Pixiv easy save image

Save pixiv image easily with custom name format and shortcut key.

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Pixiv easy save image

Save pixiv image easily with custom name format and shortcut key.

Support downloading ugoira to gif.

It works well with Patchouli.


Hold your mouse on the image you want to save, and press s key on your keyboard.

How do I customize the filename?

  1. Edit this script in your script manager.
  2. Modify FORMAT.single and FORMAT.multiple functions。

The single is used for single image, and it takes one argument d representing the metadata of this illustration, which can be used to construct the filename you want. The multiple one is similar to single, but it will be used when there is more than one image. It takes 2 arguments d and i, and the latter represent the index of the illustrations (start from 0).

The following block is an example of d metadata object:

  "illustId": "32740714",
  "illustTitle": "Alice.",
  "illustComment": "<span style=\"color:#bfbd00;\">繋いだ手には柔らかな体温<br />握った指が、ゆるり、ほどけたら。<br />枯れた音色の鐘が鳴る。<br />きみは一人で行くんだぜ。</span>",
  "id": "32740714",
  "title": "Alice.",
  "description": "<span style=\"color:#bfbd00;\">繋いだ手には柔らかな体温<br />握った指が、ゆるり、ほどけたら。<br />枯れた音色の鐘が鳴る。<br />きみは一人で行くんだぜ。</span>",
  "createDate": "2013-01-08T15:50:59+00:00",
  "uploadDate": "2013-01-08T15:50:59+00:00",
  "userId": "163536",
  "userName": "Rella",
  "userAccount": "rella"

Can I use other key to save image?

Yes, go http://keycode.info/ and press the key you want. And set KEYCODE_TO_SAVE value to corresponding key's event.which value.