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●→■ Unround Everything Everywhere ◙

Forces zero border-radius to everything.

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Відгук: Добре - скрипт працює добре

Опубліковано: 03.02.2024


Do you think that you can also add YouTube please ?

Thank you for your answer.

Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox Browsers with Tampermonkey or Violentmonkey

Опубліковано: 04.02.2024

Hi, I'm not certain how to do that, since this is a very basic style with a main global part and few customizations for particular websites. It seems that when installed as a script then the main global part is just stripped off and only customisations remain in the code. I'll look into it eventually, at least to find out if it's a bug or intended feature of Greasyfork's style to script conversion.

Meanwhile, I'd advise you to use regular userstyle manager (Stylus, preferably) for styles instead of userscript managers handling styles-injecting scripts, because former should be way more reliable and robust. I can confirm that with Stylus it works well on YouTube.

Опубліковано: 04.02.2024

Okay, very well and thanks a lot for all these explanations ;-)

Опубліковано: 05.02.2024

Happy to help. Thanks for headsup that there is a problem with JS version.

Anyway, there in fact are (parts of) sites that will not be affected by this (or any other) style anyway (currently one notable instance is the Bing/Copilot chat interface). That's because it uses web components that resist style injection and isolate cascade. The only way I know about how to affect them is to use native browser user style, and that is a bit cumbersome and is possible in fact only in Firefox (afaik).

Опубліковано: 12.02.2024

Hi, the style should be working again through userscript. Sibling comment reminded me of this problem and made me finally investigate it. Both workaround on my side and fix for original bug on greasyfork side are deploed, the latter thans GF mainetainer. See

Опубліковано: 27.02.2024


Very sorry for my late reply...

Thank you very much for all your work, your rapidity and for your amazing script ; it works very well on all websites now and I like it so much :-)

Опубліковано: 01.05.2024


Unfortunately the Chrome Web Store of Google -> doesn't unrounded... Do you think that you can solve this please ?

Опубліковано: 01.05.2024


Unfortunately the Chrome Web Store of Google -> doesn't unrounded... Do you think that you can solve this please ?

Sorry again for the inconvenience 😥

More precisely, it doesn't work on Google Chrome.

Furthermore, the script doesn't work on older browsers like Google Chrome Portable version 80 for example (which I use for websites that incredibly no longer work well on the new versions of Google Chrome 😲) ; it's voluntary or not please ?

Опубліковано: 01.05.2024

Same for the Google One avatar at always on Google Chrome if that's the one you mean...

Опубліковано: 02.05.2024

I'll look into that later this, but as for, I think that the culprit is simply that no extension is allowed to run on that site, at least this restriction is common for all browsers: their "marketplaces" are forcedly block-listed for all extensions, to prevent malicious extensions to alter the marketplace itself. It would be nice if there was a power-user switch to override that, but to my knowledge there is none.

As for Chrome 80: no sure if I would be able to conduct proper testing (*). Are you using other scripts in it, and do they work properly? Are you still using userscript version of this style? (Have you tried the Stylus extension for that, perchance?)

As for your screenshot: I see no avatar in it: by "avatar" I mean your "photo" in the top right corner across google sites, that which gets the colourful circular border when you subscribe to google one, that is "squared" by this style. (There still might be google sites that are not affected.) Circular iconography that does not appear very often I leave alone, until it start to bother me, like the facebook logo. (But making even more radical style (or perhaps real script) that sharpens all arcs in SVGs in pages sounds like a interesting/wicked idea :])

(* Anecdotally, my experience with old Chromes (5+ years old, on device with OS way beyond its support cycle, so without mean to update even Chrome) is quite opposite: many *modern* sites using current encryption does not load there. Solution usually is to switch to Firefox, when possible.)

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