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SB nGage Auto

Automatically goes to the next page on nGage

< Feedback on SB nGage Auto

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Posted: 05-11-2015

Multiple Windows Opening

Great script! Sometimes it works just perfect. Sometimes it works for about 10 minutes and then starts opening a million NGage windows and no points are given.

2 accounts banned with this so far so I have a suggestion.

Insert a variable for a random time between clicks and a random time for next window to open after points are awarded (instead of 10 mins use a random number between 10 and say 15)


Allen 2مؤلف
Posted: 05-11-2015

Hmm 10 minutes? Interesting. So somehow you guy's script doesn't retain the variables I saved before refreshing the page.

All the things you said have nothing to do with the infinite window problem or getting banned though. No one has gotten banned using this script yet. Are the 2 accounts yours?

Posted: 05-11-2015

Yes they are mine BUT I was also running the tvtoolbar script so maybe that got me banned. Currently I am only running ngage script on a new account.

Allen 2مؤلف
Posted: 05-11-2015

Hmm. Running both should be fine. I guess the infinite window problem caused them to ban you. But that's something I've been trying to fix for a while. It has something to do with the variables not saving. But the bug isn't consistent like you've experienced.

Posted: 05-11-2015

For now I am keeping a closer eye on things and shutting it down when I get multiple windows. BTW had the window issue twice early but now been running perfect for about an hour.

What do you think about randomizing the times between clicks? Make it more human like

Allen 2مؤلف
Posted: 05-11-2015

That's an option. I can add it. Don't know how effective it'll be though

Posted: 05-11-2015

If its not to much trouble. I'd be glad to test it for you.

Allen 2مؤلف
Posted: 05-11-2015

Actually, the method I'm using right now is pretty random. Within 10 seconds of finishing an activity, it'll automatically start a new one. The time is random but within 10 seconds. Clicking NEXT in the activity is within 3 seconds, which is fine too.

Posted: 05-11-2015

ok. I will run it as is then and just monitor for those darn multiple windows.

Allen 2مؤلف
Posted: 05-11-2015
ok. I will run it as is then and just monitor for those darn multiple windows.

Oh and I just updated it to 1.3.1 so the window won't refresh after 10 minutes. Which means you won't get the infinite windows problem after 10 minutes. The worst case scenario will probably just be the session timing out making the nGage activities invalid.

Posted: 05-11-2015

Just tested new version. After ngage finished and "Continue nGaging" comes up that windows stayed open and a new window launched. Within 5 seconds I was getting a new windows every 3-5 seconds. Killed them at about 20 windows.

Posted: 05-11-2015

I didnt hit remove before that test. Testing again with "Remove" and clearing all cache and cookies.

Posted: 05-11-2015

Same results. Lots of windows fast.

Allen 2مؤلف
Posted: 05-11-2015

The 6 steps reset didn't work?

You see, the only reason there are multiple windows is that the variables aren't saving in Tampermonkey. I required users to grant Global Variables get and set. If you have the multiple windows problem, either you aren't granting Global Variables in Tampermonkey, or the variables somehow aren't saving for you.

Posted: 05-11-2015

I have a fresh install of both TM and your script. Haven't made any changes. Any suggestions on how to check to see if the global variables are actually being saved or not?

Allen 2مؤلف
Posted: 06-11-2015

The fact that you have the infinite windows problem means that the global variables aren't being saved correctly. And I still can't find out why.

Posted: 06-11-2015

I am willing to test and try anything. Let me know. What version of script are you having most success with? I don't mind going backward. I just want it working :)

Posted: 06-11-2015

Just ran 2 tests. Tried this on Windows 10 and failed. Tried TM beta and also failed.
I think we should roll back to a few versions ago. At least then it was sporadic failure and now its 100% guaranteed failure. I have tested on Win XP, Win 7 and now Win 10. 3 pcs, 3 different os's and exact same issues.

Posted: 06-11-2015

Oh and yes I am doing your 6 steps during my testing. Thanks again for your hard work on this and I have confidence it will be resolved.

Allen 2مؤلف
Posted: 06-11-2015

OS versions have nothing to do with this. It's all about the browsers. I just tested it on my Chrome and everything works.

