Maximize Video

Maximize all video players.Support Piture-in-picture.

< Feedback on Maximize Video

مراجعة: Good - script works

Posted: 26-06-2016
Edited: 30-06-2016

Excellent script thankyou much

Really like this script...
but the Maximize button appears in many unexpected places on websites that do
not contain video.
Yes I can add // @ Exclude
but there would be too long of a list to remove them all.
Is there a fix for this please?
Thankyou 冻猫
(Note: I changed the coloring of the Maximize button from blue to red)

Examples: Forum Compose Box Bar and near Email Logout Button.

Posted: 27-06-2016
Edited: 28-06-2016

OKAY I figured out a solution.
I made the video enlarge when clicking the Leftside Edge of the Browser with this CSS.
(Not the RightSide Edge because it would interfere with the scrollbar function).
However it only works on a Youtube page.
Could the feature to be able to click the Leftside Edge of Browser to enable enlarged video be added to the script that will function on all the websites please?
Or at least the option to choose this?
The script already allows that to toggle back to default size.
● Or to have the maximize button implanted into the video control bar?

{visibility: visible !important;
opacity: 1 !important;
cursor: pointer !important;
position: absolute !important;
top: 0px !important;
left: 0px !important;
background-color: #CC0000 !important;
background-color: transparent !important;
color: transparent!important;
width: 2px !important;
height: 100%!important;}

So in the Script code I added this line:

'#playerControlBtn {visibility: visible !important; opacity: 1 !important; cursor: pointer !important; position: absolute !important; top: 0px !important; left: 0px !important; background-color: #CC0000 !important; background-color: transparent !important; color: transparent !important; width: 1px !important; height: 100% !important;}',

Posted: 28-06-2016

Try delete the code "case 'IFRAME':" in the line 201.
Or increase target.offsetWidth & target.offsetHeight.
You can give me a example link.

Posted: 28-06-2016
Edited: 28-06-2016

Yes... removing
case 'IFRAME':
//case 'IFRAME':
did the FIX with example logged into email
or logged into another support site it appears in the compose box bbcode bar.
however the maximize button has now disappeared from some other sites where I need it.
Example: here the maximize button appears at the main video on the page but will not appear with the videos in the gallery below...
where as with case 'IFRAME': the maximize button did appear with the gallery videos.

So it seems I have a choice:
@exclude some websites or remove case 'IFRAME': and lose the enlargement function on some videos.
... which means @exclude is the best choice.
Unless you have another solution??

Posted: 28-06-2016

Try update..maybe fixed.

Posted: 29-06-2016
Edited: 30-06-2016

Thankyou for fix but the problem is worse now.

FIXED NOW: Maximize button still appears near the logout button in my email account and the forum login that I linked to above. So that problem is not resolved and there is not improvement.

● But now worse is
In the video gallery carousel at the bottom here
1. There are two maximize buttons that appear when in default small size.
2. When video is enlarged, the maximize button appears inside video unless you move the mouse outside the video and into the toolbar/statusbar area.
3. How to remove the sliding movement action of the maximize button sliding across the webpage into position please?
That sliding is a distraction and extra delay that is not necessary for me thankyou.

!!! If no fix then I will just have keep case 'IFRAME': and @ exclude these problem sites and hope there is not too many of them.
And you would need to revert back to previous version 6.7 to eliminate all the added issues and messups.

EDIT: WAIT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I will have to retest because I see now that both scripts were installed and both enabled.
Will retest when I can . sorry

Okay re-tested.
● FIXED NOW thankyou very much. Maximize button still appears near the logout button in my email account and the forum login that I linked to above.
● But the other issues above with the screenshot demonstrating, still appear in the video gallery carousel here - not the first time/first video... but if I click on another video in the gallery carousel.
If that could be fixed somehow then everything will be good to go please?
● And this please: How to remove the sliding movement action of the maximize button sliding across the webpage into position please?

Posted: 30-06-2016
Maximize button still appears near the logout button in my email account and the forum login that I linked to above.

I had test these two sites.Maximize button do not appears in my browser..
Cross-domain HTML5 player is a hard problem..player in iframe & iframe in iframe in iframe...Browser has too many restrictions on the javascript.
I will try to solve other two problem.

Posted: 30-06-2016
Edited: 30-06-2016
Maximize button still appears near the logout button in my email account and the forum login that I linked to above.
I had test these two sites.Maximize button do not appears in my browser..

Yes if you see in my second Edit in previous post... I stated FIXED for that issue... and I am thankful for that 冻猫. I changed the title of this thread because that problem is fixed thanks.

I will try to solve other two problem.

Yes please thankyou !
I just discovered how this script will enlarge videos in twitter feeds.... so happy :smiley: ...
this is such a great helpful script ! :smiley:

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