Gmail Sender Icons JS - Quickly identify the sender of email messages in Gmail without opening the message. Now marks emails in red if the domain is not allowed, and applies changes to all Gmail tabs.
YouTube chat minimized JS - Hide live chat on live streams
YouTube hide chat JS - Hide completely live chat on live streams by css
Google images hide buttons JS - Hide image buttons when mouse is not over
Fintual Goal Variation JS - Easily display profit/loss on the profitability chart.
Thư viện
awaitFor JS (Thư Viện) - Waits until a condition is true, executing a callback function when the condition is met.
blockPage JS (Thư Viện) - Blocks the page by adding a semitransparent white overlay on top of it.
visibilityChangeListener JS (Thư Viện) - Waits until the tab is focused, executing a callback function when it happens.
onVisibilityChange JS (Thư Viện) - Waits until the tab is focused, executing a callback function when it happens.
updateContent JS (Thư Viện) - Smoothly updates the content of an HTML element with an erase and write effect.
playNotificationSound JS (Thư Viện) - Add playNotificationSound function
logUsage JS (Thư Viện) - Logs the dates and times of usage