// ==UserScript==
// @name Source Bot
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/
// @version 0.1
// @description MINI Bot to MPP
// @author COdER#3389
// @icon https://mpphust.ga/assets/icon%20(48).png
// @include *://multiplayerpiano.com/*
// @include *://mppclone.com/*
// @include *://mpp.terrium.net/*
// @include *://piano.ourworldofpixels.com/*
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
// Variables.
var words = ['', '', '']; var random = Math.floor(Math.random() * words.length); // Random words about say on command - "/buy".
var error = "Error"; // Error bot command.
var adminarray = []; // Function ADMIN command.
// Bot client.
MPP.client.on("a", function(msg) {
var asgr = msg.a.split(' ');
var cmd = asgr[0];
var input = msg.a.substring(cmd.legth).trim();
// Commands.
if (cmd == "!connect") {
MPP.chat.send("Bot connect✅! Here is a list of commands: !help (command), !about, !version, !codelangauges, !rank, !who.")
MPP.chat.send("Admin Commands: !check, !mod !name, !cn, !name1, !name2 .")
MPP.chat.send("Fun Commands: !balance, !abc, !123, !bruh, !JS.")
if (cmd == "!h") {
MPP.chat.send("Info: !help (command), !about, !version, !codelangauges, !rank, !who.")
MPP.chat.send("Admin Commands: !check, !mod !name.")
MPP.chat.send("Fun Commands: !balance, !abc, !123, !hug, !, !, !.")
if ((adminarray.indexOf(msg.p._id) > - 1) || (msg.p._id == MPP.client.getOwnParticipant()._id)) { // Admin commmand.
if (cmd == "!mod") {
MPP.chat.send("Your Rank Is Moderator.")
if (cmd == "!check") {
MPP.chat.send("DataBase checked room name: " + MPP.client.desiredChannelId + " and _id's on room: " + MPP.client.ppl)
if (cmd == "!about") {
MPP.chat.send("This bot was created by me.")
if (cmd == "!JS") {
MPP.chat.send("You arn't allowed to use this commnad.")
if (cmd == "!rank") {
MPP.chat.send("Rank: Player (0)")
if (cmd == "!rankㅤㅤ") {
MPP.chat.send("Rank: Administrator (4)")
if (cmd == "!JSㅤ") {
MPP.chat.send("You arn't allowed to use this command")
if (cmd == "!rankㅤ") {
MPP.chat.send("Rank: Owner (5)")
if (cmd == "!") {
if (cmd == "!") {
if (cmd == "!abc") {
MPP.chat.send("Do you really need the know the abc's at this point? What a baby.")
if (cmd == "!") {
if (cmd == "!rankㅤㅤㅤ") {
MPP.chat.send("You rank is Moderator")
if (cmd == "!") {
if (cmd == "!") {
MPP.chat.send("" + msg.p.name + " .")
if (cmd == "!lol") {
MPP.chat.send("If you used this command I bet someone is laughing right now.")
if (cmd == "!123") {
MPP.chat.send("Why in the world are you using this command don't know how to count?")
if (cmd == "!balance") {
MPP.chat.send("Your balance is ( Get a life and earn some cash you poor person. ) ")
if (cmd == "!") {
if (cmd == "!rank") {
// Admin commands.
if ((adminarray.indexOf(msg.p._id) > - 1) || (msg.p._id == MPP.client.getOwnParticipant()._id)) { // Admin command.
if (cmd == "cmd_name") {
MPP.chat.send("Name commands: /changename, /changecolor, /name1, /name2.")
if ((adminarray.indexOf(msg.p._id) > - 1) || (msg.p._id == MPP.client.getOwnParticipant()._id)) { // Admin command.
if (cmd == "cmd_ban") {
MPP.client.sendArray([{m: 'kickban', _id: msg.a.substring(5).trim(), ms: 600000}])
if ((adminarray.indexOf(msg.p._id) > - 1) || (msg.p._id == MPP.client.getOwnParticipant()._id)) { // Admin command.
if (cmd == "cmd_unban") {
MPP.client.sendArray([{m: 'unban', _id: msg.a.substring(7).trim()}])
if ((adminarray.indexOf(msg.p._id) > - 1) || (msg.p._id == MPP.client.getOwnParticipant()._id)) { // Admin command.
if (cmd == "cmd_ub") {
MPP.client.sendArray([{m: 'unban', _id: msg.a.substring(3).trim()}])
if ((adminarray.indexOf(msg.p._id) > - 1) || (msg.p._id == MPP.client.getOwnParticipant()._id)) { // Admin command.
if (cmd == "cmd_rc") {
var color12 = "#000000"; // This _id color.
MPP.client.sendArray([{m: "chset", set: {
color: color12,
color2: color12
MPP.chat.send("Seted room color: #000000 (inner) • #000000 (outer).")
if (cmd == "!bruh") {
if (cmd == "!name") {
MPP.client.sendArray([{m: "userset", set: {
name: msg.a.substring(12).trim()
MPP.chat.send("!cn (Change name ), !name1, !name2 " + msg.a.substring(12).trim())
if ((adminarray.indexOf(msg.p._id) > - 1) || (msg.p._id == MPP.client.getOwnParticipant()._id)) { // Admin command.
if (cmd == "!cn") {
MPP.client.sendArray([{m: "userset", set: {
name: msg.a.substring(3).trim()
MPP.chat.send("Your name changed to: " + msg.a.substring(3).trim())
if ((adminarray.indexOf(msg.p._id) > - 1) || (msg.p._id == MPP.client.getOwnParticipant()._id)) { // Admin command.
if (cmd == "!changecolor") {
MPP.client.sendArray([{m: "userset", set: {
color: msg.a.substring(13).trim()
MPP.chat.send("You color_name changed to: " + msg.a.substring(13).trim())
if ((adminarray.indexOf(msg.p._id) > - 1) || (msg.p._id == MPP.client.getOwnParticipant()._id)) { // Admin command.
if (cmd == "cmd_cc") {
MPP.client.sendArray([{m: "userset", set: {
color: msg.a.substring(3).trim()
MPP.chat.send("You color_name changed to: " + msg.a.substring(3).trim())
if (cmd == "!name1") {
MPP.client.sendArray([{m: "userset", set: {
name: " ArticFox@JS [ *AM* ]",
color: "#C2E0F9"
if (cmd == "!name2") {
MPP.client.sendArray([{m: "userset", set: {
name: "~§ķýłēx~",
color: "#0a73c7"
// Buy... commands.
if (cmd == "!") {
MPP.chat.send(msg.p.name + " you gave a hug to: " + msg.a.substring(5).trim() + ". " + words[random])
if (cmd == "!") {
MPP.chat.send(msg.p.name + " kissed: " + msg.a.substring(5).trim() + ".")
if (cmd == "!.") {
MPP.chat.send(msg.p.name + " you killed: " + msg.a.substring(5).trim() + "].")
if (cmd == "!.") {
MPP.chat.send(msg.p.name + " fucked the shit out of " + msg.a.substring(5).trim() + "they died")
}) /* msg.a response END */;
MPP.client.on('participant added', pp => {
MPP.chat.send("Welcome " + pp.name + " to the " + MPP.client.desiredChannelId + "! Type '/info' to info this bot.")
}) /* added response end /*;
console.log("Bot Source: Online!");