
Xtiper 是一款整合 PC 、移动端的弹层弹窗(甚至还有弹幕)解决方案。采用原生的 javascript 编写,体积小,不依赖任何 js 库,不加载任何图片,使用方便。

Script này sẽ không được không được cài đặt trực tiếp. Nó là một thư viện cho các script khác để bao gồm các chỉ thị meta // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/449512/1413237/Xtiper.js

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 * author: ovsexia
 * version: 2.7.1
 * name: Xtiper
 * describe: 弹层弹窗解决方案
 * License: Mozilla Public License Version 2.0

(function (global, factory) {
   * 不使用define
   * typeof define === "function" && define.amd
   * define(factory)
  if (typeof exports === "object" && typeof module !== "undefined") {
    /* 适用于NodeJs或typeScript */
    module.exports = factory();
  } else {
    global = typeof globalThis !== "undefined" ? globalThis : global || self;
    /* 适用于浏览器中,且this对象是window,如果this是其它,那么会在其它对象下注册对象 */
    global.xtip = factory(global.xtip);
})(typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : this, function (AnotherXtip) {
  let xtip = {};
  xtip.ver = "2.7.1";
  xtip.msg = function (tip, config) {
    if (!tip) {
      return false;
    config = config || {};
    let o = {};
    o.model = "msg";
    o.tip = tip;
    o.times = config.times || 2;
    o.type = config.type || "black";
    o.pos = config.pos || "middle";
    o.icon = config.icon || "";
    o.zindex = config.zindex || 99999;

    return this.run(o);
  xtip.danmu = function (tip, config) {
    if (!tip) {
      return false;
    config = config || {};
    let o = {};
    o.model = "danmu";
    o.tip = tip;
    o.type = config.type || "black";
    o.icon = config.icon || "";
    o.light = config.light != null ? config.light : false;
    o.zindex = config.zindex || 99999;

    return this.run(o);
  xtip.tips = function (tip, element, config) {
    if (!tip || !element) {
      return false;
    config = config || {};
    let o = {};
    o.model = "tips";
    o.tip = tip;
    if (typeof element == "string") {
      let fir = element.substr(0, 1);
      if (fir == "#") {
        element = element.substr(1, element.length);
    o.element = element;
    o.bgcolor = config.bgcolor || "#000000";
    if (config.color) {
      o.color = config.color;
    } else {
      let reg = /rgba\((255\,){3}[0-9.]+/;
      let rgba = reg.test(o.bgcolor);
      if (
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        o.bgcolor == "white" ||
        o.bgcolor == "rgb(255, 255, 255)" ||
        o.bgcolor == "rgba(255, 255, 255)" ||
        rgba === true
      ) {
        o.color = "#333333";
      } else {
        o.color = "#ffffff";
    o.times = config.times || 2;
    o.pos = config.pos || "right";
    o.closeBtn = config.closeBtn || false;
    o.zindex = config.zindex || 99999;

    return this.run(o);
  xtip.alert = function (tip, config) {
    config = config || {};
    let o = {};
    o.type = "alert";
    o.tip = tip || "";
    o.icon = config.icon || "";
    o.title = config.title || "提示";
    if (config.btn) {
      o.btn = typeof config.btn == "string" ? [config.btn] : [config.btn[0]];
    } else {
      o.btn = ["确定"];
    o.btn1 = config.btn1 != null ? config.btn1 : null;
    o.btnbg = [];
    o.times = config.times || 0;
    o.shade = config.shade != null ? config.shade : true;
    if (o.shade === true) {
      o.shadeClose = config.shadeClose != null ? config.shadeClose : true;
    } else {
      o.shadeClose = false;

    return this.win(o);
  xtip.confirm = function (tip, config) {
    config = config || {};
    let o = {};
    o.type = "confirm";
    o.tip = tip || "";
    o.icon = config.icon || "warning";
    o.title = config.title || "警告";
    o.btn = config.btn || ["确定", "取消"];
    if (o.btn && o.btn.length > 2) {
      let newbtn = [];
      for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
      o.btn = newbtn;
    o.btn1 = config.btn1 != null ? config.btn1 : null;
    o.btn2 = config.btn2 != null ? config.btn2 : null;
    o.btnbg = [true, false];
    o.shade = config.shade != null ? config.shade : true;
    if (o.shade === true) {
      o.shadeClose = config.shadeClose != null ? config.shadeClose : true;
    } else {
      o.shadeClose = false;

    return this.win(o);
  xtip.win = function (config) {
    if (!config) {
      return false;
    let o = {};
    o.model = "win";
    o.tip = config.tip || "";
    o.times = config.times || 0;
    o.type = config.type || "confirm";
    o.icon = config.icon || "";
    o.title = config.title || "提示";
    o.shade = config.shade != null ? config.shade : true;
    if (o.shade === true) {
      o.shadeClose = config.shadeClose != null ? config.shadeClose : true;
    } else {
      o.shadeClose = false;
    o.lock = config.lock || false;
    o.btn = config.btn || null;
    if (o.btn && o.btn.length > 4) {
      let newbtn = [];
      for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
      o.btn = newbtn;
    o.btn1 = config.btn1 != null ? config.btn1 : null;
    o.btn2 = config.btn2 != null ? config.btn2 : null;
    o.btn3 = config.btn3 != null ? config.btn3 : null;
    o.btn4 = config.btn4 != null ? config.btn4 : null;
    o.btnbg = config.btnbg || [];
    o.width = config.width || "";
    o.maxWidth = config.maxWidth || "";
    o.end = typeof config.end == "function" ? config.end : null;
    o.min = config.min != null ? config.min : false;
    o.move = true;
    o.app = false;
    o.zindex = config.zindex || 99999;
    o.success = config.success || null;

    return this.run(o);
  xtip.photo = function (content, config) {
    if (!content) {
      return false;
    config = config || {};
    let o = {};
    o.type = "photo";
    o.title = config.title || "";
    o.autoHeight = config.height ? false : true;
    o.width = config.width || "600px";
    o.height = config.height || "400px";
    o.content = content;
    o.app = config.app != null ? config.app : false;
    o.lock = true;
    o.reset = true;
    o.index = config.index || 1;
    o.iftitle = config.iftitle != null ? config.iftitle : true;
    o.iforder = config.iforder != null ? config.iforder : true;

    return this.open(o);
  xtip.photoApp = function (content, config) {
    if (!content) {
      return false;
    config = config || {};
    let o = {};
    o.type = "photo";
    o.width = "100%";
    o.height = "100%";
    o.bgcolor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)";
    o.title = false;
    o.move = false;
    o.shade = true;
    o.shadeClose = false;
    o.closeBtn = true;
    o.content = content;
    o.photoapp = true;
    o.lock = true;
    o.reset = true;
    o.index = config.index || 1;
    o.iftitle = config.iftitle != null ? config.iftitle : true;
    o.iforder = config.iforder != null ? config.iforder : true;

