Show ratings

Show metacritic metascore and user ratings on: Bandcamp, Apple Itunes (Music), Amazon (Music,Movies,TV Shows), IMDb (Movies), Google Play (Music, Movies), Steam, Gamespot (PS4, XONE, PC), Rotten Tomatoes, Serienjunkies, BoxOfficeMojo,,, Wikipedia (en),, letterboxd, TVmaze, TVGuide,,, ConsequenceOfSound, Pitchfork,, TVnfo,, GOG, Epic Games Store,

< Отзив за Show ratings

Отзив: Отлично - скриптът работи

Публикуван на: 17.12.2023

Great script but not pretty. Would be great it if also comes in a small box like your rotten tomatoes script, and if it can be swapped to the right side. Another bonus would be dark mode similar to the rotten tomatoes script.

Публикуван на: 23.12.2023

The size and the corner can be changed in the Tampermonkey menu. I'll think about dark mode, that would probably be easy to add.

Публикуван на: 24.12.2023

For dark mode, the rotten tomatoes script follows the Dark Reader addon (if the addon is enabled, the rotten tomatoes script box also goes dark), but the metacritic box doesn't and stays white. Also would it be possible if you can guide me on which line I need to edit to make it the metacritic box appear just above the rotten tomatoes box? Would be much appreciated thanks.

Публикуван на: 12.01.2024

It should turn dark now with Dark reader enabled.

To make the box appear in the right-lower corner, you can just open the Tampermonkey menu (or whatever extension you use) and click the "Change corner" entry in the script menu until it is in the corner that you want. I think it will appear below the tomatoes box. Changing it to go above the tomatoes box is not a trivial change

Публикуван на: 12.01.2024

Thank you so much for the dark mode fix, Its looking great! As for the editing it to go the bottom right corner, can you please guide me on how to edit this line:

GM.registerMenuCommand('Show ratings - Change corner', () => changePosition())

Also thank you again for taking my feedback, it makes an already great script even better.

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