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AO3 Bookmarking Records

To keep track of bookmarks. Automatically adds on the current date and most recent chapter of the fic you are reading into the bookmark notes. Used for keeping track of when you last read a fic, and what chapter you were on.

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Відгук: Добре - скрипт працює добре

Опубліковано: 02.02.2022

Very cool! Would it be possible to add the fic title and author to the bookmark notes too? In case the fic gets deleted?

Опубліковано: 14.06.2022

Yep! Just done it. Check the latest version available. Sorry I didn't see this much earlier - it's such a good idea, I would have coded it immediately. I've also make adding a wordcount easier, and a summary of when the fic was last updated. Have you been using it regularly? How have you found it? Anything else you think it needs?

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