// ==UserScript==
// @name Image Alt to Title
// @namespace myfonj
// @include *
// @grant none
// @version 1.9.2
// @run-at document-start
// @description Hover tooltip of image displaying alt attribute, original title, some accessibility-related properties, and URL info.
// @license CC0
// ==/UserScript==
* https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/418348/versions/new
* Changelog:
* 1.9.2 (2024-11-04): Another fix for SVG titles. Titled SVG (non-root) elements still take precedence over ours "view source" amendments.
* 1.9.1 (2024-11-04): Fix for SVG source overshadowing parent (possibly HTML) title.
* 1.9.0 (2024-10-31): SVG source to its title. Crude, but how I needed this, goddamit!
* 1.8.9 (2024-01-24): better optical formatting of location search (URLSearchParams)
* 1.8.8 (2023-09-12): no "none" background, further tab stop adjustments
* 1.8.7 (2023-09-11): unified tab stop across devices (hopefuly)
* 1.8.6 (2023-09-04): values separated by tab stops from labels
* 1.8.5 (2023-09-04): for multiline string, break them below label, so the first line aligns with rest
* 1.8.4 (2022-11-04): trim long strings
* 1.8.3 (2022-11-02): ~ minor, omit empty filename from info.
* 1.8.2 (2022-10-23): ~ minor, bail out from image-only page also in Chrome / Edge.
* 1.8.1 (2022-10-19): ~ minor text corrections.
* 1.8.0 (2022-10-18): + 'generator-unable-to-provide-required-alt' https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/images.html#guidance-for-markup-generators.
* § Trivia:
* ¶ Hover tooltip displays content of nearest element's title attribute (@title).
* ¶ Alt attribute (@alt) is possible only at IMG element.
* ¶ IMG@alt is not displayed in tooltip.
* ¶ IMG cannot have children.
* ¶ @title is possible on any element, including IMG.
* ¶ IMG@src is also valuable.
* Goal:
* Display image alt attribute value in images hover tooltip, add valuable @SRC chunks.
* Details
* Pull @alt from image and set it so it is readable as @title tooltip
* so that produced title value will not obscure existing parent title
* that would be displayed otherwise. Also include image filename from @src,
* and additionally path or domain.
* Means
* Upon "hover" set image's title attribute. Luckily tooltips delay catches augmented value.
* § Tastcases
* <a>
* <img>
* </a>
* TO:
* <a>
* <img title="Alt missing.">
* </a>
* <a>
* <img alt="">
* </a>
* TO:
* <a>
* <img alt="" title="Alt: ''">
* </a>
* <a>
* <img alt="░">
* </a>
* TO:
* <a>
* <img alt="░" title="Alt: ░">
* </a>
* <a>
* <img alt="░" title="▒">
* </a>
* TO:
* <a>
* <img title="Alt: ░, title: ▒">
* </a>
* <a title="▒">
* <img alt="░">
* </a>
* TO:
* <a>
* <img title="Alt: ░, title: ▒">
* </a>
// do not run at image-only pages
// Firefox is adding alt same as location
if (
document.querySelector(`body > img[src="${document.location.href}"]:only-child`)
) {
// @ts-ignore (GreaseMonkey script is in fact function body)
const originalTitles = new WeakMap();
const amendedSVG = new WeakMap();
let lastSetTitle = '';
const docEl = document.documentElement;
const listenerConf = { capture: true, passive: true };
docEl.addEventListener('mouseenter', altToTitle, listenerConf);
docEl.addEventListener('mouseleave', restoreTitle, listenerConf);
const hoverLoadHandlerConf = { passive: true, once: false, capture: true };
function hoverLoadHandler (event) {
const tgt = event.target;
// console.log('load', tgt)
altPic(tgt, 'prepend');
function altToTitle (event) {
const tgt = event.target;
const tag = tgt.tagName;
if(!tag) {
if(tgt.namespaceURI === 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'){
const origTitle = getClosestTitle(tgt);
const s = tgt.closest('svg');
if(amendedSVG.has(s)) {
let st = s.querySelector('& > title');
// FIXME: add handling for nested titled SVG elements
// not clear how exactly: to always show the full source
// wou would have to temp-remove title elements a hoist
// their text to our root constructed.
