Youtube Advanced Speed Controller

Allows you to play youtube videos from 0 to 16 times normal speed

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Youtube Advanced Speed Controller
// @namespace
// @version      0.1
// @description  Allows you to play youtube videos from 0 to 16 times normal speed
// @author       Ehren Julien-Neitzert
// @match*
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';

    //sets the rate of a youtube video
    function setRate(n) {
        .getElementsByClassName("video-stream html5-main-video")[0]
        .playbackRate = n;

    //gets the current rate of a youtube video
    function getRate() {
        return document.getElementsByClassName("html5-video-container")[0]
            .getElementsByClassName("video-stream html5-main-video")[0]

    //determines if theres a video bar to inject onto
    function hasVideo() {
        return document.getElementsByClassName("ytp-right-controls").length != 0;

    //injects the speed controller
    function injectController() {

        //create speed controller
        var i = document.createElement('input'); = "width: 30%; height: 70%; position: relative; bottom: 37%; background-Color: transparent; color: white; border-Color: transparent;"; = 'spdctrl';
        i.title = 'Playback Rate'; = '100%';
        i.type = 'number';
        i.value = getRate();
        i.step = 0.1;
        i.max = 16;
        i.min = 0;
        i.onchange = function() {
            var s = i.value;

        //make the standard speed controls change the new speed controller
        document.getElementsByTagName('video')[0].onratechange = function() {
            if (document.activeElement != i) { //only change i's value if its not being focused (ie, just clicked on)
                i.value = getRate();

        //put speed controller in youtube bar
        toolbar = document.getElementsByClassName("ytp-right-controls")[0];


    //every fraction of a second check if the controller's injected and if theres a video
    //I have to do this because I don't think theres an easy way to detect the crazy history rewrite stuff that they do to give the illusion of you loading a page when you're actually not
        var controller = document.getElementById('spdctrl');
        if (controller === null && hasVideo()) {
    }, 300);