    return this.open(o);
  xtip.open = function (config) {
    if (!config == null || !config.type || !config.content) {
      return false;
    let o = {};
    o.model = "open";
    o.type = config.type;
    o.content = config.content;
    o.id = config.id || "";
    o.title = config.title || "";
    if (config.autoHeight) {
      o.autoHeight = config.autoHeight;
    } else {
      o.autoHeight = config.height ? false : true;
    o.width = config.width || "600px";
    o.height = config.height || "400px";
    o.maxWidth = config.maxWidth || "";
    o.maxHeight = config.maxHeight || "";
    o.x = config.x || "";
    o.y = config.y || "";
    o.x = sizef(o.x);
    o.y = sizef(o.y);
    function sizef(str) {
      if (str) {
        if (!isNaN(str)) {
          return Number(str);
        } else {
          let reg = /\-?[0-9\.]*(px|%)*/,
          if (str) {
            match = str.match(reg);
            if (!match[1] || (match[1] && match[1] == "px")) {
              match[0] = match[0].replace(/px/g, "");
              num = Number(match[0]);
            } else {
              num = "";
            return num;
      } else {
        return "";

    o.bgcolor = config.bgcolor || "";
    let reg = /rgba\((0\,){3}[0-9.]+/;
    let rgba = reg.test(o.bgcolor);
    if (
      o.bgcolor == "#000" ||
      o.bgcolor == "#000000" ||
      o.bgcolor == "black" ||
      o.bgcolor == "rgb(0, 0, 0)" ||
      o.bgcolor == "rgba(0, 0, 0)" ||
      rgba === true
    ) {
      o.color = "#ffffff";
    } else {
      o.color = "";
    o.shade = config.shade != null ? config.shade : true;
    if (o.shade === true) {
      o.shadeClose = config.shadeClose != null ? config.shadeClose : true;
    } else {
      o.shadeClose = false;
    o.end = typeof config.end == "function" ? config.end : null;
    o.min = config.min != null ? config.min : false;
    o.max = config.max != null ? config.max : false;
    o.closeBtn = config.closeBtn != null ? config.closeBtn : true;
    o.move = config.move != null ? config.move : true;
    o.lock = config.lock != null ? config.lock : false;
    o.over = config.over != null ? config.over : true;
    o.index = config.index || 1;
    o.app = config.app != null ? config.app : false;
    if (o.app === true) {
      if (o.type == "photo") {
        return this.photoApp(o.content, o.index);
      } else {
        o.height = config.height || "";
        o.lock = true;
        o.shade = true;
        o.shadeClose = true;
    o.reset = config.reset != null ? config.reset : true;
    o.zindex = config.zindex || 99999;
    o.photoapp = config.photoapp || false;
    o.iftitle = config.iftitle != null ? config.iftitle : true;
    o.iforder = config.iforder != null ? config.iforder : true;
    o.success = config.success || null;

    return this.run(o);
  xtip.load = function (tip, config) {
    config = config || {};
    let o = {};
    o.model = "load";
    o.tip = tip || "";
    o.times = config.times || 0;
    o.lock = config.lock != null ? config.lock : false;
    o.zindex = config.zindex || 99999;
    o.closeBtn = config.closeBtn != null ? config.closeBtn : false;

    return this.run(o);
  xtip.sheet = function (config) {
    if (!config || !config.btn) {
      return false;
    let o = {};
    o.model = "sheet";
    o.title = config.title || "";
    o.align = config.align || "center";
    let btn = new Array();
    for (let i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
      if (config.btn[i]) {
        btn[i] = config.btn[i];
    o.btn = btn;
    o.btn1 = config.btn1 || null;
    o.btn2 = config.btn2 || null;
    o.btn3 = config.btn3 || null;
    o.btn4 = config.btn4 || null;
    o.btn5 = config.btn5 || null;
    o.btn6 = config.btn6 || null;
    o.btn7 = config.btn7 || null;
    o.btn8 = config.btn8 || null;

    o.force = config.force || "";
    o.btnClose = config.btnClose || "取消";
    o.lock = true;
    o.shadeClose = true;
    o.end = typeof config.end == "function" ? config.end : null;
    o.zindex = config.zindex || 99999;

    return this.run(o);
  xtip.run = function (options) {
    let x = new Xclass(options);
    return x.mainid;
  xtip.close = function (closeid) {
    let o = {};
    o.model = "close";
    o.closeid = closeid;

    return this.run(o);
  xtip.closeAll = function () {
    let o = {};
    o.model = "closeAll";

    return this.run(o);
  xtip.noConflict = function () {
    if (window.xtip) {
      delete window.xtip;
    if (AnotherXtip) {
      window.xtip = AnotherXtip;
    return xtip;
  let Xclass = function (config) {
    let that = this;


    that.ifmob = /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPod|BlackBerry/i.test(

    let rand = Math.random().toString().split(".")[1];
    let mainid = "xtiper_" + rand;
    that.mainid = mainid;

    config = that.namefix(config);
    that.c = config;
    let xcstr = "";
    if (
      typeof config.reset != "undefined" &&
      config.reset !== null &&
      config.reset === false
    ) {
      for (let key in config) {
        if (config[key] != null) {
          xcstr += config[key].toString();
      that.xcstr = that.xcstrRep(xcstr);
    } else {
      that.xcstr = xcstr;

    if (config.model == "close") {
      return false;

    if (config.model == "closeAll") {
      return false;


  Xclass.pt = Xclass.prototype;

  Xclass.pt.loseblur = function () {
    let button = document.getElementsByTagName("button");
    if (button.length > 0) {
      for (let i = 0; i < button.length; i++) {
    let input = document.getElementsByTagName("input");
    if (input.length > 0) {
      for (let i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
        let input_type = input[i].getAttribute("type");
        if (input_type && (input_type == "button" || input_type == "submit")) {

  Xclass.pt.creat = function () {
    let that = this;
    let c = that.c;

    let html = that.html();
    if (!html) {
      return false;

    let body = document.body;
    let div = document.createElement("div");
    div.setAttribute("id", that.mainid);
    div.setAttribute("class", "xtiper");
    div.innerHTML = html;
    let xtipdiv = document.getElementById(that.mainid);
    that.xtipdiv = xtipdiv;




  Xclass.pt.namefix = function (c) {
    if (c.pos) {
      c.pos = c.pos.toLowerCase();
      if (c.pos == "t") {
        c.pos = "top";
      } else if (c.pos == "b") {
        c.pos = "bottom";
      } else if (c.pos == "l") {
        c.pos = "left";
      } else if (c.pos == "r") {
        c.pos = "right";
      } else if (c.pos == "m") {
        c.pos = "middle";

    if (c.type) {
      c.type = c.type.toLowerCase();
      if (c.type == "r") {
        c.type = "ready";
      } else if (c.type == "n") {
        c.type = "noready";
      } else if (c.type == "notready") {
        c.type = "noready";
      } else if (c.type == "u") {
        c.type = "url";
      } else if (c.type == "h") {
        c.type = "html";
      } else if (c.type == "p") {
        c.type = "photo";
      } else if (c.type == "w") {
        c.type = "white";
      } else if (c.type == "b") {
        c.type = "black";
      } else if (c.type == "a") {
        c.type = "alert";
      } else if (c.type == "c") {
        c.type = "confirm";

    c.iconColor = "";
    if (c.icon) {
      if (typeof c.icon == "object") {
        c.iconColor = c.icon[1];
        c.icon = c.icon[0];
      c.icon = c.icon.toLowerCase();
      c.iconFlag = true;
      if (c.icon == "s") {
        c.icon = "success";
      } else if (c.icon == "e") {
        c.icon = "error";
      } else if (c.icon == "w") {
        c.icon = "warning";
      } else if (c.icon == "a") {
        c.icon = "ask";
      } else if (c.icon == "h") {
        c.icon = "hello";
      if (
        c.icon !== "success" &&
        c.icon !== "error" &&
        c.icon !== "warning" &&
        c.icon !== "ask" &&
        c.icon !== "hello"
      ) {
        c.iconFlag = false;

    if (c.align) {
      c.align = c.align.toLowerCase();
      if (c.align == "l") {
        c.align = "left";
      } else if (c.align == "c") {
        c.align = "center";
      } else if (c.align == "r") {
        c.align = "right";
    return c;