Posted: 06-11-2015

Have you modified Chrome at all? Chrome:Flags
I just enabled experimental javascript and am testing again

Posted: 06-11-2015

wow I think that worked! First time it closed ngage window and opened a new one! Did NOT get a million new windows. Testing continues

Posted: 06-11-2015

Second window closed as well. I think I'm on to something here. I'll post later today if all OS's and other pc's were successful.

Posted: 06-11-2015

sigh... nope it was a fluke. Million windows again on all pc's. I used to run this for hours and hours with no issues. Please post some versions from about 3 weeks again and early so I can test those.

Allen 2مؤلف
Posted: 06-11-2015

All versions are available. Go check all versions tab.

Posted: 06-11-2015

Version 1.0 to current all open multiple windows. I even tried Opera. Same results.
It isn't my browser because it happens on 3 different pc's
It isn't your versions because they all do the same thing
It isn't the OS because you said OS doesn't matter
Yet it works on your Chrome.
What is your OS? Your Chrome version? Any advanced setting you made to Chrome?
Any settings changes to Tamper?

My chrome is Version 46.0.2490.80 m
Also tested on 47.0.2526.40 beta

Posted: 06-11-2015

Ok I am digging deeper now.
Here are some errors -

Blocked script execution in '' because the document's frame is sandboxed and the 'allow-scripts' permission is not set.

GET 404 (Not Found)

Failed to execute 'write' on 'Document': It isn't possible to write into a document from an asynchronously-loaded external script unless it is explicitly opened.

I hope these help troubleshoot.

Allen 2مؤلف
Posted: 06-11-2015

Do you have adblock enabled? Disable it on all SB pages.

Posted: 06-11-2015

Another error. Got this when turning green button red and pressing "reset" -
Uncaught ReferenceError: GM_deleteValue is not definedremove @ VM533:198myButton2.onclick @ VM533:77

Posted: 06-11-2015

Adblock is not even installed

Posted: 06-11-2015

man I sure wish you would release that Watch script....

Allen 2مؤلف
Posted: 06-11-2015
man I sure wish you would release that Watch script....

And risk SB adding Captcha back? No way.

Also, I updated the script again. The
GM_deleteValue is not definedremove
error should be fixed. Which means the 6 steps reset should be fixed for you. Try again.

Posted: 06-11-2015

Theres no captcha on watch.
Just pick a category and click videos after ads and about 40 secs

Allen 2مؤلف
Posted: 06-11-2015
Theres no captcha on watch.
Just pick a category and click videos after ads and about 40 secs

That's why I said "risk." SB can easily add captcha back to everything. And when that happens, everything will suck.

Posted: 07-11-2015

Still no luck. I get multiple windows immediately after the first ngage gives rewards every time. Frustrating.

Posted: 07-11-2015

I have a weird anomaly that may help trouble shooting. I fired up the nGage script AND the toolbartv script at the same time and so far nGage script has worked perfect for about 45 mins so far. That HAS to mean something

Allen 2مؤلف
Posted: 07-11-2015

I don't know. Maybe the timing of the script as something to do with it? Timing as in the time I hard coded in, not the script execution time.

The two scripts have nothing to do with each other, unless your Tampermonkey is screwed up in some way.

Posted: 08-11-2015

Running both scripts is working for me. I get an occasional "Whoops..." but thats not your script. So fingers crossed and all is well for now.

Posted: 09-11-2015

Been trying to get this work. Right when the script kicks off it opens 2 nGage Windows, 1 with the count down and 1 with the green check boxes. When they finish they open a new nGage window without closing the previous, because the original doesn't go away they just keep opening.

Allen 2مؤلف
Posted: 09-11-2015

What do you mean by "when they finish"? So the first set of nGage finishes and credits you and then the windows start popping out like crazy?

Just because the first windows don't close, it doesn't mean that my script will keep opening new windows. Everything is saved as global variables and my script determines whether or not it can open new windows based on these variables. And somehow a portion of the users can't use global variables in Tampemonkey.

Posted: 11-11-2015

I'm having the same problem as Judical. The second the script starts, 2 nGage sessions open. I've been closing the first one as soon as I see it, but once it is finished running (as in I get credit). It doesn't close the previous session, and then 2 more nGage session opens resulting in 5 or 6 windows open.

