- // ==UserScript==
- // @name Neverwinter Gateway - Professions Robot
- // @description Automatically selects professions for empty slots
- // @namespace http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/171738
- // @include https://gateway.playneverwinter.com
- // @include https://gateway.playneverwinter.com/*
- // @include https://gatewaysitedown.playneverwinter.com
- // @include https://gatewaysitedown.playneverwinter.com/*
- // @include http://gateway.playneverwinter.com
- // @include http://gateway.playneverwinter.com/*
- // @include http://gatewaysitedown.playneverwinter.com
- // @include http://gatewaysitedown.playneverwinter.com/*
- // @originalAuthor Mustex
- // @modifiedBy Bunta
- // @version
- // @license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/us/
- // @grant GM_getValue
- // @grant GM_setValue
- // @grant GM_listValues
- // @grant GM_deleteValue
- // ==/UserScript==
- - Fix some gem trading tasks not being filtered correctly
- - Add check for gateway disconnected
- - Fix leadership tasks not creating assets correctly
- - Add option to save task lists per character (experimental)
- - Rewrite script using client.dataModel methods to massively improve reliability and performance (thanks Msc)
- - AD refining will now only attempt to refine if you are able to collect diamonds
- - Change task lists to use exact task names so no ambiguity exists (no longer requires excluderare option)
- - Asset resources are now trained as needed (only for required slots)
- - Fix resources not buying correctly in all cases
- - Fix pause button state saving correctly in firefox
- - Add page timeout reloading functions outside of main function (thanks Kreese and Frabtik)
- - Add check to ensure tasks are being started for the correct character
- - Alter next run resolve function to use delay parameter to allow for unique delay timers to be used in certain cases
- - Fix ingredient task selection to correctly iterate through all ingredient tasks
- - Alter character selection to pick only exact character name matches
- - Update leadership tasks
- - Exclude alchemy from rare task exclusions due to Aqua Regia (thanks Eversor)
- - Reduce GM_setValue calls to avoid tampermonkey failing to save settings (thanks miah)
- - Altered mutichar selector to be faster (thanks miah)
- - Updated rare tasks selector (thanks Traktor)
- - Add option to refine AD during character switching (thanks Eversor)
- - Added some level 20 gather tasks
- - Increased supply buying to 100 units
- - Added Multi-Character support
- - Added function to clear all saved settings for script
- - Remove disable sound functionality (now configurable in gateway)
- - Added pause button to allow easy on/off switching
- - Added option to enable/disable filling optional asset slots
- - Added batch potions tasks to be skipped in ingredient selection
- - Added timer to reload page if stuck loading for too long
- - Added option to disable page sounds
- - Updated license to by-nc-sa
- - Add configurable option for excluding rare tasks
- - Add ability to specify specific level for tasks and configure same named artificing resource tasks to request correct level of task
- - Remove purchase notification that never times out
- - Added functionality to purchase required resources from gateway shop
- - Add Artificing and Weaponsmithing to Robot
- (Artificing will not work properly yet as all three tiers of gather and craft tasks have the same task name)
- - Update reload process
- - Fix optional asset selector with gateway update
- - Simplify asset selection after they fixed bug in previous gateway update
- - Update level 20 leadership tasks
- - Update with changes in Mustex's script (version 15)
- * Added a secondary timer that will reload the gateway every few hours. This should help with disconnects from the server
- * Implemented tooltips for settings panel
- - Repeat task reordering for +2 armor
- - Fix selection of assets after gateway update
- - Skip intensive gather tasks added after gateway update
- - Change ordering of tasks and ingredient checks
- The purpose of this is to allow crafting of +4 armors if you have +2 ingredients in your inv but to not create them if you don't.
- Creating the ingredients for them is less efficient than crafting ingredients for pants but is more efficient if you already have the ingredients from earlier tasks.
- - Optimise crafting tasks for highest exp/min gains due to ingredient requirements
- - Add extra craft tasks for when residuum runs out
- - Only allow rare tasks to be selected for Leadership
- This avoids craft loops where higher quality rare crafts require ingredients with the same name
- - Alter craft tasks to favour armor to optimise inventory space
- - Fix script restart bug when no tasks found
- - Update search string for Potions (After the task names for elxiirs have been changed)
- - Remove logon error skips to avoid logons sometimes failing on first load (ensure logon details are correct!)
- - Update tasks for all professions
- - Update ingredient search lists for all professions
- - Fix regular expression used in potion ingredient search
- - Alter default timeouts (makes script a lot more stable and less prone to errors)
- - Remove unused variable
- - Add extra logging for task ingredient searches
- - Fix bug with required resource checks getting stuck on non craftable resources
- - Added method to check for required task ingredients and choose tasks to create them
- Method is currently hard coded to specify certain search strings for ingredient types
- Currently working for all Alchemy tasks
- There is a current problem that if you have the required potion ingredient but it is in your belt slots
- the task is uncraftable but the ingredients show as available and it will not craft a new one
- - Update with changes in Mustex's script (version 12)
- * Added tasks for Platesmithing, Leatherworking, Tailoring
- * Added detection for the gateway being down
- - Update asset selection to avoid using coloured assets in junk slots for leadership
- - Update leadership tasks table due to task reward/duration alterations
- - Add option to enable/disable automation process
- - Update alchemy tasks some more
- - Add ability to select from multiple tasks with same name (eg Alchemical Research)
- - Add craft options for alchemy potions (need to be manually switched since they use the same ingredients)
- - Add alchemy tasks up to level 20
- - Change task slot selection to be user configurable options in settings window
- - Add level 1 alchemical research
- - Added ability to specify how many tasks of each profession to train multiple professions at once
- - Updated mailsmithing level 0 tasks
- - Changed asset selection to only update Junk assets
- - Leadership asset selection for bronze tier picks lowest asset first
- - Modified Leadership tasks
- - Tweaked Leadership tasks grid
- - Added task grid for Alchemy (Partial)
- - onsave handlers for settings are now called before the settings values are saved
- - Added onsave handler for console to enable/disable using the window console
- - Added checking for errors (using the window title) and will navigate back to the main login page if autologin is enabled
- 0.1.8
- - Added popup for altering settings
- - Settings are saved to script cache
- - Added mailsmithing tasks to task grid
- 0.1.7
- - Added lower level leadership tasks to grid
- - Added hiring tasks to leadership task
- - Uses saved values to determine which profession type to level (Defaults to Leadership, currently no way to change it)
- 0.1.5
- - Is now able to recover from missing assets
- - Uses a configurable grid to determine what the next task is to complete
- 0.1.0
- - Is now able to select some hard coded leadership tasks
- - Can now collect from any completed slot
- */
- // Make sure it's running on the main page, no frames
- if (window.self !== window.top) {
- throw "";
- }
- // Set global console variables
- var fouxConsole = {log:function(){},info:function(){},error:function(){},warn:function(){}};
- var console = unsafeWindow.console || fouxConsole;
- // Page Reloading function
- // Every second the page is idle or loading is tracked
- var loading_reset = false; // Enables a periodic reload if this is toggled on by the Auto Reload check box on the settings panel
- var s_paused = false; // extend the paused setting to the Page Reloading function
- (function() {
- var $ = unsafeWindow.$;
- var state_loading = 0; // If "Page Loading" takes longer than 30 seconds, reload page (maybe a javascript error)
- var state_loading_time = 30; // default of 30 seconds
- var state_idle = 0; // If the page is idle for longer than 60 seconds, reload page (maybe a javascript error)
- var state_idle_time = 120; // default of 120 seconds
- var reload_hours = [2,5,8,11,14,17,20,23]; // logout and reload every three hours - 2:29 - 5:29 - 8:29 - 11:29 - 14:29 - 17:29 - 20:29 - 23:29
- var last_location = ""; // variable to track reference to page URL
- var reload_timer = setInterval(function() {
- if (!s_paused) {
- if (loading_reset) {
- var loading_date = new Date();
- var loading_sec = Number(loading_date.getSeconds());
- var loading_min = Number(loading_date.getMinutes());
- var loading_hour = Number(loading_date.getHours());
- if (reload_hours.indexOf(loading_hour) >= 0 && loading_min == 29 && loading_sec < 2) {
- console.log("Auto Reload");
- unsafeWindow.location.href = "http://gateway.playneverwinter.com";
- return;
- }
- }
- // check for errors
- if ($("title").text().match(/Error/) || $("div.modal-content h3").text().match(/Disconnected/)) {
- console.log("Error detected - relogging");
- unsafeWindow.location.href = "http://gateway.playneverwinter.com";
- return;
- }
- if ($("div.loading-image:visible").length) {
- last_location = location.href;
- state_idle = 0;
- if (state_loading >= state_loading_time) {
- console.log("Page Loading too long");
- state_loading = 0;
- location.reload();
- }
- else {
- state_loading++;
- console.log("Page Loading ...", state_loading + "s");
- }
- }
- // TODO: Add check for Gateway disconnected
- //<div class="modal-content" id="modal_content"><h3>Disconnected from Gateway</h3><p>You have been disconnected.</p><button type="button" class="modal-button" onclick="window.location.reload(true);">Close</button>
- /* Can't use idle check with dataModel methods
- else if (location.href == last_location) {
- state_loading = 0;
- if (state_idle >= state_idle_time) {
- console.log("Page Idle too long");
- state_idle = 0;
- unsafeWindow.location.href = "http://gateway.playneverwinter.com";
- }
- else {
- state_idle++;
- // comment out to avoid console spam
- //console.log("Page Idle ...", state_idle + "s");
- }
- }
- */
- else {
- last_location = location.href;
- state_loading = 0;
- state_idle = 0;
- }
- }
- },1000);
- })();
- (function() {
- /**
- * Add a string of CSS to the main page
- *
- * @param {String} cssString The CSS to add to the main page
- */
- function AddCss(cssString) {
- var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
- if (!head)
- return;
- var newCss = document.createElement('style');
- newCss.type = "text/css";
- newCss.innerHTML = cssString;
- head.appendChild(newCss);
- }
- function countLeadingSpaces(str) {
- return str.match(/^(\s*)/)[1].length;
- }
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- "85FH/WkOkaHQAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==";
- // Setup global closure variables
- var $ = unsafeWindow.jQuery;
- var timerHandle = 0;
- var dfdNextRun = $.Deferred();
- var charcurrent = 0; // current character counter
- var settingwipe = false; // Use to wipe stored settings
- var delay = {
- SHORT : 1000,
- MEDIUM : 5000,
- LONG : 30000,
- MINS : 300000,
- DEFAULT : 10000, // default delay
- TIMEOUT : 60000, // delay for cycle processing timeout
- };
- /*
- * Tasklist can be modified to configure the training you want to perform.
