برامج نصية
eBay - Display Totals with Shipping JS - Computes and displays the total price with shipping added. Inserts prices for all the extra options that may be included in the eBay page. Makes a new column that shows the final price for both the BuyItNow and Shipping price. Note: Only tested on ebay AU.
eBay Collection Sorter JS - Sorts Collections on eBay
Flatmates Plus JS - Adds blacklist and whitelist filters to the FlatMates website, gets rid of early bird listings
KissAnime AutoPlay + Permanent Server Fix JS - Autoplays next episode and makes the server choice persistant across episodes
Facebook User List Maker JS - Save and Load Friend Lists for Facebook Lists
Likes Resurrector JS - try to take over the world!
Udio License Agreement Clicker JS - Clicks Udio License Agreement
GM_config JS (المكتبة) - GM_config (forked from github)