Greasy Fork is available in English.

Tag Blocker

Skips all uploads with blocked tags

// ==UserScript==
// @author Frubi
// @version 1.1
// @name Tag Blocker
// @description Skips all uploads with blocked tags
// @description:de Überspring alle Uploads mit geblockten Tags
// @include *://*
// @grant none
// @namespace Violentmonkey Scripts
// ==/UserScript==

// To add more: simply put a comma behind the second last tag and paste your tag between ""
// Note: only 1 tag in a pair of ""
let tags = 
  "big enough"

let a;
    a = document.getElementsByClassName('tag-link');
    let b = Math.min(5, a.length);
    for ( let i = 0 ; i < b ; i++ )
          for ( let j = 0 ; j < tags.length ; j++)
              if(a[i].text.toLowerCase().indexOf(tags[j]) !== -1)
                break tagLoop;
  }, 500);