在您安装前,Greasy Fork 希望您知道此脚本包含可能不受欢迎的功能,也许会帮助脚本作者获利,而不能给你带来任何收益。
Auto-fill nicknames into .io games! Supports Starve.io, MooMoo.io, Diep.io, Agar.io, Slither.io, Diep.io, Deeeep.io, Evowars.io, Zombs.io, Paper.io, and Skribbl.io
// ==UserScript== // @name MooMoo.io, Agar.io, Surviv.io, Slither.io, Diep.io, Global Name Manager [Krunker Coming Soon] // @namespace https://greasyfork.org/en/users/198860-flarez-gaming // @description Auto-fill nicknames into .io games! Supports Starve.io, MooMoo.io, Diep.io, Agar.io, Slither.io, Diep.io, Deeeep.io, Evowars.io, Zombs.io, Paper.io, and Skribbl.io // @version 0.7 // @match *://starve.io/* // @match *://moomoo.io/* // @match *://sandbox.moomoo.io/* // @match *://dev.moomoo.io/* // @match *://*.moomoo.io/* // @match *://surviv.io/* // @match *://agar.io/* // @match *://slither.io/* // @match *://diep.io/* // @match *://deeeep.io/* // @match *://evowars.io/* // @match *://zombs.io/* // @match *://paper-io.com/* // @match *://skribbl.io/* // @grant GM.setValue // @grant GM.getValue // @grant unsafeWindow // @run-at document_start // @antifeature tracking // @require https://greasyfork.org/scripts/410512-sci-js-from-ksw2-center/code/scijs%20(from%20ksw2-center).js // ==/UserScript== //retested code, still all works? var name; (async () => { if (await GM.getValue("name", null) == null) { //first exec await GM.setValue("name", "name"); }; name = await GM.getValue("name", 0); })(); function execute() { switch (window.location.host) { case 'starve.io': document.getElementById("nickname_input").value = name; break; case 'surviv.io': document.getElementById("player-name-input-solo").value = name; break; case 'moomoo.io': document.getElementById("nameInput").value = name; break; case 'sandbox.moomoo.io': document.getElementById("nameInput").value = name; break; case 'dev.moomoo.io': document.getElementById("nameInput").value = name; break; case 'agar.io': document.getElementById("nick").value = name; break; case 'slither.io': document.getElementById("nick").value = name; break; case 'diep.io': document.getElementById("textInput").value = name; break; case 'deeeep.io': document.getElementsByClassName("name")[0].value = name; break; case 'evowars.io': document.querySelectorAll("input")[0].value = name; break; case 'zombs.io': document.getElementsByClassName("hud-intro-name")[0].value = name; break; case 'paper-io.com': document.getElementById("paperio_p1").value = name; break; case 'skribbl.io': document.getElementById("inputName").value = name; break; }; }; //for actual key executions, use `name` variable to do everything document.onkeydown = keydown; async function keydown (evt) { if (!evt) evt = event; if (evt.ctrlKey && evt.code === 'Backquote' && !evt.shiftKey) { //ctrl + ~ evt.preventDefault(); execute(); alert("Executed name call!"); }; if (evt.ctrlKey && evt.shiftKey && evt.code === 'Backquote') { //ctrl + shift + ~ evt.preventDefault(); var new_name = prompt("New Name"); GM.setValue("name", new_name || "none"); name = new_name; execute(); }; }; //name manager