NW - inventory names

Prints NeverWinterOnline items in inventory (including content of user bags!)

< Feedback on NW - inventory names

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Posted: 11-03-2015

inventory listings, ;D


I need look profession names closer and add your stuff in, but as you can see Im not too much familiar with JAVA so it takes some time do simple things, but here is something for "Inventory" listing.

I did it because I wanted sell "Gathered" items, I stripped all not needed filters away,

var _pbags = client.dataModel.model.ent.main.inventory.playerbags;
var _pbags_crafting = client.dataModel.model.ent.main.inventory.tradebag; //tradebag
var _tmpBag1 = [];
var _tmpBag2 = [];
//var _tmpBag = [];
$.each(_pbags, function (bi, bag) {
    bag.slots.forEach(function (slot) {
        _tmpBag1[_tmpBag1.length] = slot;
        //console.log(slot.name); // normal inventory debug msg
_pbags_crafting.forEach(function (slot) {
    _tmpBag2[_tmpBag2.length] = slot;
    //console.log(slot.name); // tradebag debug msg

var _tmpBag = _tmpBag1.concat(_tmpBag2);
_tmpBag.forEach(function (slot) {
    // avoid  NullPointerException. this was silly mistake fixed now
    if (slot === !null || slot || slot === !undefined) {
        console.log(slot.name); // normal and profession inventory names
Posted: 12-03-2015

Thanks, playerbags implemented.
Tradebag is unusable for me because is part of another bags.

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