⚠️chatgpt-infinite (Archive)

Infinite auto ask for chatgpt

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⚠️ChatGPT Infinite (Archive)

Archive Notice

The source code of this script lost the LICENSE that calls the repository (although I am also a contributor to that repository, and the code that will actually be called by this script is submitted through my PR. The reason why other codes are mixed in is because that repository is imported as a class by esbuild. As for whether I used code written by others, you can check my new script with the same name).

Another contributor and creator of that repository reported this script, but it seems to have not been approved.

You can learn more about it in the feedback section of this script.

If you also want to use that repository, it is strongly recommended to read issue #34 of that repository to see the owner's understanding of MIT license.

By the way, two days before his report, the LICENSE for the source code of this script was added and after his report, the LICENSE for building code was also added. So now there are no problems with this script from various perspectives.

However, I still do not recommend installing this script as its name suggests it has already been "Archived".

I recommend my new same-named scripts distributed in chatgpt-utils and my PR's codes. I can guarantee that these codes' MIT licenses are understood by everyone.


This repository ("ChatGPT Infinite") has been moved to the ChatGPT Playground

ChatGPT-Infinite is a UserScript that automates the process of generating questions in the OpenAI chat interface. This script asks ChatGPT to generate a question, and then asks the generated question back to ChatGPT.


To stop the script, disable it from the UserScript manager and refresh the chat interface page.


Open the OpenAI chat interface in your browser. The script will automatically start running when you open the chat interface.

Wait for the script to generate a question and ask it to ChatGPT.

ChatGPT will respond with an answer to the question and generate a new question.

The script will ask the new question to ChatGPT, and the process repeats indefinitely.

Note: If the script does not start running automatically, refresh the chat interface page.


Contributions to the script are welcome. You can fork the script's GitHub repository (https://github.com/mefengl/chatgpt-infinite) and submit a pull request with your changes.


The ChatGPT-Infinite UserScript is released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.