// ==UserScript==
// @name Twitter Prime
// @description Free yourself from X ads and analytics.
// @icon https://abs.twimg.com/favicons/twitter.2.ico
// @namespace Itsnotlupus Industries
// @author itsnotlupus
// @license MIT
// @version 1.5
// @match https://twitter.com/*
// @match https://platform.twitter.com/*
// @match https://x.com/*
// @match https://platform.x.com/*
// @run-at document-start
// @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/468394/1247001/utils.js
// @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/472943/1320613/middleman.js
// @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/473998/1246974/react-tools.js
// ==/UserScript==
/* jshint esversion:11 */
/* eslint-env es2020 */
/* global ReactTools, middleMan, traverse, decodeEntities, logGroup, log */
// NOTE: You can edit the following config flags to taste.
const CONFIG = {
// This setting hides upsell, subscriptions, grok and super follow nonsense.
hide_upselling: true,
// When set to true, this setting will show a "Community Notes" tab.
show_community_notes_tag: false,
// When set to true, this settings will show a "Spaces" tab to find Spaces to listen to.
// The UX is a bit wonky on desktop, which might be why it's hidden. Still, it's neat.
show_spaces_tab: false
// Apply our config settings to a Twitter user config object.
function applyConfigOverrides(obj) {
// disable any config key that has a whiff of monetization
Object.keys(obj.config).forEach(key => key.match(/_upsell|subscriptions_|super_follow/) && (obj.config[key] = { value: !CONFIG.hide_upselling }));
// I use this to browse for new relevant config values, sometimes.
// const logConfig = Object.assign({},obj.config);
// Object.keys(logConfig).forEach(key => key.match(/_upsell|subscriptions_|super_follow/) || (logConfig[key].value == false) && (delete logConfig[key]));
// log("Twitter Config", logConfig);
// other optional fun config tweaks
return Object.assign(obj.config, {
responsive_web_birdwatch_note_writing_enabled: { value: CONFIG.show_community_notes_tag },
voice_rooms_discovery_page_enabled: { value: CONFIG.show_spaces_tab },
// Replace t.co shortened links with real URLs
function unshortenLinks(obj) {
const map = {};
// 1st pass: gather associations between t.co and actual URLs
traverse(obj, (obj) => {
if (obj && obj.url && obj.expanded_url) map[obj.url] = obj.expanded_url;
// 2d pass: replace (almost) any string that contains a t.co URL
traverse(obj, (str, parent, key) => {
if (typeof str == 'string' && map[str] && key !== 'full_text') parent[key] = map[str];
return obj;
// Log removed ads to the console, for the curious cats among us.
function logAd(obj) {
const { itemContent } = obj.content ?? obj.item;
const { name, screen_name } = itemContent.promotedMetadata.advertiser_results?.result?.legacy ?? {};
const { result = {} } = itemContent.tweet_results;
const { full_text, id_str } = result.legacy ?? result.tweet?.legacy ?? {};
const url = `https://twitter.com/${screen_name}/status/${id_str}`;
logGroup(`[AD REMOVED] @${screen_name} ${url}`, `From ${name}`, decodeEntities(full_text));
// Why struggle to remove ads/promoted tweets from X's html tag soup when you can simply remove them from the wire?
function removeAds(obj) {
traverse(obj, (obj, parent, key) => {
if (obj && (obj.content ?? obj.item)?.itemContent?.promotedMetadata) {
delete parent[key];
return false;
return obj;
// Twitter has degraded and currently loads tweets from users that blocked you when looking at the timeline of someone who replied to those tweets.
// This attempts to prevent the blocked tweets from getting tombstoned when expanding them.
function avoidTombstonePayloads(obj) {
log("avoidTombstonePayloads", obj);
if (obj?.data?.threaded_conversation_with_injections_v2?.instructions?.[0]?.entries?.[0]?.content?.itemContent?.tweet_results?.result?.tombstone) {
// still a bit too brutal, doesn't allow replies to load. XXX
// we might need to store items fetched previously and inject them in instructions payload to replace tombstones instead of simply deleting them.
return obj;
function expandAllTweets(obj) {
return obj; // doesn't work well enough to enable by default.
log("expandAllTweets", obj);
traverse(obj, (obj, parent, key) => {
if (obj && obj.note_tweet?.is_expandable && obj.note_tweet?.note_tweet_results?.result?.text) {
obj.full_text = obj.note_tweet.note_tweet_results.result.text;
obj.legacy.full_text = obj.full_text;
obj.legacy.display_text_range[1] = obj.full_text.length;
delete obj.note_tweet;
log("Replaced full tweet:", obj.full_text);
// doesn't fully work XXX. the twitter frontend truncates at around 500-650 characters anyway.
return obj;
// Middleman response handler generator. Just add a json editing function.
function transformResponse(transform) {
return async (req, res, err) => {
if (err) return;
return Response.json(transform(await res.json()), {
status: res.status,
headers: res.headers
function main() {
// Disable google analytics
(globalThis.unsafeWindow??window).ga = (method, field, details) => {};
// Mutate Twitter's redux store. This is widely seen as poor form, as it skips/breaks most of redux' logic.
ReactTools.withReduxState(state => applyConfigOverrides(state.featureSwitch.user));
// Intercept requests that would invalidate our config flags
const processSettings = transformResponse(applyConfigOverrides);
middleMan.addHook("https://api.twitter.com/1.1/help/settings.json?*", { responseHandler: processSettings });
// Intercept twitter API calls to use real URLs and remove ads.
const processTwitterJSON = transformResponse(obj => removeAds(unshortenLinks(obj)));
middleMan.addHook("https://twitter.com/i/api/graphql/*", { responseHandler: processTwitterJSON });
middleMan.addHook("https://twitter.com/i/api/*.json?*", { responseHandler: processTwitterJSON });
middleMan.addHook("https://cdn.syndication.twimg.com/tweet-result?*", { responseHandler: processTwitterJSON });
// Twitter doesn't *need* to know what's happening in your browser. They'd like to, but maybe you have a say too.
// The next line means "If you see a network request like this, short-circuit it and return an empty response instead."
middleMan.addHook("https://twitter.com/i/api/1.1/jot/*", { requestHandler: () => new Response() });
// Don't bother loading tombstones. Things work "better" without them.
const showBlockedTweetsSometimes = transformResponse(avoidTombstonePayloads);
middleMan.addHook("https://twitter.com/i/api/graphql/*/TweetDetail?*", { responseHandler: showBlockedTweetsSometimes });
// Attempt to auto expand tweets by default. Not currently working.
middleMan.addHook("https://twitter.com/i/api/graphql/*/TweetDetail?*", { responseHandler: transformResponse(expandAllTweets) });