// ==UserScript==
// @name GGn Title and Screenshots Formatter
// @namespace none
// @version 26
// @description Formats title, sets alias if applicable and has buttons to undo. Removes screenshots until they are a multiple of 4. Adds buttons in edit page to format name and alias. Exposes title case function to other scripts
// @author ingts
// @match https://gazellegames.net/upload.php
// @match https://gazellegames.net/torrents.php?id=*
// @match https://gazellegames.net/torrents.php?action=editgroup&groupid=*
// @match https://gazellegames.net/upload.php?action=copy&groupid=*
// @exclude https://gazellegames.net/upload.php?groupid=*
// @grant unsafeWindow
// ==/UserScript==
let titleInput, aliasInput
const globals = unsafeWindow.TitleAndScreenshotsFormatter = {}
globals.toTitleCase = function (str, alias) {
const japaneseLowercase = new Map([
["ga", ["が", "ガ"]],
["no", ["の", "ノ"]],
["wa", ["わ", "ワ"]],
["mo", ["も", "モ"]],
["kara", ["から", "カラ"]],
["made", ["まで", "マデ"]],
["to", ["と", "ト"]],
["ya", ["や", "ヤ"]],
["de", ["で", "デ"]],
["ni", ["に", "ニ"]],
["so", ["そ", "ソ"]],
["na", ["な", "ナ"]],
["i", ["い", "イ"]],
["u", ["う", "ウ"]],
["e", ["え", "エ"]],
["o", ["お", "オ"]],
["san", ["さん"]],
["sama", ["さま"]],
["kun", ["くん"]],
["chan", ["ちゃん"]]
const smallWords = /^(a|an|and|as|at|but|by|en|for|if|in|nor|of|on|or|per|the|to|v.?|vs.?|via)$/i
const alphanumericPattern = /([A-Za-z0-9\u00C0-\u00FF])/
const wordSeparators = /([ :–—-]|[^a-zA-Z0-9'’])/
const allUppercase = new Set(['rpg', 'fps', 'tps', 'rts', 'tbs', 'mmo', 'mmorpg', 'arpg', 'jrpg', 'pvp', 'pve', 'ntr', 'td', 'vr', 'npc', 'ost'])
return str
.replace(/\s/g, ' ')
.replace(/ ~ /, ': ').replace(/ ~/, ': ').replace(/~$/, '').replace(/ ~$/, '').replace(/ - /, ': ').replace(/ -/, ': ').replace(/-$/, '').replace(/^-/, '')
.replace('™', '').replace('®', '')
.map(function (current, index, array) {
if (allUppercase.has(current.trim()) || /\b([IVX])(X{0,3}I{0,3}|X{0,2}VI{0,3}|X{0,2}I?[VX])(?![A-Za-z'])\b/i.test(current))
return current.toUpperCase()
if (alias) {
const jpWords = japaneseLowercase.get(current)
if (jpWords && jpWords.some(w => alias.includes(w))) return current
if (
/* Check for small words */
current.search(smallWords) > -1 &&
/* Skip first and last word */
index !== 0 &&
index !== array.length - 1 &&
/* Ignore title end and subtitle start */
array[index - 3] !== ':' &&
array[index + 1] !== ':' &&
/* Ignore small words that start a hyphenated phrase */
(array[index + 1] !== '-' ||
(array[index - 1] === '-' && array[index + 1] === '-'))
) {
return current
/* Capitalize the first letter */
return current.replace(alphanumericPattern, function (match) {
return match.toUpperCase()
function formatText() {
let origTitle = titleInput.value
aliasInput = document.getElementById('aliases')
let origAlias = aliasInput.value
let titleAfterTitleCase = globals.toTitleCase(titleInput.value, aliasInput.value)
titleInput.value = titleAfterTitleCase
if (document.getElementById('categories').value === 'Games') {
const excludePattern = /[^a-zA-Z0-9 .~?’!@#$%^&*()_+\-=\[\]{};':"\\|,<>\/]+/g
let excluded = titleInput.value.match(excludePattern)
if (excluded) {
if (excluded.length === 1) {
aliasInput.value ? aliasInput.value += ', ' + excluded.join('') : aliasInput.value = excluded.join('')
titleInput.value = titleInput.value.replace(excludePattern, "").trim()
} else {
aliasInput.value ? aliasInput.value += ', ' + titleInput.value : titleInput.value
titleInput.value = ''
if (titleAfterTitleCase !== origTitle || aliasInput.value !== origAlias) {
document.querySelector("#title_tr > td.label").insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', `<span style="color: #ebaf51;display: block;">Undo Title Formatter</span>
<div id="tf-undo-buttons"></div>`)
const buttonDiv = document.getElementById('tf-undo-buttons')
if (titleAfterTitleCase !== origTitle) {
const button1 = document.createElement('button')
button1.textContent = 'Formatting'
button1.type = 'button'
button1.onclick = () => {
titleInput.value = origTitle
if (aliasInput.value !== origAlias) {
const button2 = document.createElement('button')
button2.textContent = 'Alias'
button2.type = 'button'
button2.onclick = () => {
titleInput.value = titleAfterTitleCase
aliasInput.value = origAlias
function startTextFormat(wait) {
const tInterval = setInterval(() => {
if (document.activeElement === titleInput || !titleInput.value)
if (wait) {
// to allow upload scripts that use the title input's value to set the title before formatting
setTimeout(formatText, 2000)
} else formatText()
}, 500)
function addButton(input, alias = aliasInput?.value ?? '') {
const button = document.createElement('button')
button.type = 'button'
button.textContent = 'Format'
button.addEventListener('click', () => {
input.value = globals.toTitleCase(input.value, alias)
if (location.href.includes('upload.php')) {
titleInput = document.getElementById('title')
// changing the category changes the form using a server request and the title input is replaced
document.getElementById('categories').addEventListener('change', () => {
new MutationObserver((mutations, observer) => {
titleInput = document.getElementById('title')
}).observe(document.getElementById('dynamic_form'), {childList: true, subtree: true})
const screenshotInputs = document.getElementsByName('screens[]')
const removeButton = document.querySelector("#image_block > a:nth-of-type(2)")
const sInterval = setInterval(() => {
for (let i = 0; i < screenshotInputs.length; i++) {
if (!screenshotInputs[i].value) {
const number = screenshotInputs.length < 4 ? screenshotInputs.length : Math.min(Math.floor(screenshotInputs.length / 4) * 4, 20)
while (screenshotInputs.length > number) {
}, 1000)
document.querySelector("#image_block > a:nth-of-type(1)").addEventListener('click', () => {
} else if (location.href.includes('editgroup')) {
titleInput = document.querySelector("input[name=name]")
aliasInput = document.querySelector('input[name=aliases]')
} else {
// wait to make sure the editor helper loads first
setTimeout(() => {
const editHelperRename = document.getElementById('titleEdit')
if (editHelperRename) {
editHelperRename.addEventListener('click', () => {
titleInput = document.querySelector("input[name=name]")
addButton(titleInput, document.getElementById('group_aliases')?.childNodes[2])
}, 80)