BigBtc Faucetpay 5 min

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< Отзив за BigBtc Faucetpay 5 min

Отзив: Отлично - скриптът работи

Публикуван на: 10.01.2023

I have two questions

Awesome script btw

Is there a way to change the timers for each page it loads

It was refreshing every 20-30 secs but the timer for the faucet is 5 min

it there a way to change the time for the first page to 5 min or more, then the verify page set to 30 seconds??

and an we use this on mutilple tabs ?

Публикуван на: 11.01.2023

- Yes i can do that but just curious to know if there is any issues with current timings
- I don't think they will support multiple tabs

Публикуван на: 11.01.2023

only issue is every 30-45 secs the page reloads but the timer is 5 min but i think if I change the timer it will also wait 5 min to verify and roll

I suggest have the timer for the first page 5-6 min
then the Verify page and roll set to 15-30 seconds

And another question does this faucet actually pay because I could not find any payment proof online...have you got paid from this website?

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