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The Wall Street Journal CN site Full Text Articles

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< Feedback on The Wall Street Journal CN site Full Text Articles

سؤال / تعليق

Posted: 07-06-2024

GPL license and attribution

Hello, it looks like your script is a derivative work of my script for the WSJ, published in 2019:

I am glad that you found the work useful and you forked it, releasing a new script under the same license. However, I would like to kindly point out that the GPL license requires attribution and retaining the original copyright notice.

Please see a summary here:

In particular one should:

  • include the original source code (or provide a link to it)
  • describe what changes have been made
  • disclose the original copyright notice / authorship information

Hence, could you please update the source code and the description of this script by clarifying that yours is a derivative of my userscript?

Thank you very much!

Andrea Lazzarotto

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