  Xclass.pt.html = function () {
    let that = this;
    let c = that.c;
    let xtipdiv = that.xtipdiv;

    let html = "";
    if (c.model == "msg") {
      html += "<p>";
      if (c.icon) {
        html +=
          c.iconFlag === true
            ? '<i class="xtiper_icon xtiper_icon_' +
              c.icon +
              ' xtiper_icon_min"></i>'
            : '<img class="xtiper_icon xtiper_icon_min" src="' +
              c.icon +
              '" />';
      html += c.tip + "</p>";
    else if (c.model == "danmu") {
      let danmuli = document.getElementsByClassName("xtiper_danmu");
      if (danmuli.length > 300 || document.hidden) {
        return false;

      html += "<p>";
      if (c.icon) {
        html +=
          c.iconFlag === true
            ? '<i class="xtiper_icon xtiper_icon_' +
              c.icon +
              ' xtiper_icon_min"></i>'
            : '<img class="xtiper_icon xtiper_icon_min" src="' +
              c.icon +
              '" />';
      html += c.tip + "</p>";
    else if (c.model == "tips") {
      that.newelement = document.getElementById(c.element) || c.element;
      if (c.bgcolor) {
        html +=
          '<p style="background-color:' +
          c.bgcolor +
          ";" +
          (c.color ? " color:" + c.color + ';"' : "") +
          '">' +
          c.tip +
      } else {
        html += "<p>" + c.tip + "</p>";
      html += '<em style="background-color:' + c.bgcolor + ';"></em>';
      if (c.closeBtn === true) {
        html +=
          '<div class="xtiper_close xtiper_close_notit xtiper_close_notitmin"></div>';
    else if (c.model == "win") {
      if (c.type == "alert") {
        c.btn = c.btn != null ? c.btn : ["确定"];
        c.btn1 = c.btn1 != null ? c.btn1 : null;
        c.btn2 = null;
        c.btn3 = null;
        c.btn4 = null;
      } else if (c.type == "confirm") {
        c.btn = c.btn != null ? c.btn : ["确定", "取消"];
        c.btn1 = c.btn1 != null ? c.btn1 : null;
        c.btn2 = c.btn2 != null ? c.btn2 : null;
        c.btn3 = c.btn3 != null ? c.btn3 : null;
        c.btn4 = c.btn4 != null ? c.btn4 : null;

      xtiper_con_icon = c.icon ? " xtiper_con_icon" : "";
      let btnclass = new Array();
      btnclass[0] = c.btn1 != null ? ' class="xactive"' : "";
      btnclass[1] = c.btn2 != null ? ' class="xactive"' : "";
      btnclass[2] = c.btn3 != null ? ' class="xactive"' : "";
      btnclass[3] = c.btn4 != null ? ' class="xactive"' : "";
      if (c.btnbg && c.btnbg.length) {
        for (let i = 0; i < c.btnbg.length; i++) {
          btnclass[i] = c.btnbg[i] === true ? ' class="xactive"' : "";

      let btnfun = new Array();
      btnfun[0] = c.btn1 || null;
      btnfun[1] = c.btn2 || null;
      btnfun[2] = c.btn3 || null;
      btnfun[3] = c.btn4 || null;
      that.btnfun = btnfun;

      if (c.maxWidth) {
        c.width = that.maxSize(c.width, c.maxWidth);

      if (c.shade === true) {
        html += '<div class="xtiper_bg"></div>';
      html +=
        '<div class="xtiper_main"' +
        (c.width ? 'style="width:' + c.width + ';"' : "") +
      html +=
        '<div class="xtiper_tit"><p>' +
        c.title +
        '</p><div class="xtiper_minmax">';
      if (c.min === true) {
        html += '<div class="xtiper_min"></div>';
      html += '<div class="xtiper_close"></div>';
      html += "</div></div>";
      let iconer = that.iconer();
      html +=
        '<div class="xtiper_pad"><div class="xtiper_pr"><div class="xtiper_tip">' +
        iconer +
        '<div class="xtiper_con' +
        xtiper_con_icon +
        '"><div class="xtiper_conin">' +
      if (c.type == "alert" && c.times > 0) {
        html += '(<span class="xtiper_times">' + c.times + "</span>)";
      html += "</div></div></div></div></div>";
      html +=
        '<div class="xtiper_btn' +
        (c.icon && c.iconFlag === true ? " xtiper_btn_" + c.icon : "") +
        " xtiper_btn" +
        c.btn.length +

      for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        if (c.btn[i]) {
          html +=
            "<li" +
            btnclass[i] +
            "><button" +
            (btnclass[i] && c.iconColor && c.type == "confirm"
              ? ' style="background-color:' + c.iconColor + '"'
              : "") +
            ">" +
            c.btn[i] +

      html +=
        '</ul><div class="xtiper_btnbor"' +
        (c.iconColor ? ' style="background-color:' + c.iconColor + '"' : "") +
    else if (c.model == "open") {
      let ifxoff = that.findxoff();
      if (ifxoff === true) {
        return false;

      if (c.maxWidth) {
        c.width = that.maxSize(c.width, c.maxWidth);
      if (c.maxHeight) {
        c.height = that.maxSize(c.height, c.maxHeight);

      if (c.width == "100%" && c.height == "100%") {
        c.max = false;
      let width = that.getsize(c.width);
      let height = that.getsize(c.height) || ["", ""];
      if (height[1] == "%") {
        let bheight = (window.innerHeight * height[0]) / 100;
        height[0] = Math.round(bheight);
        height[1] = "px";
      let height_css = "";
      if (c.title) {
        height_css = " xtit";
      } else {
        if (c.move === true) {
          height_css = " xmin";