- * The configurable options window sets how many profession slots you want to use for each profession.
- * The level array below for each professions specifies the tasks you want to learn at each crafting level.
- * Each craft slot will pick the first task that meets requirements.
- * See http://pastebin.com/VaGntEha for Task Name Map.
- * Some names above do not match, use below code to check:
- * var tasks = client.dataModel.model.craftinglist['craft_' + profname].entries.filter(function(entry) { return entry.def && entry.def.displayname == taskname; }); tasks[0].def.name;
- */
- var tasklist;
- var defaultTasklist = [
- {
- taskName:"Leadership",
- level: {
- 0:["Leadership_Tier0_Intro_1"],
- 1:["Leadership_Tier0_Intro_5", "Leadership_Tier0_Intro_4","Leadership_Tier0_Intro_3", "Leadership_Tier0_Intro_2"],
- 2:["Leadership_Tier1_2_Guardduty"],
- 3:["Leadership_Tier1_2_Guardduty"],
- 4:["Leadership_Tier1_4_Protect"],
- 5:["Leadership_Tier1_4_Protect","Leadership_Tier1_5_Explore"],
- 6:["Leadership_Tier1_4_Protect","Leadership_Tier1_5_Explore"],
- 7:["Leadership_Tier1_4_Protect","Leadership_Tier1_5_Explore"],
- 8:["Leadership_Tier1_4_Protect","Leadership_Tier1_5_Explore"],
- 9:["Leadership_Tier1_4_Protect","Leadership_Tier2_9_Chart","Leadership_Tier1_5_Explore"],
- 10:["Leadership_Tier1_4_Protect","Leadership_Tier2_9_Chart","Leadership_Tier1_5_Explore","Leadership_Tier2_10_Battle"],
- 11:["Leadership_Tier1_4_Protect","Leadership_Tier2_9_Chart","Leadership_Tier1_5_Explore","Leadership_Tier2_10_Battle"],
- 12:["Leadership_Tier1_4_Protect","Leadership_Tier2_9_Chart","Leadership_Tier1_5_Explore","Leadership_Tier2_10_Battle"],
- // Current model
- 13:["Leadership_Tier3_13_Patrol","Leadership_Tier2_9_Chart","Leadership_Tier1_4_Protect","Leadership_Tier1_5_Explore","Leadership_Tier2_10_Battle"],
- 14:["Leadership_Tier3_13_Patrol","Leadership_Tier2_9_Chart","Leadership_Tier1_4_Protect","Leadership_Tier1_5_Explore","Leadership_Tier2_10_Battle"],
- 15:["Leadership_Tier3_13_Patrol","Leadership_Tier2_9_Chart","Leadership_Tier1_4_Protect","Leadership_Tier1_5_Explore","Leadership_Tier2_10_Battle"],
- 16:["Leadership_Tier3_13_Patrol","Leadership_Tier2_9_Chart","Leadership_Tier3_16_Fight","Leadership_Tier1_5_Explore","Leadership_Tier2_10_Battle"],
- 17:["Leadership_Tier3_13_Patrol","Leadership_Tier2_9_Chart","Leadership_Tier3_17_Deliver","Leadership_Tier3_16_Fight","Leadership_Tier1_5_Explore","Leadership_Tier2_12_Taxes","Leadership_Tier2_10_Battle"],
- 18:["Leadership_Tier3_13_Patrol","Leadership_Tier2_9_Chart","Leadership_Tier3_17_Deliver","Leadership_Tier3_16_Fight","Leadership_Tier1_5_Explore","Leadership_Tier2_12_Taxes","Leadership_Tier2_10_Battle"],
- 19:["Leadership_Tier3_13_Patrol","Leadership_Tier2_9_Chart","Leadership_Tier3_17_Deliver","Leadership_Tier3_16_Fight","Leadership_Tier1_5_Explore","Leadership_Tier2_12_Taxes","Leadership_Tier2_10_Battle"],
- 20:["Leadership_Tier3_20r_Master2","Leadership_Tier3_20r_Master1","Leadership_Tier3_20r_Master3","Leadership_Tier3_20_Destroy","Leadership_Tier3_17_Deliver","Leadership_Tier3_13r_Protectdiamonds","Leadership_Tier2_12_Taxes","Leadership_Tier3_16_Fight","Leadership_Tier3_13_Patrol","Leadership_Tier2_9_Chart","Leadership_Tier1_5_Explore"],
- //19:["Patrol the Mines","Chart Region","Deliver Metals","Fight Off Spellplagued","Explore Local Area","Collect Taxes","Train a Guard","Battle Undead","Hire a Mercenary"],
- //20:["Assault Enemy Stronghold","Follow Map to an Unknown Location","Recover Large Mineral Claim","Destroy Enemy Camp","Deliver Metals","Protect Diamond Shipment","Collect Taxes","Fight Off Spellplagued","Patrol the Mines","Chart Region","Explore Local Area"],
- // Training Mode
- /*
- 13:["Leadership_Tier3_13_Recruit","Leadership_Tier2_7_Recruit","Leadership_Tier1_2_Recruit"],
- 14:["Leadership_Tier3_13_Recruit","Leadership_Tier2_7_Recruit","Leadership_Tier1_2_Recruit"],
- 15:["Leadership_Tier3_13_Recruit","Leadership_Tier2_7_Recruit","Leadership_Tier1_2_Recruit"],
- 16:["Leadership_Tier3_13_Recruit","Leadership_Tier2_7_Recruit","Leadership_Tier1_2_Recruit"],
- 17:["Leadership_Tier3_13_Recruit","Leadership_Tier2_7_Recruit","Leadership_Tier1_2_Recruit"],
- */
- },
- },
- {
- // Mailsmithing
- taskName:"Armorsmithing_Med",
- level: {
- 0:["Med_Armorsmithing_Tier0_Intro"],
- 1:["Med_Armorsmithing_Tier1_Chain_Boots_1","Med_Armorsmithing_Tier1_Chain_Shirt_1"],
- 2:["Med_Armorsmithing_Tier1_Chain_Armor_1","Med_Armorsmithing_Tier1_Chain_Pants_1"],
- 3:["Med_Armorsmithing_Tier1_Chain_Armor_1","Med_Armorsmithing_Tier1_Chain_Boots_Set_1"],
- 4:["Med_Armorsmithing_Tier1_Chain_Armor_1","Med_Armorsmithing_Tier1_Chain_Boots_Set_1"],
- 5:["Med_Armorsmithing_Tier1_Chain_Armor_Set_1","Med_Armorsmithing_Tier1_Chain_Boots_Set_1"],
- 6:["Med_Armorsmithing_Tier1_Chain_Armor_Set_1","Med_Armorsmithing_Tier1_Chain_Boots_Set_1"],
- 7:["Med_Armorsmithing_Tier1_Chain_Armor_Set_1","Med_Armorsmithing_Tier2_Chain_Boots_Set_1","Med_Armorsmithing_Tier2_Chain_Shirt"],
- 8:["Med_Armorsmithing_Tier2_Chain_Armor_Set_1","Med_Armorsmithing_Tier2_Chain_Pants_1","Med_Armorsmithing_Tier2_Chain_Boots_Set_1","Med_Armorsmithing_Tier2_Chain_Shirt"],
- 9:["Med_Armorsmithing_Tier2_Chain_Armor_Set_1","Med_Armorsmithing_Tier2_Chain_Pants_1","Med_Armorsmithing_Tier2_Chain_Boots_Set_1","Med_Armorsmithing_Tier2_Chain_Shirt"],
- 10:["Med_Armorsmithing_Tier2_Chain_Armor_Set_1","Med_Armorsmithing_Tier2_Chain_Pants_1","Med_Armorsmithing_Tier2_Chain_Boots_Set_1","Med_Armorsmithing_Tier2_Chain_Shirt_2"],
- 11:["Med_Armorsmithing_Tier2_Chain_Armor_Set_1","Med_Armorsmithing_Tier2_Chain_Pants_2","Med_Armorsmithing_Tier2_Chain_Boots_Set_1","Med_Armorsmithing_Tier2_Chain_Shirt_2","Med_Armorsmithing_Tier2_Chain_Pants_1"],
- 12:["Med_Armorsmithing_Tier2_Chain_Armor_Set_1","Med_Armorsmithing_Tier2_Chain_Pants_2","Med_Armorsmithing_Tier2_Chain_Boots_Set_1","Med_Armorsmithing_Tier2_Chain_Shirt_2","Med_Armorsmithing_Tier2_Chain_Pants_1"],
- 13:["Med_Armorsmithing_Tier2_Chain_Armor_Set_1","Med_Armorsmithing_Tier2_Chain_Pants_2","Med_Armorsmithing_Tier2_Chain_Boots_Set_1","Med_Armorsmithing_Tier2_Chain_Shirt_2","Med_Armorsmithing_Tier2_Chain_Pants_1"],
- 14:["Med_Armorsmithing_Tier2_Chain_Armor_Set_1","Med_Armorsmithing_Tier2_Chain_Pants_2","Med_Armorsmithing_Tier3_Chain_Shirt","Med_Armorsmithing_Tier3_Chain_Boots_Set_1"],
- 15:["Med_Armorsmithing_Tier3_Chain_Armor_Set_1","Med_Armorsmithing_Tier3_Chain_Pants","Med_Armorsmithing_Tier3_Chain_Shirt2","Med_Armorsmithing_Tier3_Chain_Boots_Set_1"],
- 16:["Med_Armorsmithing_Tier3_Chain_Armor_Set_1","Med_Armorsmithing_Tier3_Chain_Pants2","Med_Armorsmithing_Tier3_Chain_Shirt2","Med_Armorsmithing_Tier3_Chain_Helm_Set_1","Med_Armorsmithing_Tier3_Chain_Pants"],
- 17:["Med_Armorsmithing_Tier3_Chain_Armor_Set_1","Med_Armorsmithing_Tier3_Chain_Pants2","Med_Armorsmithing_Tier3_Chain_Shirt2","Med_Armorsmithing_Tier3_Chain_Helm_Set_1","Med_Armorsmithing_Tier3_Chain_Pants"],
- 18:["Med_Armorsmithing_Tier3_Chain_Armor_Set_1","Med_Armorsmithing_Tier3_Chain_Pants2","Med_Armorsmithing_Tier3_Chain_Shirt2","Med_Armorsmithing_Tier3_Chain_Helm_Set_1","Med_Armorsmithing_Tier3_Chain_Pants"],
- 19:["Med_Armorsmithing_Tier3_Chain_Armor_Set_1","Med_Armorsmithing_Tier3_Chain_Pants2","Med_Armorsmithing_Tier3_Chain_Shirt2","Med_Armorsmithing_Tier3_Chain_Helm_Set_1","Med_Armorsmithing_Tier3_Chain_Pants"],
- 20:["Med_Armorsmithing_Tier2_Refine_Basic"],
- //19:["Chain Armor +4","Fancy Chain Pants","Fancy Chain Shirt","Chain Helm +4","Ornate Chain Pants","Upgrade Blacksmith","Upgrade Prospector","Hire an additional Prospector"],
- //20:["Forge Steel Rings and Scales"],
- },
- },
- {
- // Platesmithing
- taskName:"Armorsmithing_Heavy",
