Sukebei to Javlibrary

add link to Javlibrary

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Sukebei to Javlibrary
// @namespace
// @version      0.1
// @description  add link to Javlibrary
// @include*
// @author       You
// @match        http://*/*
// @grant
// @require
// @license MIT
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';
    // Iterate over each row
    $('table tr').each(function() {
        // Find the second <td> element containing a <a> tag within the current row
        var secondTd = $(this).find('td:nth-child(2)').has('a');
        // Extract the text from the second <td> using the first regular expression

        //var regex = /[A-Za-z]+-\d+/;
        var regex = /T\d{2}-\d{3}|[A-Za-z]+-\d+/;
        var extractText = secondTd.text().match(regex);


        if (extractText) {

            // Create an <a> tag and set its attributes
            var anchorTag = $('<a>', {
                href: '' + extractText[0],
                src: '',
                width: 20,
                height: 20
            // Find the third <td> element within the current row and append the <a> tag