Greasy Fork is available in English.

AB - Interactive Search Categories

Highlights the current categories. And preserves your search, along side any filters you might have set, when switching between "Anime" and "Music" or their subcategories on AB search.

// ==UserScript==
// @name          AB - Interactive Search Categories
// @namespace
// @version       1.2.0
// @author        TalkingJello
// @description   Highlights the current categories. And preserves your search, along side any filters you might have set, when switching between "Anime" and "Music" or their subcategories on AB search.
// @icon
// @license       MIT
// @match         *://*
// @match         *://*
// @match         *://*
// @grant         GM_getValue
// @grant         GM_setValue
// @require
// ==/UserScript==

function categoryKeyFromLink(link) {
    for (const key of [...(new URL(link).searchParams.keys())]) {
        if (key.startsWith('filter_cat[')) {
            return key;

    return '';

function deliciousSettings() {
    delicious.settings.init('animeMusicActiveColor', "#0090ff");
    delicious.settings.init('subcategoriesActiveColor', "#fe2a73");

    if (delicious.settings.ensureSettingsInserted()) {
        const section = delicious.settings.createCollapsibleSection('Interactive Search Categories');
        const s = section.querySelector('.settings_section_body');

            'Anime/Music Active Color', 'Color for the active link from the Anime/Music links.',
            {default: '#0090ff'}));

            'Subcategories Active Color', 'Color for the active filtered subcategory link (such as the "Anime" and "Printed Media" or "PV" and "DVD" links).',
            {default: '#fe2a73'}));


    return {
        animeMusicActiveColor: delicious.settings.get('animeMusicActiveColor', "#0090ff"),
        subcategoriesActiveColor: delicious.settings.get('subcategoriesActiveColor', "#fe2a73")

(function() {
    'use strict';

    const settings = deliciousSettings();

    // Only run in search page
    if (window.location.pathname === "/user.php") {

    // Prep work
    const currentCategory = categoryKeyFromLink(window.location.href);
    const categoryNumber = parseInt(currentCategory.slice(11, -1));

    // Move inside Anime or inside Music between categories
    $('#categories > li > a').each(function () {
        const thisLinkCategory = categoryKeyFromLink($(this).prop('href'));

        // Make url without category filter
        const targetUrl = new URL(window.location.href);
        if(currentCategory) {

        // Uncategory search
        if (thisLinkCategory === currentCategory) {
            $(this).css('color', settings.subcategoriesActiveColor);
            $(this).prop('href', targetUrl.toString())

        // intentionally not editing search params to avoid encoding the "[]"
        if ( {
   += `&${thisLinkCategory}=1`;
        } else {
   = `?${thisLinkCategory}=1`;
        $(this).prop('href', targetUrl.toString());

    // Move between Anime and Music
    const animeLink = $('#browse_nav_sections > h2 > a[href="/torrents.php"]');
    const musicLink = $('#browse_nav_sections > h2 > a[href="/torrents2.php"]');

    // highlight active
    const isMusic = window.location.pathname.startsWith('/torrents2.php');
    const activeLink = isMusic ? musicLink : animeLink;
    activeLink.css('color', settings.animeMusicActiveColor);
    activeLink.css('cursor', 'default');
    activeLink.attr('href', 'javascript:void(0);');

    // Hide category specific filters for filtered out categories
    if (!isMusic && categoryNumber) {
        $(`#accordion > h3:not(#ui-id-${categoryNumber*2+1}):not(#ui-id-1)`).hide();

    // Patch href
    const ANIME_MUSIC_SHARED_PARAMS = ['year', 'year2', 'tags', 'sort', 'way', 'showhidden', 'freeleech'];
    const params = new URL(window.location.href).searchParams;
    for (const [key, value] of [...params.entries()]) {
        if (isMusic && key === 'groupname') {
            params.set('searchstr', value)
        if (!isMusic && key === 'searchstr') {
            params.set('groupname', value)

        if (!ANIME_MUSIC_SHARED_PARAMS.includes(key)) {

    if (isMusic) {
        animeLink.attr('href', `/torrents.php?${params.toString()}`);
    } else {
        musicLink.attr('href', `/torrents2.php?${params.toString()}`)