Feedly filtering and sorting

Enhance the feedly website with advanced filtering, sorting and more

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Posted: 18-03-2017
Edited: 18-03-2017

No buttons in Chrome 57 Beta on Chromebook

thanks a lot for a very helpful script. This functionality should be standard in feedly.
On both my Chromebooks with Chrome 57 Beta the buttons
- to close the settings ("x" on top right corner),
- to add a keyword ("+" next to the entry field),
- etc.
are not being displayed. The Import of Settings and the filtering itself works fine.
On the Windows notebook the buttons are displayed as expected.
Any hints what's wrong? Thanks.

soufianesakhiTác giả
Posted: 18-03-2017

Hi, Can you try a hard refresh on the feedly page ? (CTRL + F5 or Command + F5) or else try clearing the cache in the browser

Posted: 18-03-2017
Edited: 19-03-2017

Hi soufianesakhi,

Can you try a hard refresh on the feedly page ? (CTRL + F5 or Command + F5)
or else try clearing the cache in the browser

I tried both, Ctrl+F5 and also deleting the cache, without success. To refresh (F5) is the only possibility to close the settings box.

However, I just found that the ad-blocker (uBlock Origin) blocks the iconfinder.com domain.
Thanks again for your highly appreciated support!

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