The Amazon Review Tabulator - TART

Lists all of your reviews with vote and comment tallies, with updates highlighted

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Опубліковано: 19.06.2018

Looks like vote totals are back on the profile page

Just a heads-up if there is any interest in reviving TART. It seems Amazon has restored up vote counts to reviews in the user profile and direct links to the reviews.

Опубліковано: 19.06.2018

This was noted on the other thread, as well. My response:

Interesting. That removes one of the TWO hurdles to making a TART-like summary table. Here's what I wrote in an email to another TART user, regarding the other hurdle (having noted that any solution would have to work for an unknown, large number of reviews, possibly 8000, as I recalled):

The other big problem is dealing with the infinite scroll on the Amazon profile page. I've never dealt with infinite scroll before. Apparently, there are 2 approaches to dealing with it:

1) Skillful programming, in which the Amazon loading scheme is deciphered, then put to use in loading material in the background, in chunks. I took a look at the first level of Amazon's scheme, and, sadly, could not make any sense of the URL tokens used in making the calls. The next step would be to download Amazon's script, and try to figure it out, there. Meh, that's getting pretty deep in the weeds for a self-taught hobbiest... AJAX, jquery, and whatever other advanced coding that I don't expect to be all that accessible for someone of my skill level.

2) Crude, git-er-done approach, which forces the profile page to scroll until all reviews are loaded. This would be more my style. BUT, we're talking about possibly 8000 review synopses, for a hell of a long page, and greater likelihood of hitting hardware or browser limits. These limits would be tested on other peoples machines! Even running fake data on my own computer (to simulate 8000 reviews) would not insure that others would run as well.

While my interest level in Amazon is WAY down, if not for this hurdle, I think I would go ahead and do the project.

Now, if there's a programmer out there with solid insight about approach #1, above, and wishes to share information that I could understand, that would be great. Absent that, my interests will remain elsewhere.

Опубліковано: 10.11.2020
Edited: 10.11.2020

Quite interesting approaches are described. With which it is worthwhile to understand in more detail, because there is a lot to be understood and understood in detail. But the main thing is to develop the correct strategy for playing online with the withdrawal of money!

Опубліковано: 10.11.2020

Насчет того что нужно всегда придерживаться стратеги и искать соответствующие подходы, так это в самую точку. А то многие просто плачут что у них не получилось или их обманули. А сами не могут просто сделать правильные верные шаги в этом направлении. Для себя я давно определили вот этот сайт с вывод денег. Так что теперь только использую свою разработанную стратегию. Можете и вы попробовать. Могу обратить ваше внимание лишь на то, что здесь довольно удобный способ вывода денег.

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