let origSource = s.outerHTML;
if( st ) {
} else {
st = s.appendChild(
origSource = origTitle + '\n\n---\n\n' + origSource
st.textContent = origSource;
if (tag == 'IMG') {
if (originalTitles.has(tgt) || (tgt.title && tgt.title === lastSetTitle)) {
// few times I got situations when mouseout was not triggered
// presumably because something covered the image
// or whole context was temporarily replaced or covered
// or perhaps it was reconstructed from dirty snapshot
// so this should prevent exponentially growing title
tgt.addEventListener('load', hoverLoadHandler, hoverLoadHandlerConf);
originalTitles.set(tgt, tgt.getAttribute('title'));
function restoreTitle (event) {
const tgt = event.target;
const s = tgt.closest('svg');
if(amendedSVG.has(s)) {
const ot = amendedSVG.get(s);
const te = s.querySelector('& > title');
if(ot) {
te.textContent = ot;
} else {
if (originalTitles.has(tgt)) {
let ot = originalTitles.get(tgt);
if (ot === null) {
} else {
tgt.title = ot;
tgt.removeEventListener('load', hoverLoadHandler, hoverLoadHandlerConf);
* @param {HTMLImageElement} img
* @param {'prepend'} [mode]
function altPic (img, mode) {
// console.log('altPic', mode);
try {
let titleToAppend = '';
if (mode == 'prepend') {
titleToAppend = img.title;
if (titleToAppend == lastSetTitle) {
const separator = '---';
const info = [];
const alt = img.getAttribute('alt');
let altText = alt || '';
const title = getClosestTitle(img);
const role = img.getAttribute('role');
const isPresentation = role === 'presentation';
if (role) {
info.push('Role:\t' + role);
switch (alt) {
case null:
info.push(isPresentation ? `(Alt missing but not needed for this role.)` : `⚠ Alt missing`);
case '':
info.push(`Alt: ""`);
if (alt != alt.trim()) {
// "quote" characters are generally useful only to reveal leading/trailing whitespace
altText = `»${alt}«`;
if (alt == title) {
info.push(`Alt (=title):\t${altText}`);
} else {
// break first line below "Alt:" label when alt also contains breaks.
altText = '\n' + altText;
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/images.html#guidance-for-markup-generators
const gutpra = img.getAttribute('generator-unable-to-provide-required-alt');
if (gutpra !== null) {
if (title && alt != title) {
info.push('Title:\t' + title);
const descby = img.getAttribute('aria-describedby');
if (descby) {
info.push('Described by (ARIA)`' + descby + '`:\t' + (document.getElementById(descby) || { textContent: '(element not found)' }).textContent);
// deprecated, but let's see
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLImageElement/longDesc
// https://www.stylemanual.gov.au/format-writing-and-structure/content-formats/images/alt-text-captions-and-titles-images
const longdesc = img.getAttribute('longdesc');
if (longdesc) {
info.push('Long Description (deprecated):\t' + longdesc);
const arialabel = img.getAttribute('aria-label');
if (arialabel) {
info.push('Label (ARIA):\t' + arialabel);
// https://html5accessibility.com/stuff/2021/02/09/aria-description-by-public-demand-and-to-thunderous-applause/
const histeve = img.getAttribute('aria-description');
if (histeve) {
info.push('Description (ARIA):\t' + histeve);
var fig = img.closest('FIGURE');
if (fig) {
let capt = fig.querySelector('figcaption');
if (capt && capt.textContent) {
info.push('Caption:\t' + capt.textContent.trim());
const srcURI = new URL(img.currentSrc || img.src, img.baseURI);
