يضيف إجابات AI إلى Brave Search (مدعوم بواسطة GPT-4o!)
@misspent hey thanks for the positive feedback! I checked your addon out, it has option for '?' at the end. Did you want it like that, or "starts with" as you mentioned?
@misspent Check it out I added Suffix Mode
Now when enabled (disabled by default), queries require '?' at the end
Do you think a prefix mode is better / also necessary?
Do you think a prefix mode is better / also necessary?
I honestly think it's and that's perfect! Thank you for the addition, quick response and update, keep up the great work. I can't wait to see what you do next.
You're welcome!
Change keybind to: "!"
This is just for future reference and or for others.
if (!config.suffixEnabled || (config.suffixEnabled && document.location.toString().includes('%21'))) loadBraveGPT()
%3F = ?
%21 = !
@misspent the settings will be lost on auto-update though, do you want ! for prefix and ? for suffix then?
@misspent I added a Prefix Mode, so if enabled, '!' is required *before* the query (for Suffix Mode, if enabled, '?' is required *after* the query)
What do you think of this setup?
@misspent Also do you think using '/' for Prefix Mode e.g. '/tell me a joke' is better than '!tell me a joke' (doesn't require shift-press)
@misspent I made the prefix for Prefix Mode '/'
So in summary, when Prefix Mode is enabled, queries work when they look like:
/who's superman
When Suffix Mode is enabled, queries work when they look like:
who's superman?
Is that okay? Or you think another way is better?
@adamlui / or ? Will do to be honest, ? conflicted with my browser search shortcuts. I'd say you chose the most logical one, and I rarely let the scripts I install auto-update, given how I normally tweak/change some stuff.
Thanks for changing it to a non-obtrusive one, I'll for sure update to the new version.
You're welcome and thanks again for the feedback!
@misspent the latest update lets you reply to the answer!
I find this script to be incredibly convenient, but I think it would be even better if it had a feature where it only generates results when the message starts with certain characters, such as '!' or '?'. A good example of this kind of functionality can be found in this add-on for Firefox. It would save me a lot of time and make the script even more efficient!
Thank you for your script, champ