol,
            totalPrice: totalPrice
        if (itemPriceElementTemplate) {
          itemPriceElement.insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', HTML);
        else {
          itemShippingElement.innerHTML = HTML;
        const itemPriceElementObserver = new MutationObserver((mutationList, observer) => {
          mutationList.forEach((mutation) => {
            mutation.addedNodes.forEach((element) => {
              if (element.nodeName == '#text') {
                const totalPriceElement = getNode(globals.itemPriceElementTemplateSelector);
                const totalPrice = ((getValue(itemPriceElement) + getValue(itemShippingElement)) / 100).toFixed(2);
                const totalPriceText = sprintf2({
                  template: globals.itemPriceElementInnerTextTemplate,
                  values: {
                    itemPrice: itemPriceElement.textContent.trim(),
                    itemShippingAmount: itemShippingElement.textContent.trim(),
                    currencySymbol: shippingCurrencySymbol,
                    totalPrice: totalPrice
                totalPriceElement.textContent = totalPriceText;
        itemPriceElementObserver.observe(itemPriceElement, {childList: true});

function processListGallery({listItemsSelector, itemPriceElementSelector, itemPriceElementTemplate = null, itemShippingElementSelector, itemShippingElementTemplate = null}) {
  const listItems = qs({selector: listItemsSelector, all: true, array: true});
  if (listItems) {
    for (let i = 0; listItems[i]; i++) {
      const itemPriceElement = qs({selector: itemPriceElementSelector, scope: listItems[i]});
      const itemShippingElement = qs({selector: itemShippingElementSelector, scope: listItems[i], contains: /\d/});
      if (itemPriceElement && itemShippingElement) {
        const priceCurrencySymbol = findMatch(itemPriceElement.textContent.trim(), globals.currencySymbolsRegExp);
        const shippingCurrencySymbol = findMatch(itemShippingElement.textContent.trim(), globals.currencySymbolsRegExp);
        if (shippingCurrencySymbol && (shippingCurrencySymbol === priceCurrencySymbol)) {
          const totalPrice = ((getValue(itemPriceElement) + getValue(itemShippingElement)) / 100).toFixed(2);
          const HTML = sprintf2({
            template: itemShippingElementTemplate || itemPriceElementTemplate,
            values: {
              itemPrice: itemPriceElement.textContent.trim(),
              itemShippingAmount: itemShippingElement.textContent.trim(),
              currencySymbol: shippingCurrencySymbol,
              totalPrice: totalPrice
          if (itemPriceElementTemplate) {
            itemPriceElement.insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', HTML);
          else {
            itemShippingElement.innerHTML = HTML;

var stylesheet = ".total-price{background:hsl(76,100%,50%)!important;color:hsl(0,0%,9%)!important;padding:1px 4px;margin-left:5px;font-size:20px!important;font-weight:400!important;}.s-item__detail{overflow:visible!important;}";

appendStyle({style: stylesheet});
  search: {
    identifierSelector: ['#mainContent ul.srp-results', '#mainContent ul.b-list__items_nofooter'],
    process: () => processListGallery({
      listItemsSelector: '#mainContent li.s-item',
      itemPriceElementSelector: '.s-item__price',
      itemShippingElementSelector: '.s-item__shipping',
      itemPriceElementTemplate: globals.itemPriceElementTemplate
  sch: {
    identifierSelector: ['#mainContent ul#ListViewInner'],
    process: () => processListGallery({
      listItemsSelector: '#mainContent li',
      itemPriceElementSelector: '.lvprice span',
      itemShippingElementSelector: '.lvshipping span.fee',
      itemPriceElementTemplate: globals.itemPriceElementTemplate
  itm: {
    identifierSelector: ['#mainContent form[name="viactiondetails"]'],
    process: () => processItemListing({
      listItemsSelector: '#mainContent',
      itemPriceElementSelector: 'span[itemprop="price"]',
      convertPriceElementSelector: '#prcIsumConv',
      itemShippingElementSelector: 'div[class*="shipping"]',
      convertShippingElementSelector: '#convetedPriceId',
      itemPriceElementTemplate: globals.itemPriceElementTemplate