Posted: 11-11-2015

Is it intentional that the script always opens up 2 windows initially? Because I thought it wasn't okay with Swagbucks to have more than one running at a time.

Posted: 11-11-2015

Just had 6 accounts deactivated. They know about these scripts. Don't run them.

Allen 2مؤلف
Posted: 11-11-2015
Is it intentional that the script always opens up 2 windows initially? Because I thought it wasn't okay with Swagbucks to have more than one running at a time.

It's intentional. It used to be fine to run both. Now, I think it still is. But SB is known for weird changes at random times so I can't say for sure.

Just had 6 accounts deactivated. They know about these scripts. Don't run them.

I don't know why only you get deactivated. Everyone else is fine. How many accounts do you have per household? The fact that you said 6 accounts means that you already breached the terms of services.

Posted: 11-11-2015

Well after the first account got deactivated I made another. Different address, etc. and then ran scripts to a $5 card. While waiting for card I made another account, and repeat repeat repeat. A few mins ago all 6 got banned. All I was doing was running toolbar and ngage scripts on each account long enough to get $5. Good luck this isn't worth my time with the all the banning.

Allen 2مؤلف
Posted: 11-11-2015
Well after the first account got deactivated I made another. Different address, etc. and then ran scripts to a $5 card. While waiting for card I made another account, and repeat repeat repeat. A few mins ago all 6 got banned. All I was doing was running toolbar and ngage scripts on each account long enough to get $5. Good luck this isn't worth my time with the all the banning.

Well, you reap what you sow. If you make a new account using the same IP every time you get banned, it's obvious that SB will pick you up. You get a maximum of 5 accounts per household and you can't really use 2 accounts simultaneously. And if you register your accounts using DIFFERENT addresses while using the SAME IP, SB will ban you.

Posted: 11-11-2015
Well after the first account got deactivated I made another. Different address, etc. and then ran scripts to a $5 card. While waiting for card I made another account, and repeat repeat repeat. A few mins ago all 6 got banned. All I was doing was running toolbar and ngage scripts on each account long enough to get $5. Good luck this isn't worth my time with the all the banning.

Yeah, I'm 99% positive that has nothing to do with your use of the scripts. You were simply abusing the account limits.

Somewhat related to that, how often is it that swagbucks bans because of scripts? I never seem to get a good answer, but it seems like it depends on the script itself and what it's doing.

Allen 2مؤلف
Posted: 11-11-2015
Well after the first account got deactivated I made another. Different address, etc. and then ran scripts to a $5 card. While waiting for card I made another account, and repeat repeat repeat. A few mins ago all 6 got banned. All I was doing was running toolbar and ngage scripts on each account long enough to get $5. Good luck this isn't worth my time with the all the banning.
Yeah, I'm 99% positive that has nothing to do with your use of the scripts. You were simply abusing the account limits.

Somewhat related to that, how often is it that swagbucks bans because of scripts? I never seem to get a good answer, but it seems like it depends on the script itself and what it's doing.

There's a huge amount of bans today. I'm one of them. So... don't expect much updates or scripts from now on.

Posted: 11-11-2015

So just today people started getting banned for this? Just earlier you said it was fine.

Allen 2مؤلف
Posted: 12-11-2015
So just today people started getting banned for this? Just earlier you said it was fine.

It was. And then I found that I got banned. Either way, use with caution as always.

Posted: 12-11-2015

I think it might have something to do with redeeming SB for a $5 gift card. I made a second account and tried to redeem one $5 gift card and got my account deactivated after a couple days before it even could let me redeem it. Yet, my first one has redeemed over $20 in $3 increment cards with no trouble so far. I'd say for safety, redeem $3 cards instead of higher increment ones.

Posted: 12-11-2015

Also, they just reduced the value of nGage activities to 3 with 12 pages needed the other day.

Posted: 22-11-2015

Ok, so I've been using this as much as possible for the past two weeks without a hitch, although they did nerf it a lot and it only earns you about 100-150 a day now. The thing I've been doing is closing one of the two windows that pops up, because I have a feeling that's the reason people got banned. I do remember SB saying that they didn't allow more than one nGage at a time.

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