- level: {
- 0:["Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier0_Intro"],
- 1:["Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier1_Plate_Boots_1","Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier1_Plate_Shirt_1","Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier1_Shield_1"],
- 2:["Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier1_Plate_Armor_1","Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier1_Plate_Pants_1"],
- 3:["Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier1_Plate_Armor_1","Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier1_Plate_Boots_Set_1"],
- 4:["Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier1_Plate_Armor_1","Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier1_Plate_Boots_Set_1"],
- 5:["Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier1_Plate_Armor_Set_1","Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier1_Plate_Boots_Set_1"],
- 6:["Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier1_Plate_Armor_Set_1","Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier1_Plate_Boots_Set_1"],
- 7:["Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier1_Plate_Armor_Set_1","Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier2_Plate_Boots_Set_1","Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier2_Plate_Shirt","Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier2_Shield_Set_1"],
- 8:["Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier2_Plate_Armor_Set_1","Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier2_Plate_Pants_1","Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier2_Plate_Boots_Set_1","Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier2_Plate_Shirt"],
- 9:["Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier2_Plate_Armor_Set_1","Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier2_Plate_Pants_1","Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier2_Plate_Boots_Set_1","Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier2_Plate_Shirt"],
- 10:["Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier2_Plate_Armor_Set_1","Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier2_Plate_Pants_1","Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier2_Plate_Boots_Set_1","Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier2_Plate_Shirt_2"],
- 11:["Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier2_Plate_Armor_Set_1","Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier2_Plate_Pants_2","Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier2_Plate_Boots_Set_1","Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier2_Plate_Shirt_2","Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier2_Plate_Pants_1"],
- 12:["Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier2_Plate_Armor_Set_1","Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier2_Plate_Pants_2","Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier2_Plate_Boots_Set_1","Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier2_Plate_Shirt_2","Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier2_Plate_Pants_1"],
- 13:["Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier2_Plate_Armor_Set_1","Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier2_Plate_Pants_2","Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier2_Plate_Boots_Set_1","Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier2_Plate_Shirt_2","Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier2_Plate_Pants_1"],
- 14:["Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier2_Plate_Armor_Set_1","Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier2_Plate_Pants_2","Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier3_Plate_Shirt","Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier3_Plate_Boots_Set_1"],
- 15:["Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier3_Plate_Armor_Set_1","Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier3_Plate_Pants","Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier3_Plate_Shirt2","Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier3_Plate_Boots_Set_1"],
- 16:["Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier3_Plate_Armor_Set_1","Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier3_Plate_Pants2","Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier3_Plate_Shirt2","Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier3_Plate_Helm_Set_1","Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier3_Plate_Pants"],
- 17:["Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier3_Plate_Armor_Set_1","Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier3_Plate_Pants2","Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier3_Plate_Shirt2","Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier3_Plate_Helm_Set_1","Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier3_Plate_Pants"],
- 18:["Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier3_Plate_Armor_Set_1","Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier3_Plate_Pants2","Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier3_Plate_Shirt2","Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier3_Plate_Helm_Set_1","Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier3_Plate_Pants"],
- 19:["Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier3_Plate_Armor_Set_1","Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier3_Plate_Pants2","Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier3_Plate_Shirt2","Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier3_Plate_Helm_Set_1","Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier3_Plate_Pants"],
- 20:["Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier2_Refine_Basic"],
- //19:["Plate Armor +4","Fancy Plate Pants","Fancy Plate Shirt","Plate Helm +4","Ornate Plate Pants","Upgrade Armorer","Upgrade Miner","Hire an additional Miner"],
- //20:["Forge Steel Plates"],
- },
- },
- {
- taskName:"Leatherworking",
- level: {
- 0:["Leatherworking_Tier0_Intro_1"],
- 1:["Leatherworking_Tier1_Leather_Boots_1","Leatherworking_Tier1_Leather_Shirt_1"],
- 2:["Leatherworking_Tier1_Leather_Armor_1","Leatherworking_Tier1_Leather_Pants_1"],
- 3:["Leatherworking_Tier1_Leather_Armor_1","Leatherworking_Tier1_Leather_Boots_Set_1"],
- 4:["Leatherworking_Tier1_Leather_Armor_1","Leatherworking_Tier1_Leather_Boots_Set_1"],
- 5:["Leatherworking_Tier1_Leather_Armor_Set_1","Leatherworking_Tier1_Leather_Boots_Set_1"],
- 6:["Leatherworking_Tier1_Leather_Armor_Set_1","Leatherworking_Tier1_Leather_Boots_Set_1"],
- 7:["Leatherworking_Tier1_Leather_Armor_Set_1","Leatherworking_Tier2_Leather_Boots_Set_1","Leatherworking_Tier2_Leather_Shirt"],
- 8:["Leatherworking_Tier2_Leather_Armor_Set_1","Leatherworking_Tier2_Leather_Pants_1","Leatherworking_Tier2_Leather_Boots_Set_1","Leatherworking_Tier2_Leather_Shirt"],
- 9:["Leatherworking_Tier2_Leather_Armor_Set_1","Leatherworking_Tier2_Leather_Pants_1","Leatherworking_Tier2_Leather_Boots_Set_1","Leatherworking_Tier2_Leather_Shirt"],
- 10:["Leatherworking_Tier2_Leather_Armor_Set_1","Leatherworking_Tier2_Leather_Pants_1","Leatherworking_Tier2_Leather_Boots_Set_1","Leatherworking_Tier2_Leather_Shirt_2"],
- 11:["Leatherworking_Tier2_Leather_Armor_Set_1","Leatherworking_Tier2_Leather_Pants_2","Leatherworking_Tier2_Leather_Boots_Set_1","Leatherworking_Tier2_Leather_Shirt_2","Leatherworking_Tier2_Leather_Pants_1"],
- 12:["Leatherworking_Tier2_Leather_Armor_Set_1","Leatherworking_Tier2_Leather_Pants_2","Leatherworking_Tier2_Leather_Boots_Set_1","Leatherworking_Tier2_Leather_Shirt_2","Leatherworking_Tier2_Leather_Pants_1"],
