Geoguessr Location Resolver (Works in all modes)

Features: Automatically score 5000 Points | Score randomly between 4500 and 5000 points | Open in Google Maps

< Feedback on Geoguessr Location Resolver (Works in all modes)

Review: Good - script works

Deleted user 1170833
Posted: 11-09-2023

Thank you for providing your script for free, works like a charm. However, I noticed that these features do not work on BR or Distance gamemodes. Does this have to do with me, or did you perhaps disable it because it is detectable? I looked at the JS request in F12 and I noticed that you can still extract the lat/lon. Nonetheless, thank you for your work!

0x978Tác giả
Posted: 11-09-2023

Geoguessr have been on a bit of a shakeup recently, making a bunch of things break.

The lat/lon being picked up is good news, just means its failing on the placing part.

I'll check it out when I have some time later and get a fix out.

I'll never disable something for being detectable (because everything is ultimately detectable if you don't try to cover anything up), so if anything seems broken it probably is

Thanks for reporting it :)

Deleted user 1170833
Posted: 11-09-2023

Thanks for your response. I am mostly using the console.log on the details and the new tab on google maps with exact location. Those are the features that also do not work. Thank you for looking into it, though! Cheers.

0x978Tác giả
Posted: 11-09-2023

I think it's fixed now?

I'm having problems testing it properly, as its taking a real long time to find BR games at the minute, but I'm pretty sure I covered everything, the code really needs a complete rewrite tbh

Thanks for the heads up, if anything is still broken let me know.

Deleted user 1170833
Posted: 12-09-2023

I gave it a quick swirl and it seems to be working like a charm. I haven't extensively done much, but I did test BR (both distance and countries) and there seem to be no issues. I can't speak for the closest BR guess and the plonk options as I only use the alert one, but those should be fine as well. Thanks for being so swift with the update, appreciate it. Keep up the good work!

Posted: 29-12-2024


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