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twitter Paging


twitter Paging


On twitter it seems you need to scroll down to get to an old date. I know there are advance sites that allow you to search for tweets between dates for a user (which aren't that good as they add content from other users). However, I want a way, instead of scrolling down, I want to jump to a particular date and then manual scroll down from there. I want it on the actual tweet profile and not through a third party site or twitter advance search which changes the formatting of the listing too much.

Also scrolling down seems to limit the amount to 6-7 months back track. After that it stops loading pages. If there is a way to allow me to start at a particular date and then scroll down, that would be perfect. So my question is there a way to jump to a particular page/date on twitter using scripts, or maybe changing the URL tags.

If that cannot be done, is there a way to load all pages and then I can just write a script to filter out the dates I want.


Maybe it's possible for a userscript to use twitter's API for timeline access.


Thank you. That is a good start.