- 13:["Leatherworking_Tier2_Leather_Armor_Set_1","Leatherworking_Tier2_Leather_Pants_2","Leatherworking_Tier2_Leather_Boots_Set_1","Leatherworking_Tier2_Leather_Shirt_2","Leatherworking_Tier2_Leather_Pants_1"],
- 14:["Leatherworking_Tier2_Leather_Armor_Set_1","Leatherworking_Tier2_Leather_Pants_2","Ornate Leatherworking_Tier1_Leather_Shirt_1","Leatherworking_Tier3_Leather_Boots_Set_1"],
- 15:["Leatherworking_Tier3_Leather_Armor_Set_1","Leatherworking_Tier3_Leather_Pants","Leatherworking_Tier3_Leather_Shirt2","Leatherworking_Tier3_Leather_Boots_Set_1"],
- 16:["Leatherworking_Tier3_Leather_Armor_Set_1","Leatherworking_Tier3_Leather_Pants2","Leatherworking_Tier3_Leather_Shirt2","Leatherworking_Tier3_Leather_Helm_Set_1","Leatherworking_Tier3_Leather_Pants"],
- 17:["Leatherworking_Tier3_Leather_Armor_Set_1","Leatherworking_Tier3_Leather_Pants2","Leatherworking_Tier3_Leather_Shirt2","Leatherworking_Tier3_Leather_Helm_Set_1","Leatherworking_Tier3_Leather_Pants"],
- 18:["Leatherworking_Tier3_Leather_Armor_Set_1","Leatherworking_Tier3_Leather_Pants2","Leatherworking_Tier3_Leather_Shirt2","Leatherworking_Tier3_Leather_Helm_Set_1","Leatherworking_Tier3_Leather_Pants"],
- 19:["Leatherworking_Tier3_Leather_Armor_Set_1","Leatherworking_Tier3_Leather_Pants2","Leatherworking_Tier3_Leather_Shirt2","Leatherworking_Tier3_Leather_Helm_Set_1","Leatherworking_Tier3_Leather_Pants"],
- 20:["Leatherworking_Tier2_Refine_Basic"],
- //19:["Leather Armor +4","Fancy Leather Pants","Fancy Leather Shirt","Leather Helm +4","Ornate Leather Pants","Upgrade Tanner","Upgrade Skinner","Hire an additional Skinner"],
- //20:["Cure Tough Pelts"],
- },
- },
- {
- taskName:"Tailoring",
- level: {
- 0:["Tailoring_Tier0_Intro"],
- 1:["Tailoring_Tier1_Cloth_Boots_1","Tailoring_Tier1_Cloth_Shirt_1"],
- 2:["Tailoring_Tier1_Cloth_Armor_1","Tailoring_Tier1_Cloth_Pants_1"],
- 3:["Tailoring_Tier1_Cloth_Armor_1","Tailoring_Tier1_Cloth_Boots_Set_1"],
- 4:["Tailoring_Tier1_Cloth_Armor_1","Tailoring_Tier1_Cloth_Boots_Set_1"],
- 5:["Tailoring_Tier1_Cloth_Armor_Set_1","Tailoring_Tier1_Cloth_Boots_Set_1"],
- 6:["Tailoring_Tier1_Cloth_Armor_Set_1","Tailoring_Tier1_Cloth_Boots_Set_1"],
- 7:["Tailoring_Tier1_Cloth_Armor_Set_1","Tailoring_Tier2_Cloth_Boots_Set_1","Tailoring_Tier2_Cloth_Shirt"],
- 8:["Tailoring_Tier2_Cloth_Armor_Set_1","Tailoring_Tier2_Cloth_Pants_1","Tailoring_Tier2_Cloth_Boots_Set_1","Tailoring_Tier2_Cloth_Shirt"],
- 9:["Tailoring_Tier2_Cloth_Armor_Set_1","Tailoring_Tier2_Cloth_Pants_1","Tailoring_Tier2_Cloth_Boots_Set_1","Tailoring_Tier2_Cloth_Shirt"],
- 10:["Tailoring_Tier2_Cloth_Armor_Set_1","Tailoring_Tier2_Cloth_Pants_1","Tailoring_Tier2_Cloth_Boots_Set_1","Tailoring_Tier2_Cloth_Shirt_2"],
- 11:["Tailoring_Tier2_Cloth_Armor_Set_1","Tailoring_Tier2_Cloth_Pants_2","Tailoring_Tier2_Cloth_Boots_Set_1","Tailoring_Tier2_Cloth_Shirt_2","Tailoring_Tier2_Cloth_Pants_1"],
- 12:["Tailoring_Tier2_Cloth_Armor_Set_1","Tailoring_Tier2_Cloth_Pants_2","Tailoring_Tier2_Cloth_Boots_Set_1","Tailoring_Tier2_Cloth_Shirt_2","Tailoring_Tier2_Cloth_Pants_1"],
- 13:["Tailoring_Tier2_Cloth_Armor_Set_1","Tailoring_Tier2_Cloth_Pants_2","Tailoring_Tier2_Cloth_Boots_Set_1","Tailoring_Tier2_Cloth_Shirt_2","Tailoring_Tier2_Cloth_Pants_1"],
- 14:["Tailoring_Tier2_Cloth_Armor_Set_1","Tailoring_Tier2_Cloth_Pants_2", "Tailoring_Tier3_Cloth_Shirt","Tailoring_Tier3_Cloth_Boots_Set_1"],
- 15:["Tailoring_Tier3_Cloth_Armor_Set_1","Tailoring_Tier3_Cloth_Pants","Tailoring_Tier3_Cloth_Shirt2","Tailoring_Tier3_Cloth_Boots_Set_1"],
- 16:["Tailoring_Tier3_Cloth_Armor_Set_1","Tailoring_Tier3_Cloth_Pants2","Tailoring_Tier3_Cloth_Shirt2","Tailoring_Tier3_Cloth_Helm_Set_1","Tailoring_Tier3_Cloth_Pants"],
- 17:["Tailoring_Tier3_Cloth_Armor_Set_1","Tailoring_Tier3_Cloth_Pants2","Tailoring_Tier3_Cloth_Shirt2","Tailoring_Tier3_Cloth_Helm_Set_1","Tailoring_Tier3_Cloth_Pants"],
- 18:["Tailoring_Tier3_Cloth_Armor_Set_1","Tailoring_Tier3_Cloth_Pants2","Tailoring_Tier3_Cloth_Shirt2","Tailoring_Tier3_Cloth_Helm_Set_1","Tailoring_Tier3_Cloth_Pants"],
- 19:["Tailoring_Tier3_Cloth_Armor_Set_1","Tailoring_Tier3_Cloth_Pants2","Tailoring_Tier3_Cloth_Shirt2","Tailoring_Tier3_Cloth_Helm_Set_1","Tailoring_Tier3_Cloth_Pants"],
- 20:["Tailoring_Tier2_Refine_Basic"],
- //19:["Cloth Robes +4","Fancy Cloth Pants","Fancy Cloth Shirt","Cloth Cap +4","Ornate Cloth Pants","Upgrade Outfitter","Upgrade Weaver","Hire an additional Weaver"],
- //20:["Weave Cotton Cloth"],
- },
- },
- {
- taskName:"Artificing",
- level: {
- 0:["Artificing_Tier0_Intro_1"],
- 1:["Artificing_Tier1_Symbol_Virtuous_1"],
- 2:["Artificing_Tier1_Icon_Virtuous_1"],
- 3:["Artificing_Tier1_Icon_Virtuous_1"],
- 4:["Artificing_Tier1_Icon_Virtuous_2"],
- 5:["Artificing_Tier1_Icon_Virtuous_2"],
- 6:["Artificing_Tier1_Icon_Virtuous_2"],
- 7:["Artificing_Tier1_Icon_Virtuous_2"],
- 8:["Artificing_Tier2_Icon_Virtuous_3"],
- 9:["Artificing_Tier2_Icon_Virtuous_3"],
- 10:["Artificing_Tier2_Icon_Virtuous_3"],
- 11:["Artificing_Tier2_Icon_Virtuous_3"],
- 12:["Artificing_Tier2_Icon_Virtuous_3"],
- 13:["Artificing_Tier2_Icon_Virtuous_3"],
- 14:["Artificing_Tier3_Icon_Virtuous_4"],
- 15:["Artificing_Tier3_Icon_Virtuous_4"],
- 16:["Artificing_Tier3_Icon_Virtuous_4"],
- 17:["Artificing_Tier3_Icon_Virtuous_5"],
- 18:["Artificing_Tier3_Icon_Virtuous_5"],
- 19:["Artificing_Tier3_Icon_Virtuous_5"],
- 20:["Artificing_Tier2_Refine_Basic"],
- //19:["Virtuous Icon +5","Upgrade Engraver","Upgrade Carver","Hire an additional Carver"],
- //20:["7:Craft Ornamental metal and Carved Wood"],
- },
- },
- {
- taskName:"Weaponsmithing",
- level: {
- 0:["Weaponsmithing_Tier0_Intro"],
- 1:["Weaponsmithing_Tier1_Dagger_1"],
- 2:["Weaponsmithing_Tier1_Dagger_1"],
- 3:["Weaponsmithing_Tier1_Dagger_1"],
- 4:["Weaponsmithing_Tier1_Dagger_2"],
- 5:["Weaponsmithing_Tier1_Dagger_2"],
- 6:["Weaponsmithing_Tier1_Dagger_2"],
- 7:["Weaponsmithing_Tier2_Dagger_3"],
- 8:["Weaponsmithing_Tier2_Dagger_3"],
- 9:["Weaponsmithing_Tier2_Dagger_3"],
- 10:["Weaponsmithing_Tier2_Dagger_3"],
- 11:["Weaponsmithing_Tier2_Dagger_3"],
- 12:["Weaponsmithing_Tier2_Dagger_3"],
- 13:["Weaponsmithing_Tier2_Dagger_3"],
- 14:["Weaponsmithing_Tier3_Dagger_4"],
- 15:["Weaponsmithing_Tier3_Dagger_4"],
- 16:["Weaponsmithing_Tier3_Dagger_4"],
- 17:["Weaponsmithing_Tier3_Dagger_4"],
- 18:["Weaponsmithing_Tier3_Dagger_4"],
- 19:["Weaponsmithing_Tier3_Dagger_4"],
- 20:["Weaponsmithing_Tier2_Refine_Basic"],
- //19:["Dagger+4","Upgrade Grinder","Upgrade Smelter","Hire an additional Smelter"],
- //20:["Craft Steel Blades and Barausk Hafts"],
- },
- },
- {
- taskName:"Alchemy",
- level: {
- 0:["Alchemy_Tier0_Intro_1"],
- 1:["Alchemy_Tier1_Experiment_Rank2","Alchemy_Tier1_Experimentation_Rank1",],
- 2:["Alchemy_Tier1_Experiment_Rank3","Alchemy_Tier1_Experimentation_Rank2"],
- 3:["Alchemy_Tier1_Experiment_Rank4","Alchemy_Tier1_Experimentation_Rank3"],
- 4:["Alchemy_Tier1_Experiment_Rank5","Alchemy_Tier1_Experimentation_Rank4"],
- 5:["Alchemy_Tier1_Experiment_Rank6","Alchemy_Tier1_Experimentation_Rank5"],
- 6:["Alchemy_Tier1_Experiment_Rank7","Alchemy_Tier1_Experimentation_Rank6"],
- 7:["Alchemy_Tier2_Experiment_Rank08","Alchemy_Tier2_Experimentation_Rank07"],
- 8:["Alchemy_Tier2_Experiment_Rank09","Alchemy_Tier2_Experimentation_Rank08"],
- 9:["Alchemy_Tier2_Experiment_Rank10","Alchemy_Tier2_Experimentation_Rank09"],
- 10:["Alchemy_Tier2_Experiment_Rank11","Alchemy_Tier2_Experimentation_Rank10"],
- 11:["Alchemy_Tier2_Experiment_Rank12","Alchemy_Tier2_Experimentation_Rank11"],
- 12:["Alchemy_Tier2_Experiment_Rank13","Alchemy_Tier2_Experimentation_Rank12"],
- 13:["Alchemy_Tier2_Experiment_Rank14","Alchemy_Tier2_Experimentation_Rank13"],
- 14:["Alchemy_Tier3_Experiment_Rank15","Alchemy_Tier3_Experimentation_Rank14"],
