
在百度云网盘的页面添加一个搜索框,调用搜索API搜索所有公开分享文件// To add a search frame that calls some api for searching some public shared files in BaiduYun cloud netdisk.

< Feedback on 百度云插件+APIKey

Câu hỏi/Bình luận

Posted: 20-10-2016


1 下拉框 下面背景 字体都是白的 在background:white;后面加上color:black;
2 firefox 下 style['margin-left'] style['margin-top']这种好像有问题 改为style.marginLeft和style.marginTop

cinimaTác giả
Posted: 21-10-2016

嗯 更新了

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