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Reddit Old Mobile 📱

Mobile-friendly design for Reddit Old

تثبيت هذا البرنامج النصي؟
سكربت موصى به للمؤلف

ربما يعجبك أيضا Reddit CSS.

تثبيت هذا البرنامج النصي
// ==UserScript==
// @name          Reddit Old Mobile 📱
// @description   Mobile-friendly design for Reddit Old
// @author        Agreasyforkuser
// @match*
// @match*
// @match*
// @exclude*
// @exclude-match*
// @version       5.9
// @license       MIT
// @icon
// @namespace     namespace example
// ==/UserScript==

if(window.location.hostname === ''){
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                /* Search and fixes for search page */
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                /* Expanded Media UNDER the post */
               .entry {overflow:visible;}

               /* Centering Expanded Video Posts */
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               /* Centered Action Buttons */
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               /* Centering this too for aesthetics */
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               /* Border between Posts */
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               /* Upvote Scores On Thumbnails */
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               /* Comment Page */
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               /* fix error messages globally */
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               /* bigger posts, title gets the whole page width */
               /* firefox */
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               /* chromium */
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                /* gallery navbar */
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                        'query             submit'
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////////////////////////// Move Searchbar, make some space on the Comments Page//////////////////////////////////////////////////
var excludedPattern = /https:\/\/.*\.reddit\.com\/.*\/comments\/.*/;
if (!excludedPattern.test(window.location.href) ) {
    // Get the search form element

    var searchForm = document.getElementById('search');

    // Get the tab menu element
    var tabMenu = document.querySelector('.tabmenu');

    // Move the search form to the right of the tab menu
    if (searchForm && tabMenu) {
        tabMenu.parentNode.insertBefore(searchForm, tabMenu.nextSibling);
///////////////// remove "view more:" text from navbar //////////////////////////////////
var nextPrevSpan = document.querySelector("span.nextprev");
if (nextPrevSpan){nextPrevSpan.firstChild.nodeValue = ""}