- 15:["Alchemy_Tier3_Experiment_Rank16","Alchemy_Tier3_Experimentation_Rank15"],
- 16:["Alchemy_Tier3_Experiment_Rank17","Alchemy_Tier3_Experimentation_Rank16"],
- 17:["Alchemy_Tier3_Experiment_Rank18","Alchemy_Tier3_Experimentation_Rank17"],
- 18:["Alchemy_Tier3_Experiment_Rank19","Alchemy_Tier3_Experimentation_Rank18"],
- 19:["Alchemy_Tier3_Experiment_Rank20","Alchemy_Tier3_Experimentation_Rank19"],
- 20:["Alchemy_Tier3_Experimentation_Rank20"],
- //19:["Alchemical Research","Rank 20 Experimentation","Upgrade Mixologist","Upgrade Apothecary","Hire an additional Apothecary"],
- //20:["Rank 20 Experimentation"],
- },
- },
- ];
- // Load Settings
- var settingnames = [
- {name: 'paused', title: 'Pause Script', def: false, type:'checkbox', tooltip:'Disable All Automation'},
- {name: 'debug', title: 'Enable Debug', def: false, type:'checkbox', tooltip:'Enable all debug output to console', onsave: function(newValue, oldValue) {console=newValue?unsafeWindow.console||fouxConsole:fouxConsole;}},
- {name: 'optionals', title: 'Fill Optional Assets', def: true, type:'checkbox', tooltip:'Enable to include selecting the optional assets of tasks'},
- {name: 'autopurchase', title: 'Auto Purchase Resources', def: true, type:'checkbox', tooltip:'Automatically purchase required resources from gateway shop (100 at a time)'},
- {name: 'trainassets', title: 'Train Assets', def: true, type:'checkbox', tooltip:'Enable training/upgrading of asset worker resources'},
- {name: 'refinead', title: 'Refine AD', def: true, type:'checkbox', tooltip:'Enable refining of AD on character switch'},
- {name: 'autoreload', title: 'Auto Reload', def: false, type:'checkbox', tooltip:'Enabling this will reload the gateway periodically. (Ensure Auto Login is enabled)'},
- {name: 'autologin', title: 'Attempt to login automatically', def: false, type:'checkbox', tooltip:'Automatically attempt to login to the neverwinter gateway site'},
- {name: 'nw_username', title: ' Neverwinter Username', def: '', type:'text', tooltip:''},
- {name: 'nw_password', title: ' Neverwinter Password', def: '', type:'password', tooltip:''},
- {name: 'charcount', title: ' Number of Characters', def: '2', type:'text', tooltip:'Enter number of characters to use (reload page to update settings form)'},
- ];
- // Load local settings cache (unsecured)
- var settings = {};
- for (var i = 0; i < settingnames.length; i++) {
- // Ignore label types
- if (settingnames[i].type === 'label') {
- continue;
- }
- settings[settingnames[i].name] = GM_getValue(settingnames[i].name, settingnames[i].def);
- // call the onsave for the setting if it exists
- if (typeof(settingnames[i].onsave) === "function") {
- console.log("Calling 'onsave' for", settingnames[i].name);
- settingnames[i].onsave(settings[settingnames[i].name], settings[settingnames[i].name]);
- }
- }
- if (settings["charcount"]<1) { settings["charcount"] = 1; }
- if (settings["charcount"]>99) { settings["charcount"] = 99; }
- var charSettings = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < settings["charcount"]; i++) {
- charSettings.push({name: 'nw_charname'+i, title: 'Character', def: 'Character '+(i+1), type:'text', tooltip:'Characters Name'});
- charSettings.push({name: 'Leadership'+i, title: 'Leadership', def: '9', type:'text', tooltip:'Number of slots to assign to Leadership'});
- charSettings.push({name: 'Armorsmithing_Med'+i, title: 'Mailsmithing', def: '0', type:'text', tooltip:'Number of slots to assign to Mailsmithing'});
- charSettings.push({name: 'Armorsmithing_Heavy'+i, title: 'Platesmithing', def: '0', type:'text', tooltip:'Number of slots to assign to Platesmithing'});
- charSettings.push({name: 'Leatherworking'+i, title: 'Leatherworking', def: '0', type:'text', tooltip:'Number of slots to assign to Leatherworking'});
- charSettings.push({name: 'Tailoring'+i, title: 'Tailoring', def: '0', type:'text', tooltip:'Number of slots to assign to Tailoring'});
- charSettings.push({name: 'Artificing'+i, title: 'Artificing', def: '0', type:'text', tooltip:'Number of slots to assign to Artificing'});
- charSettings.push({name: 'Weaponsmithing'+i, title: 'Weaponsmithing', def: '0', type:'text', tooltip:'Number of slots to assign to Weaponsmithing'});
- charSettings.push({name: 'Alchemy'+i, title: 'Alchemy', def: '0', type:'text', tooltip:'Number of slots to assign to Alchemy'});
- // task settings are slightly different
- charSettings.push({name: 'tasklist'+i, title: 'Task List', def: '', type:'void', tooltip:''});
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < charSettings.length; i++) {
- settings[charSettings[i].name] = GM_getValue(charSettings[i].name, charSettings[i].def);
- }
- // Page Settings
- var PAGES = Object.freeze({
- LOGIN : { name: "Login", path: "div#login"},
- GUARD : { name: "Account Guard", path: "div#page-accountguard"},
- });
- /**
- * Uses the page settings to determine which page is currently displayed
- */
- function GetCurrentPage() {
- for (var i = 0; i < PAGES.length; i++) {
- if ($(PAGES[i]["path"]).filter(":visible").length) {
- return PAGES[i];
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Logs in to gateway
- * No client.dataModel exists at this stage
- */
- function page_LOGIN() {
- //if (!$("form > p.error:visible").length && settings["autologin"]) {
- // No previous log in error - attempt to log in
- console.log("Setting username");
- $("input#user").val(settings["nw_username"]);
- console.log("Setting password");
- $("input#pass").val(settings["nw_password"]);
- console.log("Clicking Login Button");
- $("div#login > input").click();
- //}
- dfdNextRun.resolve(delay.LONG);
- }
- /**
- * Action to perform on account guard page
- */
- function page_GUARD() {
- // Do nothing on the guard screen
- dfdNextRun.resolve(delay.LONG);
- }
- /**
- * Collects rewards for tasks or starts new tasks
- * Function is called once per new task and returns true if an action is created
- * If no action is started function returns false to switch characters
- */
- function processCharacter() {
- // Switch to professions page to show task progression
- unsafeWindow.location.hash="#char("+encodeURI(unsafeWindow.client.getCurrentCharAtName())+")/professions";
- // Collect rewards for completed tasks and restart
- if (unsafeWindow.client.dataModel.model.ent.main.itemassignments.complete) {
- unsafeWindow.client.dataModel.model.ent.main.itemassignments.assignments.forEach(function(entry) {
- if (entry.hascompletedetails) { unsafeWindow.client.professionTaskCollectRewards(entry.uassignmentid); }
- });
- dfdNextRun.resolve();
- return true;
- }
- // Check for available slots and start new task
- if (unsafeWindow.client.dataModel.model.ent.main.itemassignments.assignments.filter(function(entry) { return (!entry.islockedslot && !entry.uassignmentid); }).length) {
- // Go through the professions to assign tasks until specified slots filled
- for (var i = 0; i < tasklist.length; i++) {
- var currentTasks = unsafeWindow.client.dataModel.model.ent.main.itemassignments.assignments.filter(function(entry) { return entry.category == tasklist[i].taskName; });
- if (currentTasks.length < settings[tasklist[i].taskName]) {
- unsafeWindow.client.professionFetchTaskList('craft_' + tasklist[i].taskName);
- unsafeWindow.client.dataModel.fetchVendor('Nw_Gateway_Professions_Merchant');
- window.setTimeout(function() { createNextTask(tasklist[i], 0); }, delay.SHORT);
- return true;
- }
- }
- console.log("All task counts assigned");
- }
- else {
- console.log("No available task slots");
- }
- // TODO: Add code to get next task finish time
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * Iterative approach to finding the next task to assign to an open slot.
