GoogleGPT 🤖

Додає відповіді штучного інтелекту в Google Search (на базі Google Gemma + GPT-4o!)

Це версії цього скрипту, де код був змінений. Показати всі версії.

  • v2023.11.11.3 11.11.2023

    Added English fallbacks to localized messages

  • v2023.11.11.2 11.11.2023

    Defined/widened updateAlertWidth, applied to no update found

  • v2023.11.11.1 11.11.2023

    Narrowed reply language confirmation dialog

  • v2023.11.11 11.11.2023

    Bumped chatgpt.js to 2.4.0, added // @name:zh-TW

    ... for localized GF readme

  • v2023.11.10.3 10.11.2023

    Updated Chinese descriptions

  • v2023.11.10.2 10.11.2023

    Added // @name:zh-CN to support localized GF readme

  • v2023.11.10.1 10.11.2023

    Widened chatbar in narrow mode, re-positioned Send button

  • v2023.11.10 10.11.2023

    Updated fatter sidebar style + sidebar-less margin

    • Added expansion of chatbar w/ fatter sidebar
    • Targeted more divs to include feedback footers
  • v2023.11.9.5 09.11.2023

    Refactored handleEnter(event)

    • Removed whitespace ± Renamed cursorPos to caretPos
  • v2023.11.9.4 09.11.2023

    Adjujsted 'View changes' size/pos in About modal

  • v2023.11.9.3 09.11.2023

    Removed line break from source code info in About modal

  • v2023.11.9.2 09.11.2023

    Allowed ctrl+enter to add newlines in replies

  • v2023.11.9.1 09.11.2023

    Reduced bottom padding of loading statuses

  • v2023.11.9 09.11.2023

    Bumped chatgpt.js to 2.3.18

  • v2023.11.8.9 09.11.2023

    Versionless change to fix GitHub sync lag

  • v2023.11.8.9 09.11.2023

    Removed unused const fillColor

  • v2023.11.8.8 09.11.2023

    Updated corner button colors/classes

    ± Merged .about-btn + .speak-btn into .corner-btn ± Refactored speakkSVGpaths routine to rely on CSS for stroke/fill color

    • Added new stroke/fill color styles + on-hover
  • v2023.11.8.7 09.11.2023

    Refactored googleGPTshow(answer)

    ± Renamed elem var names for readability ± Replaced googleGPTdiv.querySelector('pre') from renderMathInElement() w/ answerPre

    • Removed googleGPTdiv.querySelector('section') from show loading routine
  • v2023.11.8.6 09.11.2023

    Localized 'Fatter Sidebar' menu label

  • v2023.11.8.5 09.11.2023

    Bumped chatgpt.js to 2.3.17

  • v2023.11.8.4 08.11.2023

    Updated googleGPTshow(answer)

    ± Added const fillColor

    • Added about button ± Re-positioned speak button
    • Renamed .speak to .speak-btn
    • Merged lines
  • v2023.11.8.3 08.11.2023

    Added tooltip to play button

  • v2023.11.8.2 08.11.2023

    Removed unused sendSVG classes

  • v2023.11.8.1 08.11.2023

    Added speak functionality, refactored code

    ± Eliminated potentially unsafe .innerHTML dependency in googleGPTshow(answer) ± Replaced form + chatbar inits/refs w/ vars from new DOM routine

    • Removed unused footer-related class + routine
  • v2023.11.8 08.11.2023

    Renamed .prefix to .app-name, shortened CSS selectors

  • v2023.11.7.7 08.11.2023

    Added Fatter Sidebar mode

  • v2023.11.7.6 08.11.2023

    Adjusted related query bubble padding

  • v2023.11.7.5 07.11.2023

    Added send icon to related query hovers

  • v2023.11.7.4 07.11.2023

    Changed light-mode color of chatbar stroke + send btn hover

  • v2023.11.7.3 07.11.2023

    Widened related queries div

  • v2023.11.7.2 07.11.2023

    Corrected selector for keydown listener removal

  • v2023.11.7.1 07.11.2023

    Replaced isDarkMode() calls in googleGPTstyle.innerText w/ scheme

    +- Reduced .loading's bottom padding

  • v2023.11.7 07.11.2023

    Defined launchAboutModal(), added nav back on no update found

    ± Re-ordered script/menu function defs

  • v2023.11.6.3 07.11.2023

    Updated size/position of alerts + buttons

  • v2023.11.6.2 06.11.2023

    Updated hostContainer selector, bottom-padded .googlegpt-container

  • v2023.11.6.1 06.11.2023

    Updated related queries' styles

  • v2023.11.6 06.11.2023

    Bumped chatgpt.js to 2.3.16

  • v2023.11.5.15 05.11.2023

    Removed prefix from related queries menu cmd

  • v2023.11.5.14 05.11.2023

    Added keydown listener removal to handleSubmit()

  • v2023.11.5.13 05.11.2023

    Made related queries tabbable

  • v2023.11.5.12 05.11.2023

    Removed {} from unmodded err, added rqClickHandler() comment

  • v2023.11.5.11 05.11.2023

    Added compatibility meta

  • v2023.11.5.10 05.11.2023

    Added stroke/shadows to related query bubbles

  • v2023.11.5.9 05.11.2023

    Globalized RQ click handler, added RQ removal to handleSubmit()

    ± Shrank bottom-margin of related queries parent

  • v2023.11.5.8 05.11.2023

    Added padding/margin to loading + related queries divs

  • v2023.11.5.7 05.11.2023

    Renamed autosizeBox to autosizeChatbar

  • v2023.11.5.6 05.11.2023

    Renamed replyBox to chatbar + googlegpt-reply-box to googlegpt-chatbar

  • v2023.11.5.5 05.11.2023

    Updated padding, re-positioned Send button

  • v2023.11.5.4 05.11.2023

    Applied fixed height to chatbar auto-sizer if 1-liner

  • v2023.11.5.3 05.11.2023

    Widened update modal

Показати всі версії сценарію