Greasy Fork is available in English.

IMDB info + .torrent from magnet

Show info of movies/series's (rating, poster, actors, ...) from IMDB on almost any torrent domain (thepiratebay, *torrent* , ...) as well as showing .torrent download links from any magnet:?url

< Отзив за IMDB info + .torrent from magnet

Отзив: Лошо - скриптът не работи

Публикуван на: 23.12.2017

Script seems to no longer work

Wonderful script that seems to no longer work.
Tested on Chrome with TamperMonkey and on Firefox with GreaseMonkey.
Kindly fix.

Публикуван на: 03.03.2018

Updated & back to live again
Thanks for reporting.

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