Заобикаляне на всички сайтове с кратки връзки Автоматично пропуска досадните средства за съкращаване на връзки, директно до вашата дестинация
< Отзив за Заобикаляне на всички кратки връзки
can you post which website that using this shortlink please?
your given link examples above is not working.
I have the same problem. in the short link of https://coinpayz.xyz/?r=197536 they are Cryptoads.space and Coinsurl
I noticed it happens in google chrome
Please update to the latest version 50.2
Thank you again. Now its work fine.
Can you also please check this SL https://linkszia.co/llYiCnF?usr=VlYrT3pHZXBNQnNhWGVrOUROOE1JblMyM3E4TWRXeUE3ZXFkaE9EUTY4bmtFM0Y5bHBUbjRIVFNRQVpGbm5nc1JsOFRGWERSSWx4dldjVjdMbTNkd0E9PQ==, after this last step it keeps redirect to its first step which is the https://djxmaza.in/
redirect to first step because you have issue with captcha sending automated query, not because of my script
Oh ok, thanks for your explanation
https://dogeearn.com/?p=1067, this SL is redirect and stuck in https://adarima.org . Overall Good script👌