- *
- * @param {Array} prof The tasklist for the profession being used
- * @param {int} i The current task number being attempted
- */
- function createNextTask(prof, i) {
- // TODO: Use callback function
- if (!unsafeWindow.client.dataModel.model.craftinglist || unsafeWindow.client.dataModel.model.craftinglist === null || !unsafeWindow.client.dataModel.model.craftinglist['craft_' + prof.taskName] || unsafeWindow.client.dataModel.model.craftinglist['craft_' + prof.taskName] === null) {
- console.log('Task list not loaded for:', prof.taskName);
- window.setTimeout(function() { createNextTask(prof, i); }, delay.SHORT);
- return false;
- }
- // Check level
- var level = unsafeWindow.client.dataModel.model.ent.main.itemassignmentcategories.categories.filter(function(entry) { return entry.name == prof.taskName; })[0].currentrank;
- var list = prof.level[level];
- if (list.length <=i) {
- console.log("Nothing Found");
- switchChar();
- return false;
- }
- console.log(prof.taskName, "is level", level);
- console.log("createNextTask", list.length, i);
- var taskName = list[i];
- console.log("Searching for task:", taskName);
- // Search for task to start
- var task = searchForTask(taskName, prof.taskName);
- /** TODO: Use this code once below can be replaced properly
- if (task === null) {
- console.log("Skipping task selection to purchase resources");
- dfdNextRun.resolve();
- }
- else if (task) {
- startTask(task);
- dfdNextRun.resolve();
- }
- else {
- console.log('Finding next task');
- createNextTask(prof, i+1);
- }
- **/
- // Finish createNextTask function
- if (task === null) {
- console.log("Skipping task selection to purchase resources");
- dfdNextRun.resolve();
- return true;
- }
- if (task) {
- task = '/professions-tasks/' + prof.taskName + '/' + task.def.name;
- console.log('Task Found');
- unsafeWindow.location.hash = unsafeWindow.location.hash.replace(/\)\/.+/,')' + task);
- WaitForState("div.page-professions-taskdetails").done(function() {
- // Click all buttons and select an item to use in the slot
- var def = $.Deferred();
- var buttonList = $("h3:contains('Optional Assets:')").closest("div").find("button");
- if (buttonList.length && settings["optionals"]) {
- SelectItemFor(buttonList, 0, def, prof);
- }
- else {
- def.resolve();
- }
- def.done(function() {
- // All items are populated
- console.log("Items Populated");
- // Click the Start Task Button
- //Get the start task button if it is enabled
- var enabledButton = $("div.footer-body > div.input-field.button:not('.disabled') > button:contains('Start Task')");
- if (enabledButton.length) {
- console.log("Clicking Start Task Button");
- enabledButton.click();
- WaitForState("").done(function() {
- // Done
- dfdNextRun.resolve(delay.SHORT);
- });
- return true;
- }
- else { // Button not enabled, something required was probably missing
- // Go back
- $("div.footer-body > div.input-field.button > button:contains('Back')").click();
- WaitForState("").done(function() {
- // continue with the next one
- console.log('Finding next task');
- createNextTask(prof, i+1);
- });
- }
- });
- });
- }
- else {
- console.log('Finding next task');
- createNextTask(prof, i+1);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Checks task being started for requirements and initiates beginning task if found
- *
- * @param {string} taskname The name of the task being started
- * @param {string} profname The name of the profession being used
- * @param {Deferred} dfd Deferred object to process on return
- */
- function searchForTask(taskname, profname) {
- // Return first object that matches exact craft name
- var thisTask = unsafeWindow.client.dataModel.model.craftinglist['craft_' + profname].entries.filter(function(entry) {
- return entry.def && entry.def.name == taskname;
- })[0];
- // If no task is returned we either have three of this task already, the task is a rare that doesn't exist currently, or we have the name wrong in tasklist
- if (!thisTask) {
- console.log('Could not find task for:', taskname);
- return false;
- }
- // start task if requirements are met
- if (!thisTask.failedrequirementsreasons.length) {
- return thisTask;
- }
- // Too high level
- if (thisTask.failslevelrequirements) {
- console.log("Task level is too high:", taskname);
- return false;
- }
- var searchItem = null;
- var searchAsset = false;
- // Missing assets or ingredients
- if (thisTask.failsresourcesrequirements) {
- var failedAssets = thisTask.required.filter(function(entry) { return !entry.fillsrequirements; });
- // Missing required assets
- if (failedAssets.length) {
- var failedCrafter = failedAssets.filter(function(entry) { return entry.categories.indexOf("Person") >= 0; });
- if (failedCrafter.length && settings["trainassets"]) {
- console.log("Found required asset:", failedCrafter[0].icon);
- searchItem = failedCrafter[0].icon;
- searchAsset = true;
- }
- else {
- // TODO: Automatically purchase item assets from shop
- console.log("Not enough assets for task:", taskname);
- return false;
- }
- }
- // Check for craftable or buyable ingredients
- else {
- var failedResources = thisTask.consumables.filter(function(entry) { return entry.required && !entry.fillsrequirements; });
- // Check first required ingredient only
- // If it fails to buy or craft task cannot be completed anyway
- // If it succeeds script will search for tasks anew
- var itemName = failedResources[0].hdef.match(/\[(\w+)\]/)[1];
- // purchase buyable resources
- if (itemName.match(/^Crafting_Resource_(Charcoal|Rocksalt|Spool_Thread|Porridge|Solvent|Brimstone|Coal|Moonseasalt|Quicksilver|Spool_Threadsilk)$/)) {
- if (settings["autopurchase"]) {
- buyResource(itemName);
- return null;
- }
- else {
- console.log("Buyable resource required for:", taskname);
- return false;
- }
- }
- // craft ingredient items
- else {
- console.log("Found required ingredient:", itemName);
- searchItem = itemName;
- }
- }
- }
- // either no craftable items/assets found or other task requirements are not met
- // Skip crafting ingredient tasks for Leadership
- if (searchItem === null || !searchItem.length || (profname == 'Leadership' && !searchAsset && !searchItem.match(/Crafting_Asset_Craftsman/))) {
- console.log("Failed to resolve item requirements for task:", taskname);
- return false;
- }
- // Generate list of available tasks to search ingredients/assets from
- console.log("Searching ingredient tasks for:", profname);
- var taskList = unsafeWindow.client.dataModel.model.craftinglist['craft_' + profname].entries.filter(function(entry) {
- // remove header lines first to avoid null def
- if (entry.isheader) { return false; }
- // Too high level
- if (entry.failslevelrequirements) { return false; }
- // Rewards do not contain item we want to make
- if (searchAsset) {
- if (entry.def.icon != searchItem || !entry.def.name.match(/Recruit/) || entry.def.requiredrank > 14) { return false; }
- }
- else {
- if (!(entry.rewards.some(function (itm) { try { return itm.hdef.match(/\[(\w+)\]/)[1] == searchItem; } catch(e) {} }))) { return false; }
- }
- // Skip mass production tasks
- if (entry.def.displayname.match(/^(Batch|Mass|Deep|Intensive) /)) { return false; }
- // Skip trading tasks
- if (entry.def.displayname.match(/rading$/)) { return false; }
- // Skip looping Transmute tasks
- if (entry.def.displayname.match(/^(Transmute|Create) /)) { return false; }
- return true;
- });
- if (!taskList.length) {
- console.log("No ingredient tasks found for:", taskname, searchItem);
- return false;
- }
- // Use more efficient Empowered task for Aqua Vitae if available.
- if (searchItem == "Crafting_Resource_Aquavitae" && taskList.length > 1) { taskList.shift(); }
- // Should really only be one result now but lets iterate through anyway.
- for (var i = 0; i < taskList.length; i++) {
- console.log("Attempting search for ingredient task:", taskList[i].def.name);
- var task = searchForTask(taskList[i].def.name, profname);
- if (task === null || task) {
- return task;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * Fills resource slots and begins a profession task
- *
- * @param {string} taskDetail The craftindetail object for the task to be started
- */
- function startTask(taskDetail) {
- return;
- unsafeWindow.client.professionFetchTaskDetail(taskDetail.def.name);
- //client.dataModel.addDefaultResources();
- client.professionStartAssignment(taskDetail.def.name);
- }
- /**
- * Selects the highest level asset for the i'th button in the list. Uses an iterative approach
- * in order to apply a sufficient delay after the asset is assigned
- *
- * @param {Array} The list of buttons to use to click and assign assets for
- * @param {int} i The current iteration number. Will select assets for the i'th button
- * @param {Deferred} jQuery Deferred object to resolve when all of the assets have been assigned
- */
- function SelectItemFor(buttonListIn, i, def, prof) {
- buttonListIn[i].click();
- WaitForState("").done(function() {
- var specialItems = $("div.modal-item-list a.Special");
- var goldItems = $("div.modal-item-list a.Gold");
- var silverItems = $("div.modal-item-list a.Silver");
- var bronzeItems = $("div.modal-item-list a.Bronze");
- var clicked = false;
- // Try to avoid using up higher rank assets needlessly
- if (prof.taskName === "Leadership") {
- var mercenarys = $("div.modal-item-list a.Bronze:contains('Mercenary')");
- var guards = $("div.modal-item-list a.Bronze:contains('Guard')");
- var footmen = $("div.modal-item-list a.Bronze:contains('Footman')");
- if (mercenarys.length) { clicked = true; mercenarys[0].click(); }
- else if (guards.length) { clicked = true; guards[0].click(); }
- else if (footmen.length) { clicked = true; footmen[0].click(); }
- }
- // TODO: add remaining professions in the same way for bronze tier assets.