const slugRx = /[^/]+$/;
switch (srcURI.protocol) {
case 'http:':
case 'https:': {
if (srcURI.hash) {
info.push('Hash:\t' + trimString(decodeURIComponent(srcURI.hash)));
if (srcURI.search) {
info.push('Search Params:\t' + formatParams(srcURI.search));
let filename = srcURI.pathname.match(slugRx);
if (filename) {
info.push('File:\t' + trimString(decodeURIComponent(String(filename))));
let path = srcURI.pathname.replace(slugRx, '');
if (path && path != '/') {
info.push('Path:\t' + trimString(decodeURIComponent(srcURI.pathname.replace(slugRx, ''))));
if (document.location.hostname != srcURI.hostname || window != window.top) {
info.push('Host:\t' + trimString(srcURI.hostname));
case 'data:': {
info.push('Src:\t' + trimString(srcURI.href));
// ↔ ↕
var CSSsizes = `${img.width} × ${img.height} CSSpx${findRatio(img.width, img.height)}`;
var _width_ratio, _height_ratio;
if (img.naturalWidth && img.naturalHeight) {
// SVG have zero naturals
if (img.naturalWidth == img.width && img.naturalHeight == img.height) {
CSSsizes += ` (Natural)`;
} else {
_width_ratio = '~' + (img.width / img.naturalWidth * 100).toFixed(0) + '% of ';
_height_ratio = '~' + (img.height / img.naturalHeight * 100).toFixed(0) + '% of ';
if (_height_ratio == _width_ratio) {
_height_ratio = '';
CSSsizes += ` (${_width_ratio}${img.naturalWidth} × ${_height_ratio}${img.naturalHeight} natural px${findRatio(img.naturalWidth, img.naturalHeight)})`;
info.push('Size:\t' + CSSsizes);
const cs = getComputedStyle(img);
if (cs.backgroundImage && cs.backgroundImage != 'none') {
info.push('Background:\t' + cs.backgroundImage);
// unified tab stop across devices (hopefuly)
// hotfix for label length and tab widths
// add bunch of spaces to get uniform lengths
// to tab aligns values in all browsers
// (each value has the label at the begining, or not at all)
const labelRgx = /^([A-Z].*?:)(\t)/;
const longestLength = 3 + info.reduce((acc,msg)=>{
if(!msg.startsWith('Background:\t') && labelRgx.test(msg)) {
const l = msg.match(labelRgx)[1].length;
if( acc < l ) {
acc = l;
const finalTitle = info.map(msg=>{
if(labelRgx.test(msg)) {
return msg.replace(labelRgx,(m0, m1, m2)=>{
return m1.padEnd(longestLength, '\u2002') + m2
return msg;
img.title = finalTitle;
if (titleToAppend && (finalTitle != titleToAppend)) {
img.title += '\n\n-- Previously --\n\n'
+ titleToAppend;
lastSetTitle = img.title;
} catch (e) {
// console.error('altPic ERROR', e, img);
* @param {HTMLElement|SVGElement} el
function getClosestTitle (el) {
let _ = el;
do {
let isSVG = _.namespaceURI === 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg';
let svgTitle = _.querySelector('& > title');
if(svgTitle) {
return svgTitle.textContent;
} else {
if (_.title) {
return _.title;
} while (_.parentElement && (_ = _.parentElement));
return ''
function findRatio (x, y) {
var smallest = Math.min(x, y);
var n = 0;
var res = n;
while (++n <= smallest) {
if (x % n == 0 && y % n == 0) res = n;
if (res == 1) {
return ''
return ' [' + x / res + ':' + y / res + ']'
function trimString (str) {
const limit = 524;
if(str.length < limit) {
return str;
return str.slice(0, limit) + ' (…+ '+ (str.length - limit) + ' characters)';
function formatParams(search) {
let result = [];
for ( const [k, v] of new URLSearchParams(search) ) {
if( result.length === 1) {
return result
} else if (result.length > 1){
return '\n' + result.map(_=>`\t${_}`).join('\n')
return ''