Tumblr Multiline Asks

Allows you to send multiline asks on Tumblr.

// ==UserScript==
// @name	Tumblr Multiline Asks
// @namespace	the.vindicar.scripts
// @description	Allows you to send multiline asks on Tumblr.
// @version	1.1.1
// @grant	none
// @include	http://www.tumblr.com/ask_form/*
// @include	https://www.tumblr.com/ask_form/*
// ==/UserScript==

//We're on ask page, where code is old and ugly. We have to get our hands dirty...
// First of all, let's check if we have actual ask form here.
var ask_form = document.getElementById('ask_form');
if (!ask_form)
	//We're looking at some message, like "your question has been received" or "Wait for an hour before asking more questions". Nothing to do here
//We have an actual ask form. Leeeeeeeets do eeeet!
// Begone, foul event handler that eats up our line breaks!
document.removeEventListener('keydown', linebreaks, false);
//There is a setInterval'd script that strips line breaks from the text.
// Little dirty hack: original script caches the references to used nodes. Thus, if we replace those with clones, the script will be checking unused nodes.
function replaceNode(nodeid) {
	var original = document.getElementById(nodeid);
	if (original) {
		var clone = original.cloneNode(true);
		original.parentNode.replaceChild(clone, original);
		original.setAttribute('id', 'former_'+nodeid);
		return clone;
	} else {
		return null;
var q = replaceNode('question');
var ask_button = replaceNode('ask_button');
var characters_remaining = replaceNode('characters_remaining');
var character_counter = replaceNode('character_counter');
// Sadly, this trick also breaks useful parts. We need to recreate those manually. I've copied the code from Tumblr original JS.
// This script also does useful things, so I copied it from Tumblr JS, snipping out linebreak part.
setInterval(function() {
	// Character limit.
	if (q.value.length > 500) q.value = q.value.substring(0, 500);

	// Enable ask button.
	if(q.value.length > 0) {
		ask_button.disabled = false;
	} else {
		ask_button.disabled = true;
	var remaining = 500 - q.value.length;
	characters_remaining.innerHTML = remaining;

	// Update character counter.
	if (remaining <= 120) {
		character_counter.style.display = 'block';
		if(remaining > 100) {
			character_counter.style.color = '#444';
		} else if (remaining > 80 && remaining <= 100) {
			character_counter.style.color = '#5f3b3e';
		} else if (remaining > 60 && remaining <= 80) {
			character_counter.style.color = '#7b3239';
		} else if (remaining > 40 && remaining <= 60) {
			character_counter.style.color = '#962a33';
		} else if (remaining > 20 && remaining <= 40) {
			character_counter.style.color = '#b2212e';
		} else {
			character_counter.style.color = '#cd1828';
	} else {
		character_counter.style.display = 'none';
}, 100);                
// old validation handler still remembers replaced nodes. We have to remove it first...
ask_form.removeEventListener('submit', validate, false);
//...then create our own, working with clones...
validate = function (e) {
	if (!q.value) { 
		alert('You need to enter a question!'); 
		return false; 
	if (
		q.value.match(/http:\/\//i) ||
		q.value.match(/www\./i) ||
	) {
		alert('Sorry, but please don\'t include links in questions.');
		return false;
	ask_button.disabled = true;
//...and set it in place
ask_form.addEventListener('submit', validate, false);