
ConfigManager: Manage(Get, set and update) your config with config path simply with a ruleset!

هنا كل إصدارات هذا البرنامج النصي. إظهار الإصدارات حيث تغيير الكود فقط.

  • v0.8.2 27-02-2024

    provide current ConfigManager instance as this for updaters (include globalUpdaters)

  • v0.8.1 13-02-2024

    new getConfigVersion to get version of specific config or global config

  • v0.8 13-02-2024

    updateGlobal now uses Ruleset.globalUpdaters instead of Ruleset.globalUpdater, providing the ability to use multiple updater functions and manage global config as any basename-specificed config

  • v0.7.1 07-02-2024
    • fix: update config occurs version-check error
  • v0.7 07-02-2024

    Upload correct code for version 0.7

  • v0.7 07-02-2024
    • feature: updateGlobal with Ruleset.globalUpdater
    • fix: setConfig now preserves version key
    • fix: check path correctly when updating config, avoid setting undefined: undefined
  • v0.6.11 10-08-2023

    fixed: error when updateAllConfigs called with non-object config property(ies)

  • v0.6.10 17-07-2023

    arrPath now deals path strings that starts(ends) with '/' correctly

  • v0.6.9 03-03-2023

    fixed update error

  • v0.6.8 06-02-2023

    Now getConfig( and also ConfigManager.CONFIG) can get properties that are not exist at the last place of given path, it will returns an undefined. (In any other case there's no undefined returned.)

  • v0.6.7 04-02-2023

    ConfigManager.Config.** now always returns the current value whenever getter getting called

  • v0.6.6 02-02-2023

    bug fix

  • v0.6.5 30-01-2023

    bug fix

  • v0.6.4 30-01-2023

    Throws error when trying to get or set a path that not exists

  • v0.6.3 30-01-2023

    fixed substorage GM_setValue not working correctly

  • v0.6.2 30-01-2023

    Default value auto-fill support for setConfig and Config

  • v0.6.1 29-01-2023

    String path support for makeSubStorage

  • v0.6 29-01-2023

    makeSubStorage support

  • v0.5.1 26-08-2022
  • v0.5.1 26-08-2022

    Fixed defaultValue overWriting bug

  • v0.5 26-08-2022

    Added function setDefaults() {}

  • v0.4.2 26-08-2022

    Fixed CM.Config get not applying defaultValue rules bug

  • v0.4.1 25-08-2022

    Added GM_storage functions exist check

  • v0.4 25-08-2022

    Support using caller-specific GM_storage functions

  • v0.3.1 19-08-2022

    Deprecated CM.ConfigBase, provide CM.Config for both reading and writing instead.

  • v0.3 18-08-2022

    ConfigBase support

  • v0.2 16-08-2022

    bug fix: versionkey not added when no updaters exist
    bug fix: false dealing configs with updater
    support: ignores

  • v0.1 15-08-2022