
Library for creating different loading animations on Furaffinity

此腳本不應該直接安裝,它是一個供其他腳本使用的函式庫。欲使用本函式庫,請在腳本 metadata 寫上: // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/485153/1316289/Furaffinity-Loading-Animations.js

Midori Tsume

Furaffinity Loading Animations

Library for creating different loading animations on Furaffinity. Also see this Script on Github as Furaffinity-Loading-Animations

How to use

  • @require this script
  • Create a new Loading Animation:
  const baseElem = document.getElementById('spinner-container');
  const spinner = new LoadingSpinner(baseElem); //always give the baseElem as parameter
  spinner.visible = true;
  • Optional: Change Settings: spinner.forecolorHex = "#FF0000";



The LoadingSpinner class contains following Properties:

  • delay - The time in Milliseconds which each full rotation takes. default: 1000
  • size - The size of the Spinner. default: 60
  • spinnerThickness - The thickness of the Spinner. default: 4
  • spinnerLength - The length of the Spinner. default: 1 (Can only be set in quarters. 1 = 25%, 2 = 50% ...)
  • linearSpin - Whether the Spinner spins linearly. default: false
  • forecolorHex - The Forecolor of the Spinner in Hex. default: #8941de
  • backcolorHex - The Backcolor of the Spinner in Hex. default: #f3f3f3
  • visible - Whether the Spinner is visible. default: false
  • animationCurve - The Animation Curve of the Spinner. default: "cubic-bezier(.53,.24,.46,.83)" (For example: "ease-in-out")
  • spinner - The actual Spinner Element.
  • spinnerContainer - The Container of the Spinner.
  • baseElem - The Base Element in which the SpinnerContainer Element is located.


The LoadingTextSpinner class contains following Properties:

  • delay - The time in Milliseconds which each full rotation takes. default: 600 (Changes only apply after visibility is reset)
  • characters - The characters that make up the Text rotation as an array. default: ["◜", "◠", "◝", "◞", "◡", "◟"]
  • visible - Whether the Spinner is visible. default: false
  • fontSize - The Font Size of the Spinner Text. default: 15
  • spinner - The actual Spinner Element.
  • baseElem - The Base Element in which the Spinner Element is located.


The LoadingImage class contains following Properties:

  • delay - The delay in Milliseconds after each animation step. default: 100 (Changes only apply after visibility is reset)
  • size - The size of the Image. default: 60
  • doScaleImage - Whether the Image should be scaled up and down during the animation. default: true
  • scaleChange - The amount of Scale in percent the Image should be changed with each animation step. default: 0.05
  • scaleChangeMax - Maximum Scale of the Image in percent. default: 1.2
  • scaleChangeMin - Minimum Scale of the Image in percent. default: 0.8
  • doRotadeImage - Whether the Image should be rotated during the animation. default: true
  • rotateDegrees - The amount of Degrees the Image should be rotated with each animation step. default: 5
  • imageSrc - The Source Url of the Image. default: "https://www.furaffinity.net/themes/beta/img/banners/fa_logo.png"
  • isGrowing - Whether the Image is currently growing or shrinking. Changes when animating. default: true
  • scale - The current Scale of the Image in percent. Changes when animating. default: 1
  • rotation - The current Rotation of the Image in Degrees. Changes when animating. default: 0
  • visible - Whether the Spinner is visible. default: false
  • image - The actual Image Element.
  • imageContainer - The Container of the Image.
  • baseElem - The Base Element in which the ImageContainer Element is located.


The LoadingBar class contains following Properties:

  • delay - The time in Milliseconds which each full animation loop takes. default: 600
  • text - The Text that will be displayed on the Bar.
  • height - The Height of the LoadingBar. default: 60
  • visible - Whether the LoadingBar is visible. default: false
  • fontSize - The Font Size of the LoadingBar Text. default: 15
  • cornerRadius - The Corner Radius of the LoadingBar. default: 0
  • gradient - The Gradient of the LoadingBar. default: "repeating-linear-gradient(to right, ... 100%)"
  • loadingBar - The actual LoadingBar Element.
  • baseElem - The Base Element in which the LoadingBar Element is located.


The ProgressBar class contains following Properties:

  • text - The Text that will be displayed on the Bar.
  • showPercent - Whether the Progress Percentage should be displayed on the Bar. default: false
  • imageSrc - The Source Url of the Image taken as Background. (No image if empty)
  • height - The Height of the ProgressBar. default: 60
  • visible - Whether the ProgressBar is visible. default: false
  • fontSize - The Font Size of the ProgressBar Text. default: 15
  • cornerRadius - The Corner Radius of the ProgressBar. default: 0
  • gradient - The Gradient of the ProgressBar. default: "linear-gradient(to right, ... 100%)"
  • backcolorHex - The Backcolor of the ProgressBar in Hex. default: #000000
  • progressBarContainer - The Container of the ProgressBar.
  • progressBarChild - The actual ProgressBar Element.
  • progressBarShrinker - The Shrinker of the ProgressBar that displays the Progress.
  • progressBarText - The Text Element of the ProgressBar.
  • baseElem - The Base Element in which the ProgressBarContainer Element is located.


  • update(value) - Updates the ProgressBar with the given value in percent. (For example: update(50) will set the ProgressBar to 50%)
    • value - The new value in percent