Flight Rising - Auction House Improvements (Seller)

Adds search link to selected items on auction house. Sets currency to gems and duration to 7 days.

< 腳本Flight Rising - Auction House Improvements (Seller)的回應

評論:正評 - 腳本一切正常


for some reason the button that always appeared in the selling tab to take me to all the other listings for the item is no longer showing up. That was THE most useful part of this script. Any idea why it's gone and how to get it back?


Is this still an issue for you? Still appears for me. I might of fixed it since then as I didn't notice this comment until now.


Is this still an issue for you? Still appears for me. I might of fixed it since then as I didn't notice this comment until now.

Confirming it's still an issue - the button weirdly showed up once for one single item but then didn't reappear so I an confusion.

If you would like more info, let me know if okay to DM - sorry this was so vague


Is this still an issue for you? Still appears for me. I might of fixed it since then as I didn't notice this comment until now.

Confirming it's still an issue - the button weirdly showed up once for one single item but then didn't reappear so I an confusion.

If you would like more info, let me know if okay to DM - sorry this was so vague

A code savvy friend of mine got it to work for me. I have no idea what they did to get it to work though!