- if (!clicked) {
- // Click the highest slot
- if (specialItems.length) { specialItems[0].click(); }
- else if (goldItems.length) { goldItems[0].click(); }
- else if (silverItems.length) { silverItems[0].click(); }
- else if (bronzeItems.length) { bronzeItems[0].click(); }
- else { $("button.close-button").click(); }
- }
- console.log("Clicked item");
- WaitForState("").done(function() {
- // Get the new set of select buttons created since the other ones are removed when the asset loads
- var buttonList = $("h3:contains('Optional Assets:')").closest("div").find("button");
- if (i < buttonList.length - 1) {
- SelectItemFor(buttonList, i+1, def, prof);
- }
- else {
- // Let main loop continue
- def.resolve();
- }
- });
- });
- }
- /**
- * Will buy a given purchasable resource
- *
- * @param {String} item The data-tt-item id of the Resource to purchase
- */
- function buyResource(item) {
- console.log("Purchasing resources:", item);
- var resourceID = {
- Crafting_Resource_Charcoal : 0,
- Crafting_Resource_Rocksalt : 1,
- Crafting_Resource_Spool_Thread : 2,
- Crafting_Resource_Porridge : 3,
- Crafting_Resource_Solvent : 4,
- Crafting_Resource_Brimstone : 5,
- Crafting_Resource_Coal : 6,
- Crafting_Resource_Moonseasalt : 7,
- Crafting_Resource_Quicksilver : 8,
- Crafting_Resource_Spool_Threadsilk : 9,
- };
- // Make purchase
- unsafeWindow.client.sendCommand("GatewayVendor_PurchaseVendorItem",{vendor:'Nw_Gateway_Professions_Merchant',store:'Store_Crafting_Resources',idx:resourceID[item],count:100});
- WaitForState("button.closeNotification").done(function() {
- $("button.closeNotification").click();
- });
- }
- function switchChar() {
- if (settings["refinead"]) {
- var _currencies = unsafeWindow.client.dataModel.model.ent.main.currencies;
- if (_currencies.diamondsconvertleft && _currencies.roughdiamonds) {
- console.log("Refining AD");
- unsafeWindow.client.sendCommand('Gateway_ConvertNumeric', 'Astral_Diamonds');
- }
- }
- console.log("Switching Characters");
- if (++charcurrent >= settings["charcount"]) { charcurrent = 0; }
- GM_setValue("charcurrent", charcurrent);
- dfdNextRun.resolve(delay.SHORT);
- }
- /**
- * Waits for the loading symbol to be hidden.
- *
- * @return {Deferred} A jQuery defferred object that will be resolved when loading is complete
- */
- function WaitForLoad() {
- return WaitForState("");
- }
- /**
- * Creates a deferred object that will be resolved when the state is reached
- *
- * @param {string} query The query for the state to wait for
- * @return {Deferred} A jQuery defferred object that will be resolved when the state is reached
- */
- function WaitForState(query) {
- var dfd = $.Deferred();
- window.setTimeout(function() {AttemptResolve(query, dfd);}, delay.SHORT); // Doesn't work without a short delay
- return dfd;
- }
- /**
- * Will continually test for the given query state and resolve the given deferred object when the state is reached
- * and the loading symbol is not visible
- *
- * @param {string} query The query for the state to wait for
- * @param {Deferred} dfd The jQuery defferred object that will be resolved when the state is reached
- */
- function AttemptResolve(query, dfd) {
- if ((query === "" || $(query).length) && $("div.loading-image:visible").length === 0) {
- dfd.resolve();
- }
- else {
- window.setTimeout(function() {AttemptResolve(query, dfd);}, delay.SHORT); // Try again in a little bit
- }
- }
- /**
- * The main process loop:
- * - Determine which page we are on and call the page specific logic
- * - When processing is complete, process again later
- * - Use a short timer when something changed last time through
- * - Use a longer timer when waiting for tasks to complete
- */
- function process() {
- // Make sure the settings button exists
- addSettings();
- // Enable/Disable the unconditional page reload depending on settings
- loading_reset = settings["autoreload"];
- // Check if timer is paused
- s_paused = settings["paused"]; // let the Page Reloading function know the pause state
- if (settings["paused"]) {
- // Just continue later - the deferred object is still set and nothing will resolve it until we get past this point
- var timerHandle = window.setTimeout(function() {process();}, delay.DEFAULT);
- return;
- }
- // Check for Gateway down
- if (window.location.href.indexOf("gatewaysitedown") > -1) {
- // Do a long delay and then retry the site
- console.log("Gateway down detected - relogging in " + (delay.MINS/1000) + " seconds");
- window.setTimeout(function() {unsafeWindow.location.href = "http://gateway.playneverwinter.com";}, delay.MINS);
- return;
- }
- // Check for login or account guard and process accordingly
- var currentPage = GetCurrentPage();
- if (currentPage == PAGES.LOGIN) { page_LOGIN(); return; }
- else if (currentPage == PAGES.GUARD) { page_GUARD(); return; }
- window.setTimeout(function() {loginProcess();}, delay.SHORT);
- // Continue again later
- dfdNextRun.done(function(delayTimer) {
- dfdNextRun = $.Deferred();
- timerHandle = window.setTimeout(function() {process();}, typeof delayTimer!== 'undefined' ? delayTimer:delay.DEFAULT);
- });
- }
- function loginProcess() {
- // Get logged on account details
- var accountName;
- try {
- accountName = unsafeWindow.client.dataModel.model.loginInfo.publicaccountname;
- }
- catch (e) {
- // TODO: Use callback function
- window.setTimeout(function() {loginProcess();}, delay.SHORT);
- return;
- }
- // Check if timer is paused again to avoid starting new task between timers
- s_paused = settings["paused"]; // let the Page Reloading function know the pause state
- if (settings["paused"]) {
- // Just continue later - the deferred object is still set and nothing will resolve it until we get past this point
- var timerHandle = window.setTimeout(function() {process();}, delay.DEFAULT);
- return;
- }
- if (accountName) {
- // load current character position and values
- charcurrent = GM_getValue("charcurrent", 0);
- for (var i = 0; i < (charSettings.length/settings["charcount"]); i++) {
- j = i + (charcurrent*charSettings.length/settings["charcount"]);
- settings[charSettings[j].name.replace(new RegExp(charcurrent+"$"),'')] = settings[charSettings[j].name];
- }
- // Load task list from settings if saved
- if (settings["tasklist"].length) {
- tasklist = JSON.parse(settings["tasklist"]);
- }
- else {
- tasklist = defaultTasklist;
- }
- var charName = settings["nw_charname"];
- var fullCharName = charName + '@' + accountName;
- if (unsafeWindow.client.getCurrentCharAtName() != fullCharName) {
- loadCharacter(fullCharName);
- return;
- }
- // Try to start tasks
- if (processCharacter()) { return; }
- // Switch characters as necessary
- switchChar();
- }
- }
- function loadCharacter(charname) {
- // Load character and restart next load loop
- console.log("Loading gateway script for", charname);
- unsafeWindow.client.dataModel.loadEntityByName(charname);
- dfdNextRun.resolve();
- }
- function addSettings() {
- if ($("#settingsButton").length)
- return;
- // Add the required CSS
- AddCss("\
- #settingsButton{border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(102, 102, 102); border-right: 1px solid rgb(102, 102, 102); background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(238, 238, 238); display: block; position: fixed; overflow: auto; right: 0px; top: 0px; padding: 3px; z-index: 1000;}\
- #pauseButton{border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(102, 102, 102); border-right: 1px solid rgb(102, 102, 102); background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(238, 238, 238); display: block; position: fixed; overflow: auto; right: 23px; top: 0px; padding: 3px; z-index: 1000;}\
- #settingsPanel{border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(102, 102, 102); border-right: 1px solid rgb(102, 102, 102); background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(238, 238, 238); color: rgb(0, 0, 0); position: fixed; overflow: auto; right: 0px; top: 0px; width: 350px;max-height:750px;font: 12px sans-serif; text-align: left; display: block; z-index: 1000;}\
- #settings_title{font-weight: bolder; background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(204, 204, 204); border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(102, 102, 102); padding: 3px;}\
- #settingsPanelButtonContainer {background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(204, 204, 204); border-top: 1px solid rgb(102, 102, 102);padding: 3px;text-align:center} \
- #settingsPanel label.purple {font-weight:bold;color:#7C37F6}\
- #settingsPanel label.blue {font-weight:bold;color:#007EFF}\
- #settingsPanel label.green {font-weight:bold;color:#8AFF00}\
- #settingsPanel label.white {font-weight:bold;color:#FFFFFF}\
- #charPanel {width:340px;max-height:400px;overflow:auto;display:block;padding:3px;}\
- ");
- // Add settings panel to page body
- $("body").append(
- '<div id="settingsPanel">\
- <div id="settings_title">\
- <img src='+image_prefs+' style="float: left; vertical-align: text-bottom;"\>\
- <img id="settings_close" src='+image_close+' title="Click to hide preferences" style="float: right; vertical-align: text-bottom; cursor: pointer; display: block;"\>\
- <span style="margin:3px">Settings</span>\
- </div>\
- <form style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px">\
- <ul style="list-style: none outside none; max-height: 500px; overflow: auto; margin: 3px; padding: 0px;">\
- </ul>\
- </form>\
- </div>'
- );
- // Add each setting input
- var settingsList = $("#settingsPanel form ul");
- for (var i = 0; i < settingnames.length; i++) {
- var id = 'settings_' + settingnames[i].name;
- var indent = countLeadingSpaces(settingnames[i].title) * 2;
- switch(settingnames[i].type) {
- case "checkbox":
- settingsList.append('<li title="'+settingnames[i].tooltip+'" style="margin-left:'+indent+'em"><input style="margin:4px" name="'+id+'" id="'+id+'" type="checkbox" /><label class="'+settingnames[i].class+'" for="'+id+'">'+settingnames[i].title+'</label></li>')
- $('#'+id).prop('checked', settings[settingnames[i].name]);
- break;
- case "text":
- settingsList.append('<li title="'+settingnames[i].tooltip+'" style="margin-left:'+indent+'em"><label class="'+settingnames[i].class+'" for="'+id+'">'+settingnames[i].title+'</label><input style="margin:4px" name="'+id+'" id="'+id+'" type="text" /></li>')
- $('#'+id).val(settings[settingnames[i].name]);
- break;
- case "password":
- settingsList.append('<li title="'+settingnames[i].tooltip+'" style="margin-left:'+indent+'em"><label class="'+settingnames[i].class+'" for="'+id+'">'+settingnames[i].title+'</label><input style="margin:4px" name="'+id+'" id="'+id+'" type="password" /></li>')
- $('#'+id).val(settings[settingnames[i].name]);
- break;
- case "select":
- settingsList.append('<li title="'+settingnames[i].tooltip+'" style="margin-left:'+indent+'em"><label class="'+settingnames[i].class+'" style="padding-left:4px" for="'+id+'">'+settingnames[i].title+'</label><select style="margin:4px" name="'+id+'" id="'+id+'" /></li>')
- var options = settingnames[i].opts;
- var select = $('#'+id);
- for (var j = 0; j < options.length; j++) {
- if (settings[settingnames[i].name] == options[j].path)
- select.append('<option value="'+options[j].path+'" selected="selected">'+options[j].name+'</option>');
- else
- select.append('<option value="'+options[j].path+'">'+options[j].name+'</option>');
- }
- break;
- case "label":
- settingsList.append('<li title="'+settingnames[i].tooltip+'" style="margin-left:'+indent+'em;><label class="'+settingnames[i].class+'">'+settingnames[i].title+'</label></li>')
- break;
- }
- }
- // Add character settings for each char
- var addText = '\
- <script type="text/javascript">\
- <!--\
- function click_position(obj)\
- {\
- change_position(obj.value)\
- }\
- \
- function change_position(val)\
- {\
- for (var i = 0; i < '+settings["charcount"]+'; i++)\
- {\
- document.getElementById("charContainer"+i).style.display="none";\
- }\
- document.getElementById("charContainer"+val).style.display="block";\
- }\
- //-->\
- </script>\
- <div id="charPanel">\
- <div style="width:150px;float:left;max-height:400px;overflow:auto;">\
- ';
- for (var i = 0; i < settings["charcount"]; i++) {
- addText += '\
- <div><input autocomplete="off" type="radio" name="radio_position" onclick="click_position(this)" id="value_'+i+'" value="'+i+'" /><label for="value_'+i+'">'+settings["nw_charname"+i]+'</label></div>\
- ';
- }
- addText += '\
- </div>\
- <div style="width:170px;float:right;">\
- ';
- for (var i = 0; i < settings["charcount"]; i++) {
- addText += '\
- <div id="charContainer'+i+'" style="display:none">\
- <ul style="list-style: none outside none; max-height: 500px; overflow: auto;">\
- ';
- var k = 0 + (i*charSettings.length/settings["charcount"]);
- var id = 'settings_' + charSettings[k].name;
- addText += '<li title="'+charSettings[k].tooltip+'"><input style="margin:4px" name="'+id+'" id="'+id+'" type="text" /></li>';
- for (var j = 1; j < (charSettings.length/settings["charcount"]); j++) {
- k = j + (i*charSettings.length/settings["charcount"]);
- if (charSettings[k].type == 'void') { continue; }
- id = 'settings_' + charSettings[k].name;
- addText += '<li title="'+charSettings[k].tooltip+'"><input maxlength="2" size="1" style="margin:4px" name="'+id+'" id="'+id+'" type="text" /><label class="'+charSettings[k].class+'" for="'+id+'">'+charSettings[k].title+'</label></li>';
- }
- addText += '</ul>'
- // Add task list save buttons
- addText += '\
- <input id="save_tasklist'+i+'" type="button" value="Save Tasks" title="Saves current task list in script to this character">\
- <input id="clear_tasklist'+i+'" type="button" value="Clear Tasks" title="Clears the saved task list for this character to use defaults">\
- </div>';
- }
- addText += '\
- </div>\
- </div>\
- ';
- $("#settingsPanel form").append(addText);
- // Add values to character input fields
- for (var i = 0; i < charSettings.length; i++) {
- id = 'settings_' + charSettings[i].name;
- $('#'+id).val(settings[charSettings[i].name]);
- }
- // Add code to tasklist buttons
- for (var i = 0; i < settings["charcount"]; i++) {
- $("#save_tasklist"+i).click(function() {
- var num = this.id.replace("save_tasklist", "");
- charSettings["tasklist"+num] = tasklist;
- setTimeout(function() { GM_setValue("tasklist"+num, JSON.stringify(defaultTasklist)); }, 0);
- });
- $("#clear_tasklist"+i).click(function() {
- var num = this.id.replace("clear_tasklist", "");
- charSettings["tasklist"+num] = "";
- setTimeout(function() { GM_setValue("tasklist"+num, ""); }, 0);
- });
- }
- // Add save/cancel buttons to panel
- $("#settingsPanel form").append('\
- <div id="settingsPanelButtonContainer">\
- <input id="settings_save" type="button" value="Save and Apply">\
- <input id="settings_close" type="button" value="Close">\
- </div>');
- // Add open settings button to page
- $("body").append('<div id="settingsButton"><img src="'+image_prefs+'" title="Click to show preferences" style="cursor: pointer; display: block;"></div>');
- // Add pause button to page
- $("body").append('<div id="pauseButton"><img src="'+(settings["paused"]?image_play:image_pause)+'" title="Click to '+(settings["paused"]?"resume":"pause")+' task script" style="cursor: pointer; display: block;"></div>');
- // Add the javascript
- $("#settingsPanel").hide();
- $("#settingsButton").click(function() {
- $("#settingsButton").hide();
- $("#pauseButton").hide();
- $("#settingsPanel").show();
- });
- $("#settings_close,settings_cancel").click(function() {
- $("#settingsButton").show();
- $("#pauseButton").show();
- $("#settingsPanel").hide();
- });
- $("#pauseButton").click(function() {
- settings["paused"] = !settings["paused"]
- setTimeout(function() { GM_setValue("paused", settings["paused"]); }, 0);
- $("#settings_paused").prop("checked", settings["paused"]);
- $("#pauseButton img").attr("src",(settings["paused"]?image_play:image_pause));
- $("#pauseButton img").attr("title","Click to "+(settings["paused"]?"resume":"pause")+" task script");
- });
- // Use setTimeout to workaround permission issues when calling GM functions from main window
- $("#settings_save").click(function() { setTimeout(function() { SaveSettings();}, 0)});
- }
- function SaveSettings() {
- var charcount = settings["charcount"];
- // Get each value from the UI
- for (var i = 0; i < settingnames.length; i++) {
- var name = settingnames[i].name;
- var el = $('#settings_' + name);
- var value = false;
- switch(settingnames[i].type) {
- case "checkbox":
- value = el.prop("checked");
- break;
- case "text":
- value = el.val();
- break;
- case "password":
- value = el.val();
- break;
- case "select":
- value = el.val();
- break;
- case "label": // Labels don't have values
- continue;
- }
- if (typeof(settingnames[i].onsave) === "function") {
- console.log("Calling 'onsave' for", name);
- settingnames[i].onsave(value, settings[name]);
- }
- if (settings[name] !== value) { settings[name] = value; } // Save to local cache
- if (GM_getValue(name) !== value) { GM_setValue(name, value); } // Save to GM cache
- }
- // Get character settings from UI
- for (var i = 0; i < charSettings.length; i++) {
- if (charSettings[i].type == 'void') { continue; }
- var name = charSettings[i].name;
- var el = $('#settings_' + name);
- var value = el.val();
- if (settings[name] !== value) { settings[name] = value; } // Save to local cache
- if (GM_getValue(name) !== value) { GM_setValue(name, value); } // Save to GM cache
- }
- // If character numbers have changed reload page
- if (charcount != settings["charcount"]) {
- console.log("Reloading Gateway to update character count");
- unsafeWindow.location.href = "http://gateway.playneverwinter.com";
- return;
- }
- // Delete all saved settings
- if (settingwipe) {
- var keys = GM_listValues();
- for (var i = 0, key = null; key = keys[i]; i++) {
- GM_deleteValue(key);
- }
- }
- // Close the panel
- $("#settingsButton").show();
- $("#pauseButton img").attr("src",(settings["paused"]?image_play:image_pause));
- $("#pauseButton img").attr("title","Click to "+(settings["paused"]?"resume":"pause")+" task script");
- $("#pauseButton").show();
- $("#settingsPanel").hide();
- }
- // Add the settings button and start a process timer
- addSettings();
- timerHandle = window.setTimeout(function() {process();}, delay.SHORT);
- })();