//******************************************************** GATS:IO SCRIPT ********************************************************************/
// ==UserScript==
// @name Gats.io - Vaakir's hack pack GUI
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version 3.0
// @description Hacks, and color mod v1 by Vaakir with the colod mod v2 from nitrogem35
// @author Vaakir youtube & nitrogem35
// @run-at document-end
// @match https://gats.io/
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
// COMMENT : I got bored, okay? So I just made a GUI for some of the scripts, hope y'all like it, I'm satisfied :>
// GATS DEVELOPER : (translate) Ich werde wahrscheinlich diese .io-Spiele verlassen, das Ändern der Funktion [Namen] reicht aus, um dieses Skript zu patchen. Bis das passiert, trololol :joy:
// GATS DEVELOPER : Im probably leaving gonna these .io games, changing the function [names] is enough to patch this script. Untill that happens, trololol :joy:
(function() {
let overlayHTML = `
<link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Orbitron:900" rel="stylesheet"/>
<div id="box">
<div class="ou" id="box2">
<p style="color:white;">⚡ Gats.io Full Hack pack ⚡</p>
<p id="ytlink"><a href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2m-9cAoT8EEO2dqWlk4Yfw" target="_blank">Vaakir Youtube</a></p>
<section><label>Aimbot [Right click]</label> <input id="aimbot" type="checkbox" value="#0000ff"></section>
<section><label>Zoom [mousewheel] </label><div class="checked"></div></section>
<section><label>Mine detection </label><div class="checked"></div></section>
<section><label>Ghost detection </label><div class="checked"></div></section>
<section><label>Silencer detection </label><div class="checked"></div></section>
<section><label>Crate</label> <input id="acrate" type="color" value="#dfbf9f"></section>
<section><label>Long Crate</label> <input id="alongCrate" type="color" value="#bec8dd"></section>
<section><label>Crate Border</label> <input id="acrateborder" type="color" value="#808080"></section>
<section><label>Long Crate Border</label> <input id="alongcrateborder" type="color" value="#808080"></section>
<section><label>Player Crate Border</label> <input id="playercrateborder" type="color" value="#808080"></section>
<section><label>Random Crate Colors</label> <input id="arandom" type="checkbox" value="#0000ff"></section>
<section><label>Random Crate Borders</label> <input id="arandom2" type="checkbox" value="#0000ff"></section>
<section><label>Seizure Mode</label> <input id="seizure" type="checkbox" value="#0000ff"></section>
<section><label>Vaakir Mode</label> <input id="vaakirmode" type="checkbox" value="#0000ff"></section>
<section><label>Reset To Defaults</label> <input id="default" type="checkbox" value="#0000ff"></section>
<section><label>Multiboxing </label><div class="checked notchecked"></div></section>
<section><label>Auto upgrading </label><div class="checked notchecked"></div></section>
<section><label>Scrolling text </label><div class="checked notchecked"></div></section>
<button class="ou" id="accordian">Toggle</button>
#box {
z-index: 10;
position: absolute;
bottom: 10vh;
left: 10px;}
#box2 {
padding: 15px;
margin-bottom: 5px}
section {
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;margin:5px;}
.ou {
background-color: rgba(85,85,85,0.5);
letter-spacing: 3px;
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 15px;
font-family: Orbitron;
p { text-align: center;border-bottom:1px solid white;}
#ytlink { border:0;}
#ytlink a{ color:lime;}
#accordian {
width: 100%;
label { font-weight: bold;}
input {
margin-top: auto;
margin-bottom: auto;
transform: scale(1.3);}
input:hover { cursor: pointer;}
input:focus { box-shadow: 0 0 10px #9ecaed;}
input[type=checkbox] { transform: scale(2.2);outline=none;}
input[type=radio] { border-top: auto;}
input[type=color] { width: 50px;}
.checked {
height: 20px;
width: 20px;
box-shadow: -1px -2px 5px gray;
border: 3px solid gray;
background-color: green;
margin-top: auto;
margin-bottom: auto;
box-shadow: 2 2 2px #a0a0a0;
transform: scale(1.5);}
.notchecked { background-color: red;}
// Usefull functions..
function get(x) { return document.getElementById(x); }
function rColor() { return rgbToHex(Math.floor(Math.random()*255),Math.floor(Math.random()*255),Math.floor(Math.random()*255)); }
function componentToHex(c) { var hex = c.toString(16);return hex.length == 1 ? "0" + hex : hex; }
function rgbToHex(r, g, b) { return "#" + componentToHex(r) + componentToHex(g) + componentToHex(b); }
// Setting up the html div
let overlay = document.createElement("div");
overlay.innerHTML = overlayHTML;
// Getting variables from div by id's
let acrate = get("acrate"),
alongCrate = get("alongCrate"),
acrateborder = get("acrateborder"),
alongcrateborder = get("alongcrateborder"),
aplayercrateborder = get("playercrateborder"),
ran = get("arandom"),
ran2 = get("arandom2"),
seizure = get("seizure"),
defaults = get("default"),
acc = get("accordian"),
vaakirmod = get("vaakirmode"),
aimbot = get("aimbot");
let loop = undefined;
let defaultColors = ["#dfbf9f","#bec8dd","#808080"];
let zoom = 1;
let initAimbot = false;
// Color picker on change
alongCrate.onchange = function() { window.longCrate[0][1][1][3] = this.value; }
acrate.onchange = function() { window.crate[0][1][1][3] = this.value; }
acrateborder.onchange = function() { window.crate[0][0][1][3] = this.value; }
alongcrateborder.onchange = function() { window.longCrate[0][0][1][3] = this.value; }
aplayercrateborder.onchange = function() { window.userCrate[0][0][1][3] = this.value; }
ran.onclick = function() {
if (this.checked) {
let c=rColor(), c2=rColor();
window.crate[0][1][1][3]=c; acrate.value=c;
this.checked = false;
ran2.onclick = function() {
if (this.checked) {
let c=rColor(), c2=rColor(), c3=rColor();
this.checked = false;
seizure.onclick = function() {
if(!loop) {
loop = setInterval(function(){
let c=rColor(), c2=rColor();
window.crate[0][1][1][3] =c;acrate.value=c;
let e=rColor(), e2=rColor(), e3=rColor();
}, 100)
else { clearInterval(loop); loop=undefined; }
defaults.onclick = function() {
if (this.checked) {
window.crate[0][1][1][3] = defaultColors[0]; acrate.value = defaultColors[0];
window.crate[0][0][1][3] = defaultColors[2]; acrateborder.value = defaultColors[2];
window.longCrate[0][1][1][3] = defaultColors[1]; alongCrate.value = defaultColors[1];
window.longCrate[0][0][1][3] = defaultColors[2]; alongcrateborder.value = defaultColors[2];
window.userCrate[0][0][1][3] = defaultColors[2]; aplayercrateborder.value = defaultColors[2];
this.checked = false;
vaakirmod.onclick = function() {
window.crate[0][0][1][3] = "#4dd8f0"; acrate.value = "#4dd8f0";
window.crate[0][1][1][3] = "#b1e9f9"; acrateborder.value = "#b1e9f9";
window.longCrate[0][0][1][3] = "#303030"; alongCrate.value = "#303030";
window.longCrate[0][1][1][3] = "#646464"; alongcrateborder.value = "#646464";
this.checked = false;
// Toggle functionality
acc.onclick = function() {
let panel = get("box2");
if (panel.style.display == "grid") panel.style.display = "none";
else { panel.style.display = "grid"; }
// Zoom hack on mousewheel scrolling
window.addEventListener("wheel", function(e) {
let dir = Math.sign(e.deltaY);
if (dir== 1) {j7*=1.1;j8*=1.1;a1();zoom*=1.1;}
if (dir==-1) {j7*=0.95;j8*=0.95;a1();zoom*=0.95;}
// The script just commits suicide without a timeout apparantly. Bc of (0) data
// Shows landmines
// Shows camos
// Shows silencers
}, 3000);
// Aimbot w/tracers [I know, I know, the code could be prettified, but fuck that, lemme just publish it as it is, I have other projects calling..]
let hw = document.getElementById("canvas");
let can1 = document.createElement("canvas");
can1.id = "c1"; can1.width = 1224; can1.height = 768;
can1.style.zIndex = 1; can1.style.position = "absolute";
let myctx = can1.getContext("2d");
aimbot.onclick = function() {
if (this.checked == false) myctx.clearRect(0, 0, can1.width, can1.height);
// Right click to switch aimbot on/off
document.addEventListener('contextmenu', function(e) {
if (e.which == 3) {
if (aimbot.checked) {
myctx.clearRect(0, 0, can1.width, can1.height);
} else aimbot.checked = true;
// Im fully aware I could optimize and shorten this down 2 times
if (aimbot.checked) {
can1.width = hw.width;
can1.height = hw.height;
let enemies = [];
let me = RD.pool[c3];
for(let player of Object.values(RD.pool)) {
if(!player.activated) continue
if(player.id == me.id) continue
if(player.teamCode) if(player.teamCode == me.teamCode) continue
if(player.hp == 0) continue
let diX;
let diY;
let num = 0;
let dis = 10000;
for (let i = 0;i<enemies.length;i++) {
let ndis = Math.sqrt( (enemies[i].x-RD.pool[c3].x)**2 + (enemies[i].y-RD.pool[c3].y)**2 );
if (ndis < dis) {
dis = ndis;
num = i;
dis /= 35;
let playerScreenPos = c2.getRelPos(RD.pool[c3]);
playerScreenPos.x *= j5;
playerScreenPos.y *= j5;
let angle = RD.pool[c3].mouseAngle*(Math.PI / 180);
let playerGunPos = {
x: playerScreenPos.x+Math.cos(angle-Math.PI/18)*(80*j5),
y: playerScreenPos.y+Math.sin(angle-Math.PI/18)*(80*j6)
if (enemies.length >= 1) {
diX = (enemies[num].x-RD.pool[c3].x)+playerScreenPos.x;
diY = (enemies[num].y-RD.pool[c3].y)+playerScreenPos.y;
let newY, newX, me=RD.pool[c3];
// Not necessary but, yk, I found it pretty usefull
if (enemies[num].dashing == 0) {
newX = diX+enemies[num].spdX*dis;
newY = diY+enemies[num].spdY*dis;
} else {
newX = diX;
newY = diY;
if (aimbot.checked) {a57({clientX:newX,clientY:newY});}
myctx.strokeStyle = "red";
myctx.lineWidth = 3;
for (let i=0;i<enemies.length;i++) {
dis = Math.sqrt( (enemies[i].x-RD.pool[c3].x)**2 + (enemies[i].y-RD.pool[c3].y)**2 )/35;
diX = (enemies[i].x-RD.pool[c3].x)+playerScreenPos.x+enemies[i].spdX*dis;
diY = (enemies[i].y-RD.pool[c3].y)+playerScreenPos.y+enemies[i].spdY*dis