      let newcontent;
      let xtiper_over = "";
      if (c.over === false) {
        xtiper_over = " xtiper_over";
      if (c.type == "ready" || c.type == "noready") {
        let fir = c.content.substr(0, 1),
        if (fir == "#") {
          element = document.getElementById(
            c.content.substr(1, c.content.length)
        } else if (fir == ".") {
          element = document.getElementsByClassName(
            c.content.substr(1, c.content.length)
        } else {
          return false;
        if (!element) {
          return false;
        if (c.type == "ready") {
          content = element.outerHTML;
          regid = /\#([A-z0-9_-]*)/;
          content_id = c.content.match(regid);
          if (content_id && content_id[1]) {
            //reg = /\s+(id\=["']idname["'])/g;
            reg = new RegExp("\\s+(id\\=[\"']" + content_id[1] + "[\"'])", "g");
            content = content.replace(reg, "");
        } else {
          content = element.innerHTML;
          reg = /\<\!\-{2}[\s\n]*([\S\s]*)[\s\n]*\-{2}\>/;
          let match = content.match(reg);
          if (!match || !match[1]) {
            return false;
          content = match[1];
        newcontent =
          '<div class="xtiper_content' +
          xtiper_over +
          "" +
          height_css +
          '"' +
          (c.bgcolor ? ' style="background-color:' + c.bgcolor + '"' : "") +
          ">" +
          content +
      } else if (c.type == "url") {
        let scrolling = "auto";
        if (c.over === false) {
          scrolling = "no";
        newcontent =
          '<div class="xtiper_content' +
          height_css +
          ' xtiper_over"' +
          (c.bgcolor ? ' style="background-color:' + c.bgcolor + '"' : "") +
          '><div class="zw"></div><iframe parentid="' +
          that.mainid +
          '" id="' +
          that.mainid +
          '_id" name="' +
          that.mainid +
          '_name" scrolling="' +
          scrolling +
          '" allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" src="' +
          c.content +
          '" style="width:100%; height:100%;"></iframe></div>';
      } else if (c.type == "html") {
        newcontent =
          '<div class="xtiper_content' +
          xtiper_over +
          "" +
          height_css +
          '"' +
          (c.bgcolor ? ' style="background-color:' + c.bgcolor + '"' : "") +
          ">" +
          c.content +
      } else if (c.type == "photo") {
        let img = document.getElementsByTagName("img");
        if (img.length == 0) {
          return false;
        let photo = new Array();
        for (let i = 0; i < img.length; i++) {
          if (that.dataset(img[i], "xphoto") == c.content) {
        if (!photo || photo.length == 0) {
          return false;
        let li =
          '<div class="xtiper_photo_num' +
          (c.iftitle === true ? " xon" : "") +
          '"' +
          (c.color ? 'style="color:' + c.color + ';"' : "") +
          '><span class="xtiper_words"></span><span class="xtiper_nummax' +
          (c.iforder === true ? " xon" : "") +
          '"><span class="xtiper_num">' +
          c.index +
          "</span> / " +
          photo.length +
        if (photo.length > 1) {
          li +=
            '<div class="xtiper_photo_btn xtiper_photo_prev"></div><div class="xtiper_photo_btn xtiper_photo_next"></div>';
        li += '<div class="xtiper_photo_ul"><ul>';
        let xhref, xsrc;
        let xindex = c.index - 1;
        for (let i = 0; i < photo.length; i++) {
          xhref = that.dataset(photo[i], "xhref")
            ? that.dataset(photo[i], "xhref")
            : "";
          xsrc = that.dataset(photo[i], "xsrc")
            ? that.dataset(photo[i], "xsrc")
            : photo[i].src;
          li +=
            '<li class="xtiper_photo_li' +
            (i == xindex ? " xon" : "") +
            (that.ifmob === true ? " xapp" : "") +
            '" data-xtitle="' +
            photo[i].title +
            '"><p style="background-image:url(\'' +
            xsrc +
            "');\">" +
            (xhref ? '<a href="' + xhref + '" target="_blank">' : "") +
            '<img src="' +
            xsrc +
            '">' +
            (xhref ? "</a>" : "") +
            (i == xindex && that.ifmob === true
              ? '<span class="xtiper_icon xtiper_icon_load xtiper_photo_load"></span>'
              : "") +
        li += "</ul></div>";
        newcontent =
          '<div class="xtiper_content' +
          xtiper_over +
          "" +
          height_css +
          '"' +
          (c.bgcolor ? ' style="background-color:' + c.bgcolor + '"' : "") +
          ">" +
          li +

      if (c.shade === true) {
        html += '<div class="xtiper_bg"></div>';
      if (c.app === true) {
        html +=
          '<div class="xtiper_sheet' +
          (that.ifmob === true && c.type == "photo" ? " xapp" : "") +
          '" style="height:' +
          height[0] +
          "" +
          height[1] +
        if (c.title) {
          html +=
            '<div class="xtiper_sheet_tit xtiper_sheet_left">' +
            c.title +
      } else {
        html +=
          '<div class="xtiper_main' +
          (that.ifmob === true && c.type == "photo" ? " xapp" : "") +
          '" style="width:' +
          width[0] +
          "" +
          width[1] +
          "; height:" +
          height[0] +
          "" +
          height[1] +
        if (c.title) {
          html +=
            '<div class="xtiper_tit' +
            (c.move === true ? "" : " xminmax") +
            '"><p>' +
            c.title +
            '</p><div class="xtiper_minmax">';
          if (c.min === true) {
            html += '<div class="xtiper_min"></div>';
          if (c.max === true) {
            html += '<div class="xtiper_max"></div>';
          if (c.closeBtn === true) {
            html += '<div class="xtiper_close"></div>';
          html += "</div></div>";
        } else {
          if (c.move === true) {
            html += '<div class="xtiper_tit xtiper_tit_none"></div>';
          if (c.closeBtn === true) {
            html +=
              '<div class="xtiper_close xtiper_close_notit' +
              (c.photoapp === true ? " xtiper_close_photoapp" : "") +
      html += newcontent;
      html += "</div>";
    else if (c.model == "load") {
      html =
        '<div class="xtiper_bg xtiper_bg_white"></div><div class="xtiper_loadin"><div class="xtiper_icon xtiper_icon_load"></div>';
      if (c.tip) {
        html += "<span>" + c.tip + "</span>";
      html += "</div>";
      if (c.closeBtn === true) {
        html += '<div class="xtiper_close xtiper_close_load"></div>';
    else if (c.model == "sheet") {
      let btnfun = new Array();
      btnfun[0] = c.btn1 ? c.btn1 : null;
      btnfun[1] = c.btn2 ? c.btn2 : null;
      btnfun[2] = c.btn3 ? c.btn3 : null;
      btnfun[3] = c.btn4 ? c.btn4 : null;
      btnfun[4] = c.btn5 ? c.btn5 : null;
      btnfun[5] = c.btn6 ? c.btn6 : null;
      btnfun[6] = c.btn7 ? c.btn7 : null;
      btnfun[7] = c.btn8 ? c.btn8 : null;
      that.btnfun = btnfun;

      let align = "xtiper_sheet_" + c.align;

      html += '<div class="xtiper_bg"></div><div class="xtiper_sheet">';
      if (c.title) {
        html +=
          '<div class="xtiper_sheet_tit ' + align + '">' + c.title + "</div>";
      html += '<ul class="xtiper_sheet_ul ' + align + '">';
      let licon, href, target;
      for (let i = 0; i < c.btn.length; i++) {
        if (btnfun[i]) {
          if (typeof btnfun[i] == "function") {
            licon = "<p>" + c.btn[i] + "</p>";
          } else {
            if (typeof btnfun[i] == "object") {
              href = btnfun[i][0];
              target = btnfun[i][1] ? btnfun[i][1] : "";
              if (target && target.substr(0, 1) != "_") {
                target = "_" + target;
              target = ' target="' + target + '"';
            } else {
              href = btnfun[i];
              target = "";
            licon =
              '<a href="' +
              href +
              '"' +
              target +
              "><p>" +
              c.btn[i] +
        } else {
          licon = "<p>" + c.btn[i] + "</p>";
        html += '<li class="xtiper_sheet_li">' + licon + "</li>";
      if (!c.force) {
        html +=
          '<li class="xtiper_sheet_li xlast"><p>' + c.btnClose + "</p></li>";
      html += "</ul></div>";
    return html;

