Google Scholar Author Crawler JS - Crawl author information from Google Scholar and export to TXT file
Generate Table of Contents for ar5iv JS - Generates a table of contents for ar5iv papers, displayed on the left side of the page.
Navigate chat groups JS - Navigate through chat groups with even conversation IDs
添加月历 JS - 在指定页面上添加一个月历,并根据点击的日期修改后缀的内容为完整的日期格式
Add a quick jump link to arXiv JS - Embed OpenReview link with arXiv paper title in the arXiv paper page
Douban Book Redirect JS - Redirect to the first book when searching by ISBN on Douban
快捷交叉验证搜索 JS - 输入你检索的主题+选择默认的交叉验证关键词,辅助你快速交叉验证。支持双语