
Perpetual pages - powerful auto-pager script. Auto fetching next paginated web pages and inserting into current page for infinite scroll. Support thousands of web sites without any rule.

< Відгуки до Pagetual

Відгук: Добре - скрипт працює добре

Опубліковано: 03.02.2023


Опубліковано: 03.02.2023
        "name": "yandex web search mobile",
        "example": "",
        "url": "^https?://yandex\\.com/",
        "include": ".Pager-More",
        "loadMore": ".Pager-More"
        "name": "yandex Images Video search mobile",
        "example": "",
        "url": "^https?://yandex\\.com/",
        "include": ".more_direction_next",
        "loadMore": ".more_direction_next>button"

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