  Xclass.pt.iconer = function () {
    let that = this;
    let c = that.c;

    let html = "";
    if (c.icon) {
      if (c.iconFlag === true) {
        html = '<i class="xtiper_icon xtiper_icon_' + c.icon + '"></i>';
      } else {
        html = '<img class="xtiper_icon" src="' + c.icon + '" />';
    return html;

  Xclass.pt.findxoff = function () {
    let that = this;
    let c = that.c;

    let xoff = document.getElementsByClassName("xtiper");
    let xoffdiv;
    for (let i = 0; i < xoff.length; i++) {
      let xcstr = that.dataset(xoff[i], "xcstr");
      if (xcstr && xcstr == that.xcstr) {
        xoffdiv = xoff[i];

    if (xoffdiv) {
      that.xtipdiv = xoffdiv;
      that.mainid = xoffdiv.getAttribute("id");
      xoffdiv.style.zIndex = c.zindex;
      setTimeout(function () {
        let maincss = c.app === true ? "xtiper_sheet" : "xtiper_main";
        let xtiper_main = xoffdiv.getElementsByClassName(maincss)[0];
        let data_width = that.dataset(xoffdiv, "xwidth");
        let data_height = that.dataset(xoffdiv, "xheight");
        let xleft = (window.innerWidth - data_width) / 2;
        let xtop = (window.innerHeight - data_height) / 2;
        if (maincss == "xtiper_main") {
          xtiper_main.style.width = data_width + "px";
          xtiper_main.style.height = data_height + "px";
          xtiper_main.style.left = xleft + "px";
          xtiper_main.style.top = xtop + "px";
          let xtiper_min = xoffdiv.getElementsByClassName("xtiper_min")[0];
          let xtiper_max = xoffdiv.getElementsByClassName("xtiper_max")[0];
          if (xtiper_min) {
            xtiper_min.style.display = "";
          if (xtiper_max) {
            xtiper_max.style.display = "";
        if (c.lock === true) {
      }, 1);
      return true;
    } else {
      return false;

  Xclass.pt.dataset = function (element, datakey, dataval) {
    if (dataval == null) {
      if (element) {
        return element.getAttribute("data-" + datakey);
    else {
      element.setAttribute("data-" + datakey, dataval);

  Xclass.pt.attr = function () {
    let that = this;
    let c = that.c;
    let xtipdiv = that.xtipdiv;

    if (c.model == "msg") {
      xtipdiv.classList.add("xtiper_msg_" + c.pos);
      xtipdiv.classList.add("xtiper_msg_" + c.type);
      xtipdiv.style.whiteSpace = "nowrap";

      let xwidth = xtipdiv.offsetWidth;
      xwidth = xwidth / 2;
      xtipdiv.style.marginLeft = "-" + xwidth + "px";
      xtipdiv.style.whiteSpace = "";
    else if (c.model == "danmu") {
      xtipdiv.classList.add("xtiper_msg_" + c.type);

      function randomNum(n, m) {
        return Math.round(Math.random() * (m - n)) + n;

      let bheight = Math.round(window.innerHeight * 0.65);
      let danmuTop = randomNum(10, bheight);
      let bwidth = document.body.offsetWidth + 22;
      xtipdiv.style.transform = "translateX(" + bwidth + "px)";
      xtipdiv.style.top = danmuTop + "px";

      let danmuli = document.getElementsByClassName("xtiper_danmu");
      if (danmuli.length > 1) {
        if (c.light === true) {
    else if (c.model == "tips") {
      xtipdiv.classList.add("xtiper_tips_" + c.pos);
      xtipdiv.style.width = xtipdiv.offsetWidth + "px";

      let newelement = document.getElementById(c.element) || c.element;
      let S = document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop;
      let C = newelement.getBoundingClientRect();
      let W = newelement.offsetWidth;
      let H = newelement.offsetHeight;
      let dtop = S + C.top;
      let dleft = C.left;
      let B = 10;

      if (c.pos == "left") {
        let selfWidth = xtipdiv.offsetWidth;
        dleft = dleft - selfWidth - B;
      } else if (c.pos == "right") {
        dleft = dleft + W + B;
      } else if (c.pos == "top") {
        let selfHeight = xtipdiv.offsetHeight;
        dtop = dtop - selfHeight - B;
      } else if (c.pos == "bottom") {
        dtop = dtop + H + B;
      xtipdiv.style.left = dleft + "px";
      xtipdiv.style.top = dtop + "px";
    else if (c.model == "win" || c.model == "open") {
      if (c.shade === true) {
      let maincss = c.app === true ? "xtiper_sheet" : "xtiper_main";
      let xtiper_main = xtipdiv.getElementsByClassName(maincss)[0];
      let xtiper_tit = xtipdiv.getElementsByClassName("xtiper_tit")[0];
      that.dataset(xtipdiv, "xwidth", xtiper_main.offsetWidth);
      that.dataset(xtipdiv, "xheight", xtiper_main.offsetHeight);
      if (c.reset === false) {
        that.dataset(xtipdiv, "xreset", 1);

      if (c.model == "open" && that.xcstr) {
        that.dataset(xtipdiv, "xcstr", that.xcstr);

      if (c.min === true || c.max === true) {
        let xmcss = "xmcss";
        let y = 0;
        if (c.min === true) {
        if (c.max === true) {
        xmcss = xmcss + y;
        if (xtiper_tit) {

      let xleft, xtop;
      if (c.model == "win") {
        let width = that.getsize(c.width);
        if (width && width[1] == "%") {
          xleft = (100 - width[0]) / 2 + "%";
        } else {
          xleft = (window.innerWidth - xtiper_main.offsetWidth) / 2 + "px";
        xtop = (window.innerHeight - xtiper_main.offsetHeight) / 2 + "px";
        xtiper_main.style.height = xtiper_main.offsetHeight + "px";
        xtiper_main.style.left = xleft;
        xtiper_main.style.top = xtop;
      } else if (c.model == "open") {
        if (c.type == "ready") {
          )[0].firstChild.style.display = "";

        if (c.app === false) {
          let width = that.getsize(c.width);

          if (c.type == "photo" && c.autoHeight === true) {
            let xindex = c.index - 1;
            let imgdiv = xtipdiv
            imgdiv.onload = function () {
              let img = imgdiv.offsetHeight;
              img = img + 100;
              if (img > window.innerHeight) {
                if (c.title) {
                  img = window.innerHeight;
                } else {
                  img = window.innerHeight - 26;
              xtop = (window.innerHeight - img) / 2;
              xtop = c.y ? xtop + c.y : xtop;
              xtop = xtop + "px";
              xtiper_main.style.height = img + "px";

              if (width[1] == "%") {
                xleft = (100 - width[0]) / 2;
                xleft = c.x ? xleft + c.x : xleft;
                xleft = xleft + width[1];
              } else {
                xleft = (window.innerWidth - xtiper_main.offsetWidth) / 2;
                xleft = c.x ? xleft + c.x : xleft;
                xleft = xleft + "px";
              xtiper_main.style.left = xleft;
              xtiper_main.style.top = xtop;
          } else {
            xtiper_main.style.height = xtiper_main.offsetHeight + "px";
            xtop = (window.innerHeight - xtiper_main.offsetHeight) / 2;
            xtop = c.y ? xtop + c.y : xtop;
            xtop = xtop + "px";

          if (width[1] == "%") {
            xleft = (100 - width[0]) / 2;
            xleft = c.x ? xleft + c.x : xleft;
            xleft = xleft + width[1];
          } else {
            xleft = (window.innerWidth - xtiper_main.offsetWidth) / 2;
            xleft = c.x ? xleft + c.x : xleft;
            xleft = xleft + "px";

          xtiper_main.style.left = xleft;
          xtiper_main.style.top = xtop;

      if (c.shade === false) {
        xtiper_main.style.position = "fixed";
    else if (c.model == "load") {
    else if (c.model == "sheet") {

    if (c.zindex) {
      xtipdiv.style.zIndex = c.zindex;

  Xclass.pt.on = function () {
    let that = this;
    let c = that.c;
    let xtipdiv = that.xtipdiv;

    setTimeout(function () {
    }, 1);

  Xclass.pt.after = function () {
    let that = this;
    let c = that.c;
    let xtipdiv = that.xtipdiv;

    if (c.model == "msg" || c.model == "tips") {

      if (c.model == "tips") {
    else if (c.model == "danmu") {
      xtipdiv.addEventListener("mouseenter", function () {
      xtipdiv.addEventListener("mouseleave", function () {
    else if (c.model == "win" || c.model == "open") {
      if (c.model == "win") {
        let button = xtipdiv.getElementsByTagName("button");
        let btnfun = that.btnfun;
        for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
          that.bclick(button[i], btnfun[i], true);

      if (c.min) {
        let minbtn = xtipdiv.getElementsByClassName("xtiper_min")[0];
        if (minbtn) {
          minbtn.addEventListener("click", function () {

      if (c.max) {
        let maxbtn = xtipdiv.getElementsByClassName("xtiper_max")[0];
        if (maxbtn) {
          maxbtn.addEventListener("click", function () {

      if (c.move === true) {


      if (c.model == "win" || c.model == "open") {

      if (c.model == "win" && c.type == "alert" && c.times > 0) {

      if (c.type == "photo") {

        let xindex = c.index - 1;
        let li = xtipdiv.getElementsByClassName("xtiper_photo_li")[xindex];
        let xtiper_words = xtipdiv.getElementsByClassName("xtiper_words")[0];
        xtiper_words.innerHTML = that.dataset(li, "xtitle");

      if (c.success && typeof c.success == "function") {
    else if (c.model == "load") {

    else if (c.model == "sheet") {
      let btnfun = that.btnfun;

      let xtipdiv_appli = xtipdiv.getElementsByClassName("xtiper_sheet_li");
      let btnlen = xtipdiv_appli.length;
      if (!c.force) {
        btnlen = btnlen - 1;

      for (let i = 0; i < btnlen; i++) {
        that.bclick(xtipdiv_appli[i], btnfun[i]);

      if (!c.force) {
        xtipdiv_appli[btnlen].addEventListener("click", function () {
          if (c.end) {


  Xclass.pt.ulli = function (li, aa, xx, yy, close) {
    let that = this;
    let xtipdiv = that.xtipdiv;
    let xtiper_content = xtipdiv.getElementsByClassName("xtiper_content")[0];
    let opacity;

    for (let i = 0; i < li.length; i++) {
      if (li[i].classList.contains("xon") === true) {
        if (aa == "left") {
          if (xx) {
            li[i].style.left = xx + "px";
          } else {
            li[i].style.left = "";
        } else {
          li[i].style.left = xx + "px";
          li[i].style.top = yy + "px";
          opacity = 1 - ((yy / 4) * 3) / 120;
          if (opacity < 0) {
            opacity = 0;
          xtiper_content.style.backgroundColor =
            "rgba(0, 0, 0, " + opacity + ")";
          if (close === true) {
            if (yy > 120) {
            } else {
              li[i].style.left = "";
              li[i].style.top = "";
              xtiper_content.style.backgroundColor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)";

  Xclass.pt.photo = function () {
    let that = this;
    let c = that.c;
    let xtipdiv = that.xtipdiv;

    let ul = xtipdiv.getElementsByClassName("xtiper_photo_ul")[0];
    let li = xtipdiv.getElementsByClassName("xtiper_photo_li");
    let prev = xtipdiv.getElementsByClassName("xtiper_photo_prev")[0];
    let next = xtipdiv.getElementsByClassName("xtiper_photo_next")[0];

    if (prev && li.length > 1) {
      prev.addEventListener("click", function () {
    if (next && li.length > 1) {
      next.addEventListener("click", function () {

    if (that.ifmob === true && li.length > 1) {
      let aa = null;
      let moveX1, moveX2, moveY1, moveY2, xx, yy;
      ul.addEventListener("touchstart", function (e) {
        moveX1 = e.changedTouches[0].pageX;
        moveY1 = e.changedTouches[0].pageY;

      ul.addEventListener("touchmove", function (e) {
        moveX2 = e.changedTouches[0].pageX;
        moveY2 = e.changedTouches[0].pageY;
        xx = moveX2 - moveX1;
        yy = moveY2 - moveY1;
        if (Math.abs(xx) > Math.abs(yy)) {
          aa = aa ? aa : "left";
        } else {
          aa = aa ? aa : "top";
        that.ulli(li, aa, xx, yy);

      ul.addEventListener("touchend", function (e) {
        if (moveX1 > moveX2) {
          if (moveX1 - moveX2 > 40 && aa == "left") {
        } else {
          if (moveX2 - moveX1 > 40 && aa == "left") {
        that.ulli(li, aa, "", yy, true);
        aa = null;

      ul.addEventListener("click", function (e) {
    } else {
      ul.addEventListener("touchstart", function (e) {
        return false;

      ul.addEventListener("touchend", function (e) {
        return false;

      ul.addEventListener("click", function (e) {
        return false;

  Xclass.pt.photoBtn = function (type) {
    let that = this;
    let c = that.c;
    let xtipdiv = that.xtipdiv;

    let li = xtipdiv.getElementsByClassName("xtiper_photo_li");
    let xtiper_main = xtipdiv.getElementsByClassName("xtiper_main")[0];
    if (xtiper_main.classList.contains("xtiper_main_photo") === true) {
      return false;
    let index = 0,
      old = 0;
    for (let i = 0; i < li.length; i++) {
      if (li[i].classList.contains("xon") === true) {
        index = old = i;
    if (type == "prev") {
      if (index < 0) {
        index = li.length - 1;
    } else if (type == "next") {
      if (index > li.length - 1) {
        index = 0;

    that.now = index;

    let xnum = index + 1;
    let xtiper_num = xtiper_main.getElementsByClassName("xtiper_num")[0];
    xtiper_num.innerHTML = xnum;
    let xtiper_words = xtiper_main.getElementsByClassName("xtiper_words")[0];

    let img;
    for (let i = 0; i < li.length; i++) {
      if (i == index) {
        xtiper_words.innerHTML = that.dataset(li[i], "xtitle");
        xtiper_num.innerHTML = xnum;
        if (c.autoHeight === true) {
          img = li[i].getElementsByTagName("img")[0].offsetHeight;
          img = img + 100;
          if (img > window.innerHeight) {
            if (c.title) {
              img = window.innerHeight;
            } else {
              img = window.innerHeight - 26;
          xtiper_main.style.height = img + "px";
          xtiper_main.style.top = (window.innerHeight - img) / 2 + "px";
      } else {
      if (i == old) {
        li[i].classList.add("xold_" + type);
      } else {
    setTimeout(function () {
      li[old].classList.remove("xold_" + type);
    }, 401);

  Xclass.pt.appScroll = function (e) {

  Xclass.pt.touchmove = function (type) {
    let that = this;

    if (type === false) {
      document.body.addEventListener("touchmove", that.appScroll, {
        passive: false,
    } else {
      document.body.removeEventListener("touchmove", that.appScroll, {
        passive: false,

  Xclass.pt.xcstrRep = function (str) {
    str = str.replace(/[\s\n\r]/g, ""); //空格换行回车
    str = encodeURIComponent(str).toLowerCase();

    let reparr = [
      [/true/g, "1"],
      [/false/g, "0"],
      [/%/g, ""],
      [/\(/g, ""],
      [/\)/g, ""],
      [/open/g, "o"],
      [/ready/g, "r"],
      [/noready/g, "n"],
      [/url/g, "u"],
      [/html/g, "h"],
      [/photo/g, "p"],
      [/function/g, "f"],
      [/99999/g, "9"],
    for (let i = 0; i < reparr.length; i++) {
      str = str.replace(reparr[i][0], reparr[i][1]);

    return str;

  Xclass.pt.maxSize = function (oldval, newval) {
    let that = this;

    let oldsize = that.getsize(oldval) || "";
    let newsize = that.getsize(newval);
    if (oldsize && oldsize[1] == "px" && newsize[1] == "%") {
      if (oldsize[0] > window.innerWidth) {
        return (newsize[0] > 100 ? 100 : newsize[0]) + "%";
      } else {
        return oldval;
    } else {
      return oldval;

  Xclass.pt.danmuStar = function () {
    let that = this;
    let c = that.c;
    let xtipdiv = that.xtipdiv;

    if (xtipdiv.style.animationDuration == "") {
      xtipdiv.style.animationDuration = "6s";

    let danmutime = Number(xtipdiv.style.animationDuration.replace(/s/, ""));
    that.dataset(xtipdiv, "xdanmu", danmutime);

    that.outtime = setTimeout(function () {
    }, danmutime * 1000 + 1);

  Xclass.pt.danmuStop = function () {
    let that = this;
    let c = that.c;
    let xtipdiv = that.xtipdiv;

    let bwidth = document.body.offsetWidth + 22;
    let newtranslate = xtipdiv.getBoundingClientRect().left;
    xtipdiv.style.transform = "translateX(" + newtranslate + "px)";

    if (that.outtime) {
      that.outtime = null;

    let progress = newtranslate / bwidth;
    let lesstime = 6 * progress;
    if (lesstime < 0.4) {
      lesstime = 0.4;
    that.dataset(xtipdiv, "xdanmu", lesstime);
    xtipdiv.style.animationDuration = lesstime + "s";

  Xclass.pt.bclick = function (btn, fun, ifclose) {
    let that = this;

    if (btn) {
      if (fun && typeof fun == "function") {
        btn.addEventListener("click", function () {
      } else {
        if (ifclose === true) {
          btn.addEventListener("click", function () {

  Xclass.pt.autoClose = function () {
    let that = this;
    let c = that.c;
    let xtipdiv = that.xtipdiv;

    if (xtipdiv.getElementsByClassName("xtiper_times")[0]) {
      let times = c.times - 1;
      let i = times;
      let fn = function () {
        xtiper_times = xtipdiv.getElementsByClassName("xtiper_times")[0];
        xtiper_times.innerHTML = i;
        if (i <= 0) {
          that.timer = null;
      that.timer = setInterval(fn, 1000);
    } else {
      let times = c.times;
      if (times && times != 0) {
        setTimeout(function () {
        }, times * 1000);

  Xclass.pt.lock = function () {
    let that = this;
    let c = that.c;
    let xtipdiv = that.xtipdiv;

    if (c.lock === true) {
      that.dataset(xtipdiv, "xlock", 1);
      document.documentElement.style.overflowY = "hidden";

  Xclass.pt.unlock = function () {
    let that = this;
    let flag = 0;
    let winli = document.getElementsByClassName("xtiper_win");

    for (let i = 0; i < winli.length; i++) {
      if (
        that.dataset(winli[i], "xlock") == 1 &&
        winli[i].classList.contains("xoff") === false
      ) {
      if (
        winli[i].classList.contains("xoff") === true &&
        winli[i].getAttribute("id") == that.mainid
      ) {
    if (flag <= 1) {
      document.documentElement.style.overflowY = "";

  Xclass.pt.minmax = function (mtype, act) {
    let that = this;
    let c = that.c;
    let xtipdiv = that.xtipdiv;

    let iftype, setwidth, setheight;
    if (mtype == "min") {
      iftype = that.dataset(xtipdiv, "xmin");
      setwidth = "190px";
      setheight = "40px";
    } else if (mtype == "max") {
      iftype = that.dataset(xtipdiv, "xmax");
      setwidth = "100%";
      setheight = "100%";

    let xtiper_tit = xtipdiv.getElementsByClassName("xtiper_tit")[0];
    let xtiper_main = xtipdiv.getElementsByClassName("xtiper_main")[0];
    let xtiper_content = xtipdiv.getElementsByClassName("xtiper_content")[0];
    let minbtn = xtipdiv.getElementsByClassName("xtiper_min")[0];
    let maxbtn = xtipdiv.getElementsByClassName("xtiper_max")[0];
    let xtiper_bg = xtipdiv.getElementsByClassName("xtiper_bg")[0];

    if (iftype == 1 || act == 1) {
      xtiper_main.style.width = that.dataset(xtipdiv, "xwidth") + "px";
      xtiper_main.style.height = that.dataset(xtipdiv, "xheight") + "px";
      let data_width = xtiper_main.offsetWidth;
      let data_height = xtiper_main.offsetHeight;
      let xleft = (window.innerWidth - data_width) / 2;
      let xtop = (window.innerHeight - data_height) / 2;
      xtiper_main.style.left = xleft + "px";
      xtiper_main.style.top = xtop + "px";
      xtiper_tit.getElementsByTagName("p")[0].setAttribute("title", "");
      that.dataset(xtipdiv, "xmin", "");
      that.dataset(xtipdiv, "xmax", "");
      if (minbtn) {
        minbtn.style.display = "";
      if (maxbtn) {
        maxbtn.style.display = "";

      if (
        (c.model == "win" || c.model == "open") &&
        c.shade === true &&
        c.min === true
      ) {
        xtiper_main.style.position = "";
    } else {
      xtiper_main.style.width = setwidth;
      xtiper_main.style.height = setheight;

      if (mtype == "min") {
        that.dataset(xtipdiv, "xmin", 1);
        xtiper_main.style.top = "auto";
        xtiper_main.style.bottom = "0";
        xtiper_main.style.left = "0";
        if (maxbtn) {
          maxbtn.style.display = "none";

        if (
          (c.model == "win" || c.model == "open") &&
          c.shade === true &&
          c.min === true
        ) {
          xtiper_main.style.position = "fixed";
      } else if (mtype == "max") {
        that.dataset(xtipdiv, "xmax", 1);
        xtiper_main.style.top = "0";
        xtiper_main.style.left = "0";
        if (minbtn) {
          minbtn.style.display = "none";

  Xclass.pt.drag = function (open) {
    let that = this;
    let c = that.c;
    let xtipdiv = that.xtipdiv;

    let drag = xtipdiv.getElementsByClassName("xtiper_tit")[0];
    if (!drag) {
      return false;
    let drag_main = xtipdiv.getElementsByClassName("xtiper_main")[0];

    if (open === true) {
      drag.onmousedown = function (event) {
        let overX = (drag_main.offsetWidth / 4) * 3;
        let overY = (drag_main.offsetHeight / 4) * 3;

        event = event || window.event;
        let diffX = event.clientX - drag_main.offsetLeft;
        let diffY = event.clientY - drag_main.offsetTop;
        if (typeof drag_main.setCapture !== "undefined") {
        document.onmousemove = function (event) {
          event = event || window.event;
          let moveX = event.clientX - diffX;
          let moveY = event.clientY - diffY;
          if (moveX < -overX) {
            moveX = -overX;
          } else if (
            moveX >
            document.body.offsetWidth - drag_main.offsetWidth + overX
          ) {
            moveX = document.body.offsetWidth - drag_main.offsetWidth + overX;
          if (moveY < 0) {
            moveY = 0;
          } else if (
            moveY >
            window.innerHeight - drag_main.offsetHeight + overY
          ) {
            moveY = window.innerHeight - drag_main.offsetHeight + overY;
          drag_main.style.left = moveX + "px";
          drag_main.style.top = moveY + "px";
        document.onmouseup = function (event) {
          this.onmousemove = null;
          this.onmouseup = null;
          //修复低版本ie bug
          if (typeof drag_main.releaseCapture != "undefined") {
    } else {
      drag.onmousedown = function (event) {
        return false;
        document.onmousemove = function (event) {
          return false;
        document.onmouseup = function (event) {
          return false;

  Xclass.pt.shade = function () {
    let that = this;
    let c = that.c;
    let xtipdiv = that.xtipdiv;

    let close = xtipdiv.getElementsByClassName("xtiper_close")[0];
    if (close) {
      close.addEventListener("click", function () {
        if (c.end && typeof c.end == "function") {

    if (c.shadeClose) {
      let bg = xtipdiv.getElementsByClassName("xtiper_bg")[0];
      bg.addEventListener("click", function () {
        if (c.model == "sheet" && c.force) {
          return false;
        } else {
          if (c.end && typeof c.end == "function") {

  Xclass.pt.key = function () {
    let that = this;
    let c = that.c;
    let xtipdiv = that.xtipdiv;

    document.onkeydown = function (event) {
      let e = event || window.event || arguments.callee.caller.arguments[0];
      if (e) {
        if (e.keyCode == 27) {
          //按 Esc
        } else if (e.keyCode == 13) {
          //按 Enter
          if (c.model == "win") {
            if (c.btn2 || c.btn3) {
              return false;
            if (c.btn1 && typeof c.btn1 == "function") {
              c.btn1 = null;
            return false;
        } else {
          return e;

   * 关闭层
   * 关闭层id
   * 是否检查锁定层 checkLock
  Xclass.pt.close = function (closeid) {
    let that = this;
    let c = that.c;
    let checkLock = false;
    let xtipdiv = null;

    if (closeid) {
      xtipdiv = document.getElementById(closeid);
      if (!xtipdiv) {
        return false;
      if (that.dataset(xtipdiv, "xlock") == 1) {
        checkLock = true;
    } else {
      xtipdiv = that.xtipdiv;
      if (c.lock === true) {
        checkLock = true;

    if (!xtipdiv) {
      return false;

    let closenow = false;
    if (xtipdiv.classList.contains("xtiper_danmu") === true) {
      closenow = true;
    } else {
      closenow = false;

    if (closenow === true) {
      let parent_xtipdiv = xtipdiv.parentNode;
      if (parent_xtipdiv) {
    } else {
      if (that.dataset(xtipdiv, "xreset") == 1) {
        if (c.lock === true) {
        setTimeout(function () {
          xtipdiv.style.zIndex = "-99999";
          if (c.min === true) {
            that.minmax("min", 1);
          if (c.max === true) {
            that.minmax("max", 1);
          if (c.model == "open" && c.type == "photo") {
            if (that.ifmob === true) {
              let xtiper_content =
              xtiper_content.style.backgroundColor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)";
            let li = xtipdiv.getElementsByClassName("xtiper_photo_li");
            if (li.length > 0) {
              for (let i = 0; i < li.length; i++) {
                li[i].style.left = "";
                li[i].style.top = "";
        }, 201);
      } else {
        setTimeout(function () {
          let parent_xtipdiv = xtipdiv.parentNode;
          if (parent_xtipdiv) {
        }, 201);

    if (checkLock === true) {

   * 关闭所有层
  Xclass.pt.closeAll = function () {
    let that = this;

    let msgall = document.getElementsByClassName("xtiper");
    if (msgall.length <= 0) {
      return false;
    for (let i = 0; i < msgall.length; i++) {
    document.documentElement.style.overflowY = "";

  Xclass.pt.getsize = function (size) {
    if (size) {
      let reg = /([0-9]+)(px|\%)/;
      let size_arr = size.match(reg);
      let arr = new Array();
      arr[0] = Number(size_arr[1]);
      arr[1] = size_arr[2];
      return arr;

  Xclass.pt.setSize = function (type, px) {
    let that = this;
    let c = that.c;
    if (c.model == "open") {
      let xtipdiv = that.xtipdiv;
      let xtiper_main = xtipdiv.getElementsByClassName("xtiper_main")[0];
      px = parseInt(px);
      if (type == "height") {
        let xtop = (window.innerHeight - px) / 2;
        xtiper_main.style.height = px + "px";
        xtiper_main.style.top = xtop + "px";

  Xclass.pt.setHeight = function (px) {
    let that = this;
    that.setSize("height", px);

  return xtip;