[GC] - Protection Items Replenish Reminders

Backup alert in case you find yourself on the Quickstock page with less of each item than you like to keep in your inventory.

// ==UserScript==
// @name        [GC] - Protection Items Replenish Reminders
// @namespace   https://greasyfork.org/en/users/1225524-kaitlin
// @match       https://www.grundos.cafe/quickstock/*
// @grant       none
// @license     MIT
// @version     1
// @author      Cupkait
// @description Backup alert in case you find yourself on the Quickstock page with less of each item than you like to keep in your inventory.
// ==/UserScript==

//DISCLAIMER: This script does not claim to fully prevent you from running out and getting a negative effect as a result. 
// It **ONLY** checks to make sure you have your preferred minimums when you view the Quickstock page.

// Set your minimums by changing the numbers below.

// If your minimum is 1, you will be alerted at 0.
// If your minimum is 2, you will be alerted if you have 1 or less.
// Setting the minimum to 0 disables alerts for that item.

let pdaMinimum = 1;
let shieldMinimum = 0;
let obeliskMinimum = 0;
let slothMinimum = 0;
let dubloonMinimum = 0; //NOTE: This is the ITEM COUNT not dubloon value total.

//  BEGIN SCRIPT. Do not change text below this line unless you are familiar with scripts.
//  The only values you should edit to change your minimums are above.

const itemCounts = $('#qs-buttons').find('strong');
const counts = itemCounts.map(function() {
    return parseInt($(this).text(), 10);

const [pdaCount, shieldCount, obeliskCount, slothCount, dubloonCount] = counts;

if (pdaCount < pdaMinimum) {
    alert("You're below your minimum number of Pant Devil Attractors, time to get more!");
if (shieldCount < shieldMinimum) {
    alert("You're below your minimum number of Shield Tokens, time to get more!");
if (obeliskCount < obeliskMinimum) {
    alert("You're below your minimum number of Obelisk of Dooms, time to get more!");
if (slothCount < slothMinimum) {
    alert("You're below your minimum number of Shiny Sloth Heads, time to get more!");
if (dubloonCount < dubloonMinimum) {
    alert("You're below your minimum number of Dubloons, check to make sure you have enough for Smugglers Cove!");