The Amazon Review Tabulator - TART

Lists all of your reviews with vote and comment tallies, with updates highlighted

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Опубліковано: 13.11.2016

No longer working with Amazon UK

Loving TART.

Until I presume v1.1.3, I was able to get TART working with Amazon UK (*)

All I had to do was amend the @include and replace the one occasion of ".com" in the script to "". Unfortunately, I can no longer get this working.

Would you be able to provide a temp fix and in the long term allow other local versions? I did try to add "" version via tamper monkey's setting page but it made no difference (even after new tabs and reloads).

Thank you!

Опубліковано: 13.11.2016
Edited: 13.11.2016

Hi C S. I've been hoping to hear from users of some other Amazon sites. It should not take much for us to get this working for UK, and, I'll bake it right into the script. I think I would need interaction and confirmation from someone in any other specific country domain, to do the same.

I know exactly what caused it to stop working for you. I'll refer to a screen cap that I'll attach. In the beginning, I was getting the user's Amazon ID number from the link at A. It was eventually pointed out to me that the script was not working for users NOT in the top 10000, because their rank does not contain a link to the top 10000 reviewers list. Duh! I'll assume -- and you can confirm -- that there is a similar difference for UK reviewers that are or are not in the top 10000. That means that, while your 2 small edits to the script worked for you, they would not have worked for UK users NOT in the top 10000.

So, at version 1.1.3, I began getting the ID from the link at B, which is formatted differently than it was at link A. I was no longer capturing the last 14 characters in the link, but working X characters from the beginning of the link -- which means the difference in length from .com, to is throwing off capture of the ID number.

To resolve this, I'll just need you to confirm that B does exist on the UK site, and, that the only difference between my link (see arrow, captured by hovering B ), and your link, is the -- if that is the case, I can post an update, probably later today. Once it's working, it would be great if you would post a note on the UK Top Reviewer Forum, to let others know that TART exists, and is working for UK. And, great, also, if you'll then edit your blue feedback dot on this thread, to green, for positive rating.

Опубліковано: 13.11.2016

C S, I think I've got it. Please try the update, and LET ME KNOW if it's working for you, with no modifications. Thanks

Опубліковано: 14.11.2016

Hi AF, you're doing God's work :). OK maybe not his work but a close friend of his.

I've just tried v1.18 via Chrome and TamperMonkey but sadly could not get the script to work and hopefully you will see why.

If you like, you can email me direct at: ng7np1bx0yjkzmtjez atatatatatatat so we can test out separately.

Thanks for your perserverence and enthusiasm!

Опубліковано: 14.11.2016
Edited: 14.11.2016

You seem to be comfortable editing the script code. Replace the "// find reviewer ID" block near the end, with the following. There are still several ways this could be wrong, but, we might get lucky. Note the comment about the dialog, and, possibly changing a number value, depending on results. Save, then refresh the page for each tweak.

If I'm still not close, then right-click over "Customer Reviews", and select Inspect Element. Get me a screen shot like I'll attach. If there's a triangle at the left of Customer Reviews, in the Inspector, make sure it's opened up.

Let me know. Thanks

// find reviewer ID
var url = window.location.href;
if(url.indexOf('') > -1) {
var findProfileLink = document.evaluate("//b[contains(.,'Your Profile')]/a", document, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);
else {
var findProfileLink = document.evaluate("//a[contains(.,'Customer Reviews')]", document, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);
var profileLink = findProfileLink.snapshotItem(0).getAttribute("href");
var lst = profileLink.split("/");
userID = lst[4]; // if dialog shows some other segment of the url, change this number
alert(userID); // popup dialog that we want to show user ID

Опубліковано: 14.11.2016

See above.

Опубліковано: 14.11.2016

Congratulations! It worked :) My ID popped, Tabulate appeared the left and clicking through produced a nice table of sortable results!

The only thing I would add and I don't know if it is related or not, is if changing Display Mode produces the layout\format of the table differs every so slightly and the tables are not sortable. See image

Ratins updated!

I don't use the Amazon forums otherwise I woud update there too.

Let me knwo if you need futher testing.

Опубліковано: 14.11.2016

Thanks C S. We might just need further testing at some future time, since Amazon might either try to bring consistency to international sites, or, might do something screwy, to break things.

Yes, the sorting and selection of updates only do not work in the mode that displays on a new tab. The script has permission to run on Amazon sites, and, the results page that I've created from scratch doesn't have permission to run the script. It has to do with preventing cross-site security issues. Seems silly. I've been trying to find a work-around, and expect to succeed, sooner or later.

Опубліковано: 15.11.2016

I'm here when you need me :) I personally don't mind about the lesser functionality as I use the other one.